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What cool things are happening in your campaigns RIGHT NOW!


When the party ranger was killed by the goblin demonogist Grazznak Runekiller, his companions went to an Olman Brujah to have him raised. The ritual failed, the party paladin was forced to bargain with otherwordly forces to restore the ranger's soul to the mortal world.

In time, those forces demanded that the paladin find and destroy the Heart of Itzputzteque, a minor artifact stolen from its rightful place. The PC's tracked the Heart to Caracatus Chapel, where it had been used as the focal point of a dark and terrible ritual. Disturbing the Heart transported the entire Chapel to the dead realm of Xibalba, where the party was beset by wave after wave of hungry zombies. Had they not unraveled the arcane bindings which transported the Chapel to Xibalba, they would be there still. They kept the Heart, and they tabled the issue of its destruction.

Back in the mortal realm, the party continued on to the Great Tarpits of Sarcosa (they need tar to repair the docks that were destroyed when their mentor crashed a goblin catamaran into the waterfront as a diversion during a battle several months ago). They did not expect to find a mansion built from fancy pink marble right at the edge of the Tarpits. A mansion covered with sculptures of angels and devils cavorting in a most scandalous fashion. A mansion with a faded warning nailed to its front door.

When next we meet, they plan to "kick in the door and blow a trumpet." Which is why I love 'em.

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In one game, the PCs have essentially doubled the size of their known world: it turns out that the central portion of the immense, mostly-empty city they inhabit is also inhabited, and reachable. And full of troubles. Both sides of the Moat have considered one another lost for a century... now there's some serious questions being raised. (Plus a new suite of enemies to deal with, from cannibal remnants of an invading army to various elemental cults that are up to no good with the bones of the city.)

The other group just managed to foil an assassination attempt on the prince's beloved war hero advisor: it was designed to look like an accident, but they prevented him from being crushed under a tun of wine. The remarkable thing about this was that the incipient coup was something I'd earmarked as "for later," until they critted a bunch of Streetwise checks and blundered into a conspiracy that would be above their pay grade. I had no idea they were going there, and it turned into several nights of intrigue playing out against the backdrop of a three-day festival where I'd simply expected to handwave their stay in town. Fantastic stuff.


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My party is currently on death row in the capital of an empire that has a zero tolerance ban on magic, because the warlock/alchemist bufothrope (werefrog) decided to impress a guard by summoning a swarm, eating it and casting vomit swarm. He said he thought the guard would be impressed that he ate flies but vomited wasps.
session ended early cuz the DM said he needed a week to adjust to the rail-jumping.


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In the Starwars Sega game I'm currently playing every week. We're playing during the Empire era, a few years before the whole death star thing, and forming the core of the rebellion. We have a group of 4 players, who just all advanced to 5th level at the end of last session:

1. A jedi padawan, who is a little careless about hiding the fact that he is a jedi, and is a little overly fond of using "Force Slam!" on everything. (Including key control terminals that we kind of need,...)
2. A somewhat eccentric scientist, who has a a custom blaster pistol (maybe hold out) that looks like some kind of scanner device. He is an inventor type.
3. A stealth based Wookie.
4. A human scout/soldier who studied advanced engineering and such before setting out to adventure. (aka, his university was destroyed during the clone wars, and he became a merc.) He is also an explosives expert, and overly fond of needlessly high velocities. He also is an expert in stealth, but the rest of the party doesn't know he is also an assassin/spy when the price is right.

Currently the group is planning a rebel attack on an Imperial Star Destroyer. Which apparently is going to center around my character's use and fondness of speed and explosives. Once on board the goal is hopefully going to be placing charges in key places, then telling the crew it is time to abandon ship or face the consequences of failing to heed our warnings.

Going to be interesting if we pull it off. I kind of liked the little YT-2000 we worked so hard to kit out, but that was my last character that actually shoe horned the turbo laser in as the pilot's fixed weapon, maxed out the shields, and added the controls to make it handle as if it were a starfighter. But I think the new character might enjoy a star destroyer more than that little bucket of bolts.


Here are my things:

1. There is a civil war raging in the principality and it's coming to a conclusion. One of the great houses has been wiped out and the players are about the break the hold of another house and drive it to retreat.

2. The dragons gods have stirred knowing that an ancient prophecy is in full swing and they must burn the world to prevent the resurrection of an ancient elder god that wants to annihilate the universe.

3. The PC's must deal with cultists who are seeking to resurrect their god while fighting in the civil war.


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This is really only going to skim the surface but-

In one game, the heroes are currently organising the mass exodus of a small army of dwarvern slaves that they emacipated from a sinister southern duchy. One of the PCs is the new regent of the duke, having turned out to be his long lost son- it's just a pity he's the dead ex-member of a cabal of evil warlocks, who built himself a body out of shadow after being murdered before the campaign began by another former PC, who's apprentice is now the party's wizard. Anyway, he and the other heroes slew his villainous half brother and defeated his allies in a pitched battle before the duke welcomes his favorite heir back with open arms. Along the way the dwarf captured a scheming metalic dragon, the gnoll destroyed a genocidal eladrin in a magical battle suit by hurling them both down a 200 foot drop, and the party's young wizard fought and defeated the entire local wizard's guild.

Meanwhile in the other game set in the same world, the heroes have just finished a confrontation with the mad shaman Pale Dancer at the court of the baron-chief of the white raven tribe. The shaman summoned the dreaded ghost vultures from the sky beyond, but the party proved their better, with the sudden return of one of their members, and the dire decision of the party's shaman to channel the Hornet King in the final confrontation. The heroes interrogated the teacher of the renegade shaman, only to find that he had given his student over to the influence of the dreaded Bone Man, an ancient supernatural servant of the raven queen, as payment of a boon incurred long ago. Another of the heroes, a newly arrived invoker of the raven queen, had been labeled as a betrayer of her queen due to a local prohecy- but the heroes now fear that this traitor may be the Bone Man himself.


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In our co-DM'd campaign, the party are following various hooks:

1) investigating a sleeping sickness that seems linked to a corrupted sect of Moon Goddess clerics; possibly also linked to goblin slavers and some weird giant plant;

2) tracking down a cleric who was experimenting on were-folk, in the hope of finding a cure to the affliction; last seen heading to the dwarf city where the annual games are soon to take place;

3) currently (and to continue tomorrow) following a small battalion of undead who stumbled upon the party during the night, led by presumed evil clerics;

4) has recently discovered a 'healing room' in a dungeon they cleared and plan on using as a base;

5) have come into possession of a chest that they can't open and that assassins are after; the party have been attacked twice, both times repelling the assassins, some of which keep teleporting away when the party start winning.

In my other game, Star Wars saga, the heroes are currently rampaging through a Hutt's palace, looking for the dungeon to free whoever is in there.


Traveller PCs are still recovering from a meteor striking their starship. Ship's in orbit round an iceworld while the players patch it up. The attack on their homeworld has intensified so they've set up a ring of solar mirror satellites round the ice world to strip mine for faster repairs. I have no idea what'll be under the ice yet.

My Treasure PC is deep underground in a hidden complex formerly occupied by a cult. There's a huge, tormented demon without a heart hooked up to a rune covered device/ altar - it wants us to replace its heart with a dark jewel. Suggestions include putting in a magical jewel, putting in a dark jewel, putting in a dark jewel after enchanting it - and putting in an enchanted dark jewel, blood-doping the demon with paladin's blood and using a talisman to do so at a safe-ish distance. As my guy's the paladin I'm good with the demonic blood-doping - purge all that diabolical evil.

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