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What do you think of the witch?


First Post
The witch is a very well-designed class, with some interesting features.
1. No unique spells--they just draw from the three primary spell lists.

That's probably just true for the playtest version. I'm guessing we will see some unique spells in the actual Advanced Player's Guide.

Edit: Confirmed upthread; I was too slow!
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First Post
Here's a link to the playtest document that includes the witch.

The hexes are very good in principle and flavorful, but I think that (like other Su abilities) they should not have AoOs. I also think they could use some more interaction skills, Bluff, for instance, because witches are into deception. I like the familiar spells, but think familiars could still use a few more supernatural-type powers.

On the whole, I think it's great; it's still a bit of a mystery why there isn't a core D&D version.
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First Post
I love the Witch. Its great. Great flavor. I like the combined spell list. If you have a limited number of players (like 3 or less), its a great class


First Post
The witch seems reaaally sweet, great work! And that pic must be among the best D&D drawings ever, and it isn't even coloured!

One thing I miss though, is a hex like "baleful polymorph" (if I didn't miss it?). That's about the most classic witch-thing to do, and I don't think they should either wait to 9th level nor have it restricted to a spell. It's much better in that case to put some kind of limitation upon it (only on opposing alignment (evil hag cursing righteous prince), always have an extra option on how to break it, and so on and so on).
If there's someone who should have even a single save-or-suck ability, it's a witch.

One thing too is the defense - the same hit dice and armor as a wizard, but most of the witchs' abilities are short-range or melee, and provoke AoO's.
I'd say she should either have something along the lines of the Tatterdemalion of Cancer Mages in BoVD (a bunch of straps and rags made into armor) or be warded by lots and lots of lucky charms and wards - that's also a classic image of a witch.

EDIT: This was just top of the head stuff though, haven't played it yet. We'll have a less-than-serious game soon though, and I think a player might be very interested in that then. It'll be mixed with material from a Portable Hole full of Beer though...


First Post
No, Baleful Polymorph: 2 death spells (one is Forced Reincarate that kills + reincarnates) though.

It would be fitting. Could even make it lasts a few rounds (if Hex is at will) or day/level (if hex is 1/day).


First Post
No, Baleful Polymorph: 2 death spells (one is Forced Reincarate that kills + reincarnates) though.

It would be fitting. Could even make it lasts a few rounds (if Hex is at will) or day/level (if hex is 1/day).
I'm thinking a permanent baleful polymorph that only works against low-HD targets, gained at a point where the BBEG can't use it against the PC's and vice versa. It could be used by the PC's against goons, and, more importantly, by an NPC against a weaker NPC. I like my NPC's to use the rules in-game, and it would be great if the witch in the swamp doesn't have to be 9th level to polymorph that 1-st level aristocrat prince. Especially not since 9th level characters should be quite rare in anything less than a big city.

Something like a 2nd-level spell that can only target 1HD-opponents, and a 3rd-level spell that can only target 3HD or less.


One thing I miss though, is a hex like "baleful polymorph" (if I didn't miss it?). That's about the most classic witch-thing to do, and I don't think they should either wait to 9th level nor have it restricted to a spell. It's much better in that case to put some kind of limitation upon it (only on opposing alignment (evil hag cursing righteous prince), always have an extra option on how to break it, and so on and so on).
If there's someone who should have even a single save-or-suck ability, it's a witch.

She turned me into a newt!

*blank stares*

I got better...

I really like the witch class too, but I think you've hit on what's missing that I'd like to see added.


The EN World kitten
I'm really hoping that Paizo changes the Witch's spellcasting ability score from Intelligence to Wisdom. The flavor of the class really makes it seem like Wisdom is the more relevant modifier.


I forget if it was mentioned, but was it ever solved how a witch gets her spells back if her familiar dies? As it stood, the witch basically became worse then a fighter grappling a rust monster if her familiar eats it.

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