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What character(s) do you want to play?


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Not that I'll ever get to play (despite my best efforts) as I'm am firmly glued to the DM chair... but if I could... (takes deep breath):

Dwarven Swarm Druid with high CON in Beast Form to soak up damage and using the Swarming Locusts Blast Beast power (reskined to Swarming Bats) to get up close and in your face and take down the hordes, impervious to the blows of minions!

Human Paladin/Warlock multiclassed into Assassin (to gain shrouds and Shadow Step). Star Pact Radiant Powers, heavy Armour and Shield surrounded by Armour of Agathys and a Blessed Weapon Eldritch Strike or Virtuous Strike with Sun Domain feat to add Radiant Vulnerability (which means Crits on 18-20); cursing, dragon mark of warding divine challenge, Biting their Eyes and awaiting their attacks with a white lotus riposte. Upon reaching paragon Student of Caiphon and Dual Pact (fey pact) to begin teleporting around the battle field into position to make full use of Armour of Agathys.

Human Rogue/Asassin Hybrid with DEX and CHA multiclassed into Warlock (for Shadow Step and Eyebite 1/Encounter to hide again for Sneak Attack) Shrouds + Sneak Attack and At will teleport (Hybrid Talent) power which triggers Shadow Step gaining Concealment! Sneaky! Even a Drow would be pretty cool but I just can't resist 3 At Wills and 2 feats at lvl 1.

Human CLeric/Invoker hybrid with Hand of Radiance and Sun Domain Feat which gives 3 Radiant Attacks vs 3 targets that cause a -2 penalty to REF! Sacred Flame for SThrows when needed and Astral Seal for Surgeless healing and a +2 bonus to hit for the whole team. Only one heal but Healers Mercy picked up via Hybrid Talent and Moment of Glory for thoe fights you know are going to be tough.

Longtooth Shifter Paladin Str and Wis (Striker) with Ardent Vow. Ardent Strike and Holy Strike at will. Blood of the Mighty to use with my Fullblade.

Half Elf Rogue multiclassed into Bard with Twin Strike Dilettante Cha/DEX... ranged attacks with daggers and Deft Strike which eventually becomes twin strike at will at paragon tier (Daggermaster ofc). This gets silly at lvl 16 with hide in plain sight, which means you can do it while you are invisible as long as you don't move.

Human Wizard/Swordmage Hybrid (shielding Swordmage) with Int/Con and Swordmage Warding (Hybrid Talent). Getting close to mark with Aegis and then falling back to control the battlefield at a distance and manuever my Flaming Sphere or teleport foes causing them to attack each other while disorientated.

Human Fighter/Runepriest Str/WIS (Defiant Word for +dmg if missed) and Combat Superiority for A-Class stop you in your tracks OAtks. Normally wielding a Bastard Sword and a shielding and guiding/protecting allys with Word of Diminishing and Word of Shielding and Bumping AC with Weapon Masters Strike... but I also have a spear, an axe, and a mace just in case... I like to be versatile!

Air Genasi Shielding Swordmage... I can fly, teleport, protect you from a distance channelling fire at those who would hurt you, teleport other people, and hold a shield of magical force in my empty hand and hit you before you hit me. Besides I trained at the White Lotus Academy so you probably don't want to hit me back! Or when I hit you I might just shift away as a minor action and then go and stand behind my huge slavering barbarian friend... come and get me if you can. Did I mention my Dragonmark of Warding? Your probably not going to hit anyone all fight!

Man, I could easily keep going but that is where I'd start... although that Cha/Dex Hybrid Paladin/Rogue looked pretty cool too... yeah, I can flank you and sneak attack you and feel pretty safe about being so close to you, considering I'm wearing Fullplate Armour and carring a heavy shield! Plus they call me Face!

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First Post
I'm not familiar with those. Quick, to the compendium!

You're right, those would be perfect. Thanks for the tip!

I couldn't help but here the music from the old batman TV show. "To the Bat Cave!"

The character I would like to play would be someone who has joined a cult who offered some kind of benefit, such as wealth or power. He wouldn't have joined just to become powerful to lord over others, but maybe to learn to protect himself or others.

His background before joining the cult would be something like a farmer or scribe. Something not too glamorous. He would have developed the skills of his class in this cult.

While in the cult he encountered things he didn't even consider a possibility. Sacrifices, dark rituals, forbidden languages and the such. Being good natured at heart he decides that he must escape, but leaving wouldn't be so simple as just wondering off one night. Perhaps he has a family member or friend in the cult that he wants to try and escape with...

Just, or more importantly than the character itself, I would very much like to play through this prelude. I figure he may come out of the ordeal with some kind of bad habit, like speaking in abyssal when he is upset or worshiping an evil god in without using some of the more evil practices.

I guess I kind of envision the cult as being to Vecna, but that wouldn't have to be the case.


First Post
For me its all about shardminds (I love golems, and Shardminds feel like a fantasy construct unlike the WF which feel more steampunk), I would honestly play Shardminds in just pretty much anything, I even want to make a Shardmind Monk he would be Zhen Fang the Crystal Fist :D


I crit!
I want to play a chaos sorcerer and build him based off the Tavern Brawler mini.

I want to use the mug as his implement and have a familiar that is a floating keg of beer or ale or some strong drink.

A 'semi' intelligent keg of spirits.

Voidrunner's Codex

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