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What are your table rules?


BiggusGeekus said:
Biggus Geekus' House Rules[/u[

9) Powergaming is permitted. If you want to spend five hours min-maxing your character, that is time well spent and every bit as valid as the role-player who writes is own poetry in elvish. .

I actually respect that rule a lot because I'd never seen it put that way. I'm adding it to my own house rulebook.


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Mostly, my group follows the "Don't be a jerk." rule. There are a few things that we've had to tell each other, but nothing has really been written down.

1. Don't be vocally judgemental about people's personal habits, religious affiliations, politics, orientation, membership in the armed forces, and so on... Unless it is directly affecting you, right now, in a way that is causing you to lose a lot of blood... Keep your mouth shut about it.

2. Don't make a mess. If you do make a mess, clean it up.

3. Try not to break things. Yes, accidents happen, but you can and should take steps to avoid accidents as much as possible, you clumsy git... Do you not see that you're causing Beavis to lose a lot of blood?

4. Don't smoke in someone else's house, unless the owner of the house has invited you to do so.

5. Don't bring drugs to someone else's house, unless the owner of the house has invited you to do so.

6. Don't bring your children to someone else's house, unless the owner of the house has invited you to do so. It has never come up, but I'm sure that the same would apply to pets, as well.

Hmm... I think those are about the only things that have come up. Things that I've noticied in other people's rules that we do allow are:

Eating, excessive socializing, the use of laptops, arguing with the DM, smacking the other players, strategizing, taking as long as you like for your turn, metagaming, powergaming, munchkinizing, evil charactering, making loud noises, bribing the DM, bribing the other players, being late, borrowing dice, borrowing books, snatching french fries, and other shenanigans.


Gold Roger

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My current group doesn't have any rules, but most of us have been playing for quite some time together (every member has played for as long as he's been playing RPG altogether). Lot's of unspoken rules we don't even think about.

Should I ever start up a completely new group I'd propably put up some guidelines, just so everyone is on the same page.


A Game Players

Our main ones have arisen from years of 'learning' what we don't like and reflect all of those others. We've updated them to be a lot less cynical however.

Although the "be mature" statement is the best ever, realize that players are stupid and immature (and that's why they're not the DM ;)

Our table rules are set in cement and have been decided over years of feedback from our DM’s and players. We expect that all of our players always bring their “A” game to the table.

“A” Game Players:

1. Always remember the necessities of gaming: House Rulebook, 3.5 PHB, character sheet, and a painted miniature.
2. Have consistent internet access for the discussion group.
3. Have their character finished and reviewed by the DM before the game starts and has a back-up character ready to go.
4. Have characters that aren’t evil or annoying, but are well-rounded and have something in common with other characters in the game.
5. Always leave mental garbage at the door and avoid talking about how bad their day was or why they’re late. They understand that the rest of the group doesn’t care and that we’re here to game, have fun, and forget about real life.
6. Understand that we have very limited gaming time so they avoid rude, non-game, cross-table talking.
7. Are here for mustering at 6:15 pm, ready to start gaming at 6:30pm, and are here until the end at 10:30pm.
8. CALL/EMAIL us if they can’t make it with as much lead time as possible and if they must show up late, all we hear is,”…and Krusk comes running up and he has an initiative of 18.”
9. IS IN-CHARACTER AND IN THE GAME. “A” Players appreciate and cooperate and speak in-character with other players and the DM’s NPC’s to help contribute to the game.
10. “A” Players say what weapon they attacked with or briefly describe their skill action checks.
11. “A” PLAYERS POLICE THEIR OWN: If you see a player who might be goofed up on his character sheet or needs an attitude change, set him straight. You have the DM’s permission.
12. “A” Players write down the other PC’s names and their characters attitude towards them.
13. Definition of Metagaming: Using out of game information for in-game cheating. Metagaming will drop your x.p.
14. Respect the other players and DM and aren’t be a stinker in attitude or body odor. They understand we’re here to have fun and they help make sure that everyone does.
15. Read some Conan books or comics and learn something about the world of Hyboria. It’s one of the reasons D&D exists.
16. Do NOT invite new people without permission.



First Post
1. All tables must have at least 3 or more legs.
2. All tables must have a flat top surface large enough to accomodate at the minimum one notepad or gaming book.
3. All tables must be level enough so that dice rolled on them do not slide off onto the floor.

Those are my table rules and by God I'm sticking to them!

the Jester

We've never written down our table rules. Very few of them are codified; in general, I'd say the rules in my group are:

1. Be there to PLAY THE GAME, not to talk on your cell phone or play video games.

2. Dice Conventions: Roll on a chosen surface. If a die falls off your surface, reroll it. If a die is cocked, reroll it.

3. Absent players, for the most part, fade from view. They are assumed to still be traveling with the party, but they are 'sick,' 'scouting ahead,' 'off taking a crap,' 'guarding the mounts' or whatever. In some cases absent pcs may be used in game for one reason or another, and if the party suffers a tpk while they are somewhere from which there is no escape, absent players are killed too.

4. In the epic game, roll all your dice at once or else the group will mock you and call you a wuss.


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Unwritten rules:

No pooping during combat.

No calling your boyfriend or girlfriend in the middle of the game.

The pizza we order will have meat on it.

No threatening shop keepers because you want items to be cheaper.

We don't have any formal table rules. I guess "be mature" or "don't be an ass" is assumed.

As DM, I do have a semi-serious rule that player's are not allowed to touch the black magic death dice. This is for their own protection. If they do touch the black magic death dice, I won't punish them or anything, but it seems to bring bad luck down on them, by itself. (Dice superstition -- a gaming tradition...)


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The Shaman said:
That could certainly help speed things up around the table...


Actually, speeding things up was not the reason for this rule. We just wanted to get rid of the whole "shouting I cast fireball! from the bathroom" thing.

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