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What do you want to see in your Fantasy RPG miniatures?

Rebel Minis

As a miniature company, we have started doing more of the 28mm Fantasy Adventures miniatures for RPGs. We know there are alot of choices and some great companies out there, but what do you think is missing?


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Argyle King

I always seem to have trouble finding monk/martial artist minis which don't have an oriental look to them. I think ninjas and shaolin monks are cool, but sometimes I want to play a PC who just likes to hit things or maybe one who is trained in Sambo or Pankration rather than Kung Fu.

As a GURPS fan, it would be nice to have some minis which correspond to some of the Dungeon Fantasy products. While there's plenty of overlap between them and fantasy minis in general, it would still be cool to see some different takes on things. Perhaps some hex bases to match up with the hex grid. http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/dungeonfantasy/

Lizardfolk.... I always seem to have trouble finding good minis for Lizardfolk PCs. I can find plenty of kobolds, troglodytes, and various other evil-looking lizardfolk, but I always seem to have a hard time finding Lizardfolk sculpts which are geared more toward PCs. It's a classic rpg race, so I'm surprised it's something I have such a rough time with.


Do you have a link to your company? I would like to check your products out.

EDIT: Nevermind

Do you want to know what fantasy figures will sell or what I want?
Sells = Elves

What I want?
Really anything that is a quality sculpt will catch my attention. However, characters posed dynamically - like a thief working with lockpick tools, a cleric banishing undead with a holy symbol, a wizard leafing through a tome, a fighter mid shield bash, etc.

A set of various creatures commonly used for shape changes by druids or even a line of lycanthropes would be welcome. Remember Ral Partha's old 3-pose figure line? It would be cool to do something similar with lycanthropes - normal, hybrid, full animal.

I think a full set of dead adventurers in a boxed set called "TPK" would be awesome!

If you make any of these - just send me a couple of the early production casts! I promise to paint and photograph them! ;)

Good luck!


I have a fairly large collection of 25mm figures, almost all more than 20 years old. While I don't paint minis anymore, I would love to add to my collection.

I prefer things that are "realistic" in proportion and scale, and have a more medieval than fantastical feel. I don't need more fighters with swords bigger than they are, nor female figures with breasts as large as watermelons, wearing chainmail bikinis.

Practical, useful figures that can represent a multitude of different characters. A robed and belted man or woman with bare feet and no weapon can be a monk, a rogue, a cleric, or even a wizard or druid with just a choice of paint job and accessories. Pose is secondary; just don't make it TOO awkward.

However, I think I am distinctly in the minority, so I'm not sure you should listen to me...

Argyle King

Honestly, I'd settle for a set of minis which cover a male and female of each creature.

If you wanted to go more in depth, I'd like a similar set which covered male and female versions of each PC race of a system; one pair for each class. So, for example, you could have a male [race] [class] and then a female [same race] [same class], and then do that for each race and class.


First Post
What I am now looking for is mounted and dismounted versions of fantasy figures.
Finding mounted figure for some classes is hard


I don't know if a set like this would sell well, but I sure know I'd buy them up in a heartbeat....

Go through the list of pre-painted plastic D&D & Pathfinder minis, compare that to all of the D&D monster books from all editions & all campaign settings. Then make miniatures sets that contain nothing but the monsters that we don't already have in pre-painted plastic miniatures form.

The sets could be themed like:

AD&D Monster Manual 1
AD&D Planescape Monstrous Compendium 1
D&D 3.0 Fiend Folio
D&D 3.5 Monster Manual 2
D&D 4.0 Monster Manual 1
etc, etc.

Of course, to avoid copyright issues and to help a set like these sell, the names can be changed & some board game rules can be created. They don't even have to look exactly the same. Just close enough that we would know what it is.
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First Post
Dwarves mounted on ponies. I'm sure lots of posters here would add gnomes and halflings to that list, but it's driven me nuts for years to only find dwarves riding bears or rams :(


I have hundreds of minatures from 1970-recent reaper purchases. However now that I have my wife playing with me she picks out most of my miniatures now (I just like to paint them!). So this is what she likes.

Wizards who aren't bearded old men. She wants young sexy wielders of magic.
Females who don't look like strippers. I oftentimes have to paint their skin to look like clothes.

I like monsters. I really don't want unique weird cathulu-type monsters though (I have old grenadier demons that have never seen a gaming table). I play D&D/pathfinder. Having monsters that you'd find in their monster manuals will get the most use, aka goblins/skeletons/orcs/ lizardmen etc...

Good luck.

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