What book would you like to see become a movie/mini-series?

I read Anderson's ''Brain wave' novel a long time ago, and in short it's about what happens to the world when thanks to some ''field'' shenanigans all creatures with significant brain become about 5x more intelligent overnight. It actually caused a lot of he'll to break loose and major societal upheavels on a global scale, not to mention animals becoming much smarter too.

Yeah I'd like to see a good long movie or a mini-series done of that.

''The black cloud '' by astronomer Fred hoyle was about the titular object detected approaching the solar system and at first taken for a simple dust/gas cloud but it begins acting in a way that suggests control, or even intelligent behavior.

Eventually scientists deduce it is an intelligent life form that is charging itself by orbiting the sun while killing earth as a side effect. Eventually they must establish contact with it to save humanity. The ultimate first contact novel with a truly Alien intelligence.

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Robert Adams's "The Horseclans" novels have the potential to be another "Game of Thrones", but I've never heard of them being optioned. Swords, without any real sorcery. Big, intelligent CGI sabretooth cats that fight alongside their human brothers. Undying Lords ruling over clans that rule over what was once Middle America. Specifically, I want to see who they would cast as Bili the Axe and the accidental hero Sir Geros, who starts out as essentially someone's butler.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
While I don't think the Battletech novels are outstanding, I do think they are good enough to make some excellent movies/series. Perhaps the Warrior trilogy?

If graphic novels count, I'd love to see 100 Bullets get the screen treatment.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Off the top of my head:
Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus series
Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series
Nicholas Eames' The Band series (book 3 is due in 2024...)
Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastard series (though we are still waiting for the last 4 books...)


I'd love to see Laura Joh Rowland's "Sano Ichiro" series of novels be turned into a TV series or a series of movies. Sano Ichiro is a loyal samurai in a corrupt Edo, basically doing the job of the Chief of Police in investigating murders while having to walk the tightrope of Imperial politics, which certainly doesn't make his job any easier. I think there are like 17 novels in the series, and while the murder investigations are interesting, the real pleasure is in getting to see what life in 17th century Japan was like. It's a fascinating series that I highly recommend, and I'd be interested in seeing a live action version of it done well.



Staff member
Some series I’d love to see on the big or small screen:

Ben Bova’s Grand Tour
Harry Tutrledove’s Darkness
Kurt R.A. Giambastani’s Cloudfall
Barbara Hambly’s Ben January
Kristine Katherine Rusch’s Retrieval Artist
Joel Rosenberg Guardians of the Flame
David Brin’s Uplift
Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion stories
C.J. Cherryh’s Foreigner
Fritz Lieber’s Fafhrd & Grey Mouser stories
Thieves’ World


Some series I’d love to see on the big or small screen:

Ben Bova’s Grand Tour
Harry Tutrledove’s Darkness
Kurt R.A. Giambastani’s Cloudfall
Barbara Hambly’s Ben January
Kristine Katherine Rusch’s Retrieval Artist
Joel Rosenberg Guardians of the Flame
David Brin’s Uplift
Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion stories
C.J. Cherryh’s Foreigner
Fritz Lieber’s Fafhrd & Grey Mouser stories
Thieves’ World
Unfortunately Moorcock said that Elric would read too much like "The Witcher", so no series about him anytime soon. Maybe Corum?


Staff member
Unfortunately Moorcock said that Elric would read too much like "The Witcher", so no series about him anytime soon. Maybe Corum?
Almost any of them would make me happy.

Although they’d probably have to do Jerry Cornelius as a cartoon…on a subscription network. So I wouldn’t see it for a long time, if ever.


Deluxe Unhuman
Glen Cookes Black Company books.

Karen Traviss' Wess'har novels.

Rendezvous with Rama, which we're getting.


I'll kick it old school and go with The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. It's a story about a family from a "true" world representing order, and all the other words, including ours, are shadows of theirs. The family is from Amber, the true world, can travel through all those shadow worlds at will. We see the efforts of one of the sons, Corwin, to take the crown after his brother seizes control. It's bizarre, but I think the public would be ready for such a tale.

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