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D&D General What are your weirdest parties?


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Back in AD&D 2nd ed we had an intentional "monster party". Of course, back then Fantasy Racism was a standard so we were generally not welcome in civilization. I think the most normal we had was a centaur and a bugbear, then a goat-man (barataur?) and a bunch of different monster-men and just monsters. Sorry, it was 30+ years ago, I don't remember all the specifics.

The centaur IIRC got killed and reincarnated as a bullywug, which the alignment was evil so the NPC ruled he became an NPC. Ah, early racial alignments.

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Uh if I talk about said parties, ENworld is gonna ban me from the site.

okay no not really but still I would get banned making up stuff like that.


5e Freelancer
All of my campaigns have weird party compositions. We've only ever had a single campaign (Icewind Dale) with all the PCs being races from the PHB, and even then one of them was a Tiefling, and another was a Drow. Here are my 3 weirdest (so far).

From my Eberron Campaign:
  • Male Warforged Battlesmith Artificer with an Aberrant Dragonmark and snake theme (Boa Constrictor-shaped Steel Defender, Flying Snake-shaped Homunculus Servant)
  • Female Mark of Making Human War Wizard that was banished from House Cannith North
  • Male Firbolg Open Hands Monk with the Eldritch Claw tattoo and a pet Displacer Beast (with a saddle and mithral plate barding armor)
  • Female Goblin Creation Bard from Darguun that "sings" war-chants (kind of like the Haka), typically animates corpses of her fallen enemies as Dancing Items (creation bard feature), and uses a Holy Weapon Rapier in battle
From my Spelljammer Campaign:
  • Male Githzerai Circle of Stars Druid (who was the pilot of their spelljamming ship, strangely)
  • Male Mountain Dwarf Battlerager Barbarian that met the party while floating in a rowboat in Wildspace, almost out of oxygen
  • Male Human Eldritch Knight Fighter native to the Rock of Bral, who was discovered living in an asteroid belt, leaping from asteroid to asteroid, living off of what little sustenance he could find on them (food, water, oxygen)
  • Scro Oath of the Watchers Paladin that was on a crusade to kill all aberrations in the Rock of Bral
  • Female Star Elf (homebrew) Valor Bard that formerly owned a small living-plant ship from the Elven Armada, before losing a space battle against the Neogi and being stranded on the Rock of Bral
  • Male Longstrider Shifter Ranger that was taken prisoner and enslaved by the Neogi on a spider-ship in Realmspace
From my homebrew Campaign:
  • Nonbinary Glass-Golemfolk (called a "Prysmex Golmeng" in the setting) Vehiculist Artificer (almost all homebrew), that created magitek vehicles out of Glassteel
  • Female Black-Chromatic Dragonborn Drakewarden Ranger, with a White-Dragon style Drake that acted like a nice, sentient dragon-cat
  • Male Human Profane Soul Blood Hunter that travelled as a contracted monster-hunter (Witcher-knock-off, basically)
  • Male Tiefling Fiend Warlock of Inferna that grew up on the Plane of Fire (homebrewed daughter of Zariel, who was redeemed, but remained a fiend, living in the Elemental Plane of Fire).
  • Female Felshen (basically psychic flesh-golem people, this one with purple skin) Aberrant Mind Sorcerer that got their magic powers by being "Awakened" by an Ancient Amethyst Dragon


Way back in my 2E days, my youngest son used to run some fairly weird PCs in our campaign. Besides the centaur fighter Vorrak (not too weird), there was the falcon hengeyokai ranger Talon and the aspis drone thief Bug.

The weirdest thing my older son would do with his PCs in those days was run them all like a front-line fighter, regardless of class. Human cleric? Screw the healing, no way am I messing about with turning undead, I'm running straight to the monsters and whacking them with my mace. Elf mage/thief? Screw the spells or the sneaking about, I'm running straight to the monsters and whacking them with my sword.



Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Giving the party a wand of "Reincarnation" way back in 1E resulted in PC's returning as:
  • Lizardman
  • Centaur
  • Raccoon
Looking back at the 1E Druid spell, I don't know how that one PC became a lizardman. That race isn't on the lists. However, I had the original Rogue's Gallery book and one PC therein was a lizardfolk. So perhaps I was influenced by that.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
My current Eberron game - 2 Firbolg Bards (one MC Cleric, the other MC Warlock), a Shadar-Kai Cobalt Soul Monk, Halfling Ranger, Kobold Wizard (Scribe), Vryloka Vengeance Paladin (homebrew race based on 4e race), Bugbear Ranger (Swarmkeeper, with a ferret swarm). The campaign has some rotating NPCs who are statted up as PCs to flesh them out, including an Valenar Elf Rogue, a Human Hunter Ranger (but only bc dnd refuses to have an archer class), and a Human Noble Artillerist Artificer/Rogue.

My homebrew world game - Grung Fighter, Tabaxi Fighter, Water Genasi Bard, Elf Barbarian.

My freind's Waterdeep game is fairly close to standard by comparison - Human Artificer, custom Goliath (half storm giant half triton) Barbarian, Elf Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Tiefling Rogue.

A couple of examples of groups with non core race options that I'm currently playing in, neither are really that weird (IMO):

Dwarf - Druid (spore)
Tiefling - Wizard
Warforged - Cleric
Tortle - Monk*


Changeling - Fighter
Satyr - Bard
Githyanki - Barbarian/Druid*

*My character

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