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What d20 Purchases to you Regret?


mhensley said:
You might be a complete moron if you think that the original Traveller game was confusing or too complicated. (note the lack of smiley-face)

Now if you had said that Traveller: The New Era was over complicated garbage, I would agree with you.

:mad: Where I come from calling someone a moron is pretty rude. Anyways yes traveller was uber-easy. Mega traveller design rules for starships was not.

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Hmm...honestly regret buying won't count much for me. SAS d20 I have to say I probably do honestly regret buying. Not that I think it's a giant POS b/c I don't. The setting isn't my cup of tea, but I was looking for mechanics. And BOY did I find mechanics. WAY too complex for what I really wanted, which is handled superbly by 4C2Fantasy. Not that I've had a chance to utilize that either *grin*

I think I will likely end up regretting buying the d20 Aberrant and Trinity books whgen they come out this year, but I really want to have future Aberrant supplements and I know it will be based on sales so I will be helping it along *sigh*

I regret not getting to ever use my d20 CoC, 1st Ed SWd20 (still don't own Revised...think I'll wait till the 3rd ed after EP 3 heh). Ravenloft had a few decent ideas, but by and large kind of sucked. Maybe if I'd ponied up for some of the supplements it would have gotten better, but oh well. I have a bunch of 2E Ravenloft thanks to a couple of friends giving me stuff. I'll be fixing a regret and getting to run my Everquest RPG in the near future. Not an EQ MMO addict, but I really liked the port to a paper RPG. Psionics HB wasn't a waste as one member of my group got MUCH pleasure in playing a Psychic Warrior for awhile. I never made use of it besides mining some ideas and making some obscene characters heh. All of the Psychic feats like Run Up Walls and such I have to find a way to work into being available to monks and possibly regular folks with high Dex and such.

All those books people regret they bought, send em to me *grin* The Home for Wayward Games is ALWAYS accepting.



Okay, all the bad blood towards S&SS seems sort of surprising. I'm not sure if it's really fair to judge real early 3.0 products (like R&R) where even WOTC wasn't sure where the balance was (look at the splat books or FRCS) to the stuff of today now that we're used to this d20 thing.

In addition, as a note to people trying to make opinions on what to buy... read the reviews and don't use this thread. We've got some great reviewers spending there time giving a detailed analysis of the hits and misses of a product. This thread just lists personal tastes. Case in point, I really didn't like the Starfarers Handbook. I felt that the admixture of space and fantasy handled the way the developers did it just didn't suspend my disbelief and I consider myself both a big space and fantasy junkie. What does that mean to someone who wants to buy it? Absolutely zilch. You want to buy it, go ahead and read the many good reviews on it, and decide it it's your cup of tea. Same with Relics and Rituals, don't let us naysayers stop you.

So, on to my list of regrets. I refuse to list the stuff that is gathering dust because I'm not really running any games right now so I'd have to list my entire collection. That and I enjoy owning most of my collection just because I think they are well written and are interesting even if I don't get a chance to use them. But, I have a few regrets:

I'll throw my hat in with the Monsters of Faerun crowd. It might be a little unfair, but my bad feeling came solely from the price tag, but that was just after picking up all the core books for the $20 introductory price.

Starfarer's Handbook for all the reasons I listed.

Sovereign Stone: Picked this up as a whim from Dragon*Con. Except for the spell system, I have a hard time finding anything redeeming.

That's about it. Dragonlance was disappointing for me, but I don't regret picking it up. IMO Complete Warrior wasn't worth the sticker price unless you get it for 60% off at Amazon. I enjoy just about all of my FR collection (with perhaps the exception of Faiths and Pantheons).

Must haves would include:
The Player's Guide Series from S&SS: More than just feats and prestige classes, I love how they set up organizations and I'm using them to model the FR proto-campaign I'm planning right now.
Unearthed Arcana: This books makes me all kind of happy
Races of Faerun and Underdark.
I'd give a nod to Relics and Rituals and Creature Collection Revised. I personally enjoyed the tone of the creatures from the original CC more than CCII (and I haven't seen CCIII), and revised just made them all better.

Nighthawk said:
The products I am most satisfied with: Monster Manual 3.5, Midnight (campaign setting book), Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaathi, and the Monsternomicon.

Thank you, this just made my day. :D

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First Post
I don't have 'to' many books but unfortunatly I do have some that I regret.

Epic Level Handbook- love the idea of practically playing a god but geez,the mechanics of it suck!

Psionic Handbook- retarded, but thats just me.


Arcana Unearthed- totally craptastic

Books I love

3.0 & 3.5 Corebooks


CoC D20, and the Dual Stat CoC books from Chaosium

Unearthed Arcana- I was just about ready to quit D&D and this one got me fired up again. Second only to the 3.5 DMG.

Warcraft CS- I love the PC game, 'nuff said

Realms CS- The first setting I played D&D in....I don't use it much but I still have a certain fondness for it.

I'm sure I've left some off the list but hey I've been up for an ungodly amount of time.


will :]


First Post
Two regrets nowadays:

Unearthed Arcana (rules often poorly thought out, most already available in better versions free on the web or in other books, cost far too much, FAR too much Munchkin fodder)

Psionics Handbook (better than the Eldritch Wizardry version, but not by much)

Otherwise, I am good :)

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