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D&D 5E What awesome thing happened in your game recently?


In last night's game our party was beaten up pretty badly when we encountered a more formidable opponent. We hurt her a bit, but so she took off and a few of our pcs saw her use a rune circle to escape. Our sorcerer tried to follow and mimic what the foe's words and gestures. She did it and was able to follow. Then the fighter tried, but another fighter in our party tried to pull him back. Neither of them replicated the gestures so they took necrotic damage which knocked both down to 0 hp but they stayed on this side. Our warlock made it through to join the sorcerer, but our rogue couldn't get through. My cleric was searching the foe's chamber and heard the commotion, but since the two fighters were down I stood guard over them hoping the sorcerer and the warlock would come back.

It turns out that those two had a battle with the foe who was trying to escape on horseback. In a few rounds our friends appeared in the rune circle with the dead body of our foe.

I love when we split the party. It always adds tension and excitement.

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Mine isn't from a 5e D&D game - it is classic Deadlands - I hope that's okay.

Last night, all in one scene, my players got hired by the voodoo king of New Orleans to stop railroad construction trouble that is the party's fault, discovered that their mad scientist's hyper-intelligent monkey had become evil and had poisoned one of the lieutenants of said voodoo king, and that one of the PCs is pregnant. I almost needed a new mechanic for subtext in this scene. :)
Good stuff. :)

I definitely want to get a Deadlands game running again. I will probably use the GRW version aka Savage Worlds rules but it is damn fun either way. I still have my real leather-bound copy of Deadlands classic.

Fun stuff that recently happened in my 5E game include a PC picking up a NPC girlfriend in a bar scene. Also the hobbit rogue in the party attempted to steal/acquire secretly some treasure and it was a Stone of Bad Luck. :)


The party in rapid succession...

Jumped into a shadow portal to escape a collapsing castle after taking a magic item guarded by a skeletal dragon...
entering a demiplane created by a brass dragons madness and anger at being trapped and alone, saving its good half of soul...
to be dumped in the shadowfell where they encountered a villa occupied by "7 deadly sins" trying to claim them for a contest...
which they escaped by killing Wrath, the dragon who corrupted the brass dragon from before and claiming a key that took them to...
the prime material plane, only to realize that time in the demiplane moved too fast, and now they were 1000 years in the future...
which allowed them to see the world as it would be if they don't fix things in their "current" time, including no magic, dwarves controlling the world, and all elves dead to the Lethe disease from their time...

And a quick visit to the chronomancer gave them a ride back "home"....


First Post
My players just hit 2nd Level. After a week of heavy role-playing in Hommlet, and a chat with Lord Rufus about the missing dwarf, Gudrun, they decided to head out to the Moathouse, where the dwarf is believed to have been taken.

The Gnome Diviner sent his Owl Familiar to overfly the Moathouse and surrounding area, looking for guards and the like. Back came the report that there were "frogs too big to eat" in the swamp, along with "lizards the size of men" also lurking around (the latter are members of the lizardfolk tribe who live in the swamp, and are searching for a lost Holy Artifact).

The Elf Rogue further scouted and reported back the presumed size of the frogs, based on the size and spacing of the eyes visible above the water. The Gnome suddenly became very afraid!

At this point, the Cleric of Olidammara pipes up that using his Invoke Duplicity power (out of Channel Divinity), he could send his duplicate along the path, draw out the frogs, and let the party pepper them from range!

And lo! That is what came to pass. The Duplicate even managed to contribute to the amphibian slaughter, as cantrips were cast via his duplicitous hand. Things got even worse for the frogs, when one "swallowed" the duplicate, only to get a bad case of heartburn as the Duplicate cast Sacred Flame inside it!

With the frogs slain, the Duplicate was sent over to the lizardfolk lurking in the swamps. His gestures and appearance scared them: one threw a javelin, which passed through the false cleric, scaring the poor reptiles away.


First Post
As DM I let go of the impulse to please and impress the players and instead ran the kind of session I enjoy running--interaction, character development, role-playing, intrigue, world-building, and some really great scene-work on the part of the players.

There was no combat (although there could have been a TPK had the players chosen differently) and at least half a dozen memorable NPCs came into being. As we played, the players world-built a setting unlike any I'd have imagined myself, so the session was surprising and engaging for me and doubly as compelling for them, I think.

Kudos for starting this thread, too. It is a good thread.
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Mine isn't from a 5e D&D game - it is classic Deadlands - I hope that's okay.

Last night, all in one scene, my players got hired by the voodoo king of New Orleans to stop railroad construction trouble that is the party's fault, discovered that their mad scientist's hyper-intelligent monkey had become evil and had poisoned one of the lieutenants of said voodoo king, and that one of the PCs is pregnant. I almost needed a new mechanic for subtext in this scene. :)

If the monkey's name is "Mojo Jojo," you officially win the internet.

In my Monday night Dragonlance game:

The party has arrived in Sanction to discover what has happened to the good dragons (this is a retelling of the War of the Lance). Upon arrival, the two sorcerers (one a gnomish wild mage, the other a half-elf dragon sorcerer) discover that magic is acting strangely here. The gnome finds that his magic is rigid...he's not able to do wild surges for some reason.

Eventually, Lord Ariakus gathers his troops and mobilizes from the city, heading to the plains of Solamnia. The strange magical effect fades, so the group decides to head into the temple of Huerzyd to continue their investigation.

Within, they encounter a large group of draconians that are patrolling the temple. The knight gleefully grabs his sword and starts mowing through the enemy while the rest of the party supports him.

The wild mage, who is finally able to cast magic normally, casts a Chromatic Orb at a Bozak draconian...and rolls a 1 for his wild surge. The percentile dice arrive...he rolls a 2. Wild surge every round for the next minute. For days, his magic had been stagnant and ordered, so chaos returned with a vengeance.

The party and the draconians are currently running in fear from the gnome...


What awesome thing happened in your game recently?

The bard pointed out how the room they'd entered was obviously a trap, and the party's solution was to rush in blindly. It was awesome because I was the DM and the room was elaborately trapped. :cool: 3 out of 5 PCs down in the first two rounds. The newer players are going to re-think the blind charge as a valid strategy...or not. No one died after all.

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