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What d20/D&D products are you buying this year?

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Must Buys/Looking Forward To*
  • Unearthed Arcana
  • Ebberon Campaign Setting
  • Expanded Psionics HB
  • d20 Future
  • New WotC splatbooks (even though I probably shouldn't)
  • Complete Book of Eldritch Might
  • Book of Fiends
  • More SFA Chamber books
  • Quint Chaos Mage

Might Buys
  • There is no "might buy." Do buy, or do not. ;)

* - ENWorld vets understand the distinction
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Pretty certain stuff:

  1. The Book of Fiends
  2. Unearthered Arcana
  3. Fields of Blood
  4. The Green Ronin "book of templates"

Will wait and see:

The Tome of Horrors II

Recently downgraded:

The Complete Books of Eldritch Might /had/ been on my "Certain" list, but after getting the 3.5 patched pdfs, I'm really not so sure.
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First Post
Conan RPG
Any supplements for the Conan RPG
Book of Fiends
Medieval Player's Manual
Advanced Rulebooks from GR
Pretty much anything Green Ronin, FFG, or MEG put out
Black Company D20
Unearthed Arcana
Complete Divine
D20 Future

And probably about another 20 books that will be impulse buys. :eek: By the way Joshua, Black Sails Over Freeport is great! I haven't played it yet, but I've read about half of it, and its very well done- should keep players occupied for a VERY long time.


First Post
Must Buy
Iron Kingdoms Campaign Guide
Iron Kingdoms Setting Guide
Conan RPG

Wait and See
City of Shadows (Midnight)
Sorcery and Shadow (Midnight)
Steel Hill (Midnight)
Eberron Campaign Guide


i buy pretty much all of them i can get my hands on.

there was a time when i wouldn't touch some of the publishers stuff, tho. and that had to do with the representation of some of their designers.


Things could change but as it looks now...

For D&D I will be picking up Unearthed Arcana, Expanded Psionics Handbook and the Eberron Campaign Setting. I'll probably end up picking up Complete Divine and Races of Stone. I might pick up the new DM's screen. I haven't collected much FR products in the past several years but I'll at least look through Serpent Kingdoms since it's supposed to cover some areas never before detailed.

For the d20 Modern line, I'll definatley be picking up d20 Future and may or may not grab d20 Weapons Locker.

For Spycraft, I'll definately pick up any Shadowforce Archer releases and will most likely pick up some or all of the core releases.

For Star Wars, I'll probably pick up Ultimate Adversaries and may pick up another book or two. Whether or not that includes Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds or some of the old releases that I haven't got around to is hard to say.

For other d20, I'll definatley be picking up Green Ronin's Book of Fiends and possibly their Psychic's Handbook as well. I'm also fairly likely to grab one or two adventures from Necromancer Games, although I don't have anything specific in mind.

Finally, I'll likely be buying a number of packs of D&D minis, and possibly the Star Wars minis when they come out, if it looks like there's a decent chance of a Star Wars campaign ever happening.

Wow that seems like a lot. I also may be buying a house so I guess you can take all of the above with a big pile of salt.


First Post
Nothing on the horizon really strikes me as needed for my games, but I am open to options (other than monster manuals -- need no more of those ever). So I guess I have a horde of "Maybes" and not a single "Yes".

Sir Whiskers

First Post
Will Buy
Complete Warrior (only because I found it for $15, it's overpriced otherwise)
SG-1: Season One
SG-1: False Gods
Some Hero supplements

Might Buy
Complete Divine
Expanded Psionics Handbook (WOTC)
Unearthed Arcana
Wilderlands boxed set
City State of the Invincible Overlord

You'll note that the DnD stuff is mostly in the "might buy" list. This is because I have so much material for DnD, I've pretty much stopped buying anything that I don't have an immediate need for.

I'm still hopeful I can get my group to try SG-1 and Champions - though probably I'm just deluding myself... :p
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