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what do you do

Dog Moon

Mycanid said:
Well ... I am a comp admin (mostly a tech and a "setup" person responsible for the network, the backups, setting up new machines, etc., etc.). I also do some website work and database stuff. :D

Woah, and here I was thinking you were just a mushroom!

I'm an Administrator/Administrative Assistant as a small Home Healthcare Agency. Kind of a weird situation. Better than an Assistant, but don't quite have the XP for the full Administrator part yet. And the pay isn't as good as an Administrator should have either...

Oh, um, 23 for another couple of days.

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Let's see, I'm 29, single. I've got a BS in computer science, that degree hasn't really helped me out a whole lot. But I'm doing structural steel drafting on Autocad, which more than pays the bills, working with my father. I do some computer repair on the side.

I bookend my week with two things I love, basketball on Mondays and DnD on Fridays.


I used to be a management consultant specializing in sleep, fatigue, alertness and shift schedule design; we were the folks you'd call when an airline pilot falls asleep or your manufacturing plant has a human error accident at 3am. I went to business school for a MBA.

I've changed careers, and now I'm a game designer for THQ. I'm currently working on games for Pixar movies, and am lead designer on my current project. I also do some editing, proof reading and writing on the side.

I'm 40, and just had my 15th wedding anniversary yesterday. No kids, a couple of agility dogs, and a slew of hobbies.


Staff member
SBM, D/DF, Roman Catholic...errr...this isn't a singles' ad is it? ;)

I'm an Entertainment Lawyer in D/FW with an MBA (advertising/marketing specialist) besides who is looking for a steadier income stream- not too many big acts coming out of here lately, and not a one of them is mine.

Other hobbies besides RPGs include jewelry design, maintaining/increasing my immense book (mostly classics/fant/sci-fi/horror) and music (mostly jazz/new wave/metal) collections, and playing guitar- sometimes even well!


First Post
Hey all :)

I'm 19, male and currently enrolled for my first year of university (Americans would likely call it college, 'cause they're different like that :p) where I will be getting my Bachelors of Education. I plan to be a history teacher for high schoolers. Right now I have a dead-end job at a gas station which I am trying to be rid of; looking at options right now.

I am the vocalist for my emerging/forming metal band Throne of Orcus (yes -- D&D/mythological reference there :p) and I plan to take bass lessons in the near future, which (if they bear me any success) I might very well become the bassist/vocalist for the band. We shall see :D

And that's pretty much what I do.



Eternal Optimist
34, single, currently living with my father - we have this fantastic bluestone house that we built.

I work as a computer (database) programmer for most of the week, then spend a lot of the weekend playing Board Games and RPGs - I have three D&D campaigns, so I normally get 8 hours of D&D per week.



Lets see here... I'm male, 28, and I'm a cell biologist with a small biotech company (my first non contract job post grad school :)). The hours are pretty insane at the moment because we're understaffed, and we're dependant on receiving a rather sporadic supply of human tissue (usually around 6 livers a week, but for instance we had 4 of them yesterday, coming in starting at 5am and the last at midnight, and it takes about five hours to isolate the cells we work with). However the pay is decent, the benefits are good, there's a nonexistant dress code (within the bounds of what you would or wouldn't wear in a lab for safety issues), and everyone I work with is 20'something and has similar music taste to blast over the computers at whenever am we're toiling away.

Beyond the job however, I write quite a bit with a pair of storyhours and some other random things, I run a bi-weekly campaign, and play in another on the off week. Since I'm single (unfortunately) and don't have any kids unless you count a cat and two roommates, I've got a decent amount of time to toss into random things (not that my job doesn't realize this and exploit it mind you).


First Post
I am a 38-year-old father, a husband, and a long-time writer, short-time doing anything real about it noveler. My son is 8, and I would have 3 daughters at I think 17, 16, and 12 if they had survived, but I don't think about them often, unless I'm feeling sad, like now. I have been any number of things, professionally, some of them cool, like the bassist/vocalist for a band, called Psycho Trybe, when I was in college, and an environmental activist. I like to draw, paint, paint minis, write, rules-tinker, play with my 11 cats---not all at the same time! Are you CRAZY?---play computer games, and I have aspirations of being a graphic novelist, which is very different in several ways from noveling itself. I don't do anything except take care of my boy and write. I am currently 295 words ahead on my word-count total for June, which I chose as my NaNoWriMo month, because I wanted to get started, already.


Is it just my idea, or are there a disproportionate number of biotechnicians here?

Myself, I'm a freelance translator. I sit at home all day behind the computer and translate Dutch texts into English.


29 Male, happily married in all but paper (I LOVED that expression!!) to a wonderful woman.

I'm a freelance marketer, copywriter, and teacher in Communications and Marketing courses. So if someone needs some copywriting done, well i'm here :D

Oh, and I play RPGs. When I can.
WhenEVER I can. :)
And that's never often enough, by the way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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