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What does FLGS stand for?

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Aus_Snow said:
Fetid, foul, or freaky, perhaps?

Heh :)

It's supposed to be F for Favorite (edit: or friendly :) ). I know one thing , though, my FLGS is tending to lean towards being more aggressive towards those kind of customers, and they're actually going to start charging people for playing games not purchased there. Seems he's tired of people amazoning their products in, and then coming into the store to play them.


Penguin Herder
redcard said:
they're actually going to start charging people for playing games not purchased there. Seems he's tired of people amazoning their products in, and then coming into the store to play them.
They should charge for food, and possibly give food / drink coupons with each book purchase. That's way easier to track.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
They do charge for drink. They had to ban food since it seems like people can't seem to be any level of clean back there. They almost banned drink, too, but, gamers without caffeine is bad. As it stands, it's just a receipt check. I don't think they check every product, they just want to see a level of purchase. I suspect soon enough, though, it'll go to a full buy system. It's a good store, but when 90% of the people are doing what Kovalic's latest comic points out, there's got to be some more money coming in.


redcard said:
It's a good store, but when 90% of the people are doing what Kovalic's latest comic points out, there's got to be some more money coming in.
Do they charge for playing there? If no, they should. If yes, they should give out "play for free" coupons with their books. For each, let's say 15$ of a purchase, they get one free night at the store. This means, if they buy two to three books per month, plus some supllies (miniatures, tokens, dice), they can game for free, while the story has a steady revenue. If people amazon their stuff in, they pay 2$-5$ per night - that would soon make them and amazon competitive.

Or in other words: In terms of plain price, you can never compete with amazon, if you put your assets to good use, you can get a competitive price by letting your very store work for you!

Cheers, LT.


First Post
Not yet. They only charge for drinks. But it's just something that is going to get done if things don't change soon. Especially with the way gas prices are going up and people are using amazon more and more. But I don't run the place, I don't know. It's just pretty rough to see Amazon selling the books at cost.


First Post
Feral Local Game Store - After the the excitement and shiney has worn off a new gaming store it begins the inevitable spiral towards feral. The once clean industrial weave nylon carpet accumulates drink stains and ground in food which slowly festers. The bright neon and halogen lighting slowly fades and flickers leaving a yellowish pail inside the store. Stock once crisp and clean and browsable is now shrink wrapped, grubby hand marks clearly visible under the plastic. Good employees slowly turn bad and towards the end are seen playing WoW constantly or worse, browsing badly animated tentacle porn on 4chan. At best they'll ignore you when you go in, at worse they'll grunt a greeting and cast a glare at you from underneath greasy lank hair; woe betide you if you are of the fairer sex. Games played at the shop once full of imagination and fun are now run by caffeine fueled control freaks and populated by munchkin rules lawyers who's characters have somehow got three times the normal hit points and attack bonuses for their level. Game play mostly involves MMOG style smack talk and a pitched frenzy of players and DMs trying to out do each other to unheard of levels of retardism.

*shudder* Avoid the FLGS if you value your gaming innocence ... and sanity.

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