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Unearthed Arcana What does Unearthed Arcana need?



TLDR; ...someone may have said something like this (probably in a nicer way);

UA needs less "Ok, children, ok! Here, have six metric tonnes of candy! Geez!" (re: yet MORE stuff for players specifically)...and more "Ok, ok, ok! Man, for such a small number of you compared to the other children you sure do make a lot of noise! Here's some stuff to keep you quiet..." (re: some stuff for DM's).

Yes, I'm taking a rather condescending tone. Personally I'm of the belief that player AND DM stuff should come out at a MUCH slower pace...as in a new class or half-dozen archtypes every few YEARS...at *most*. I'd rather see WotC use their tiny team to write adventures. They need to put out a new Dragon and/or Dungeon mag. I'd prefer dead-tree version, but digital would do as long as it's in an easy to print, non-printer raping format (no full-colour BG's, boarders, etc...or the ability to turn them off, including art, and swap out the colour maps for old-school b/w ones).

In our last campaign, it was based around the coast. We found the lack of info, rules, suggestions for underwater and sea-going stuff...seriously lacking. I worked around that. Then the PC's moved inland and started a new chapter. It was mostly above ground (wilderness). The stuff for that in the DMG wasn't horrible...but it was still lacking a bit. When the moved to underground adventuring, things got...very sketchy. The actual non-encounter 'rules' and stuff were, agian...seriously lacking (air quality, how much space is minimum for a human in scale mail to squeez through, how hard is it to find potable water, temperature effects on people [there was a major part in the campaign where the PC's were in underground water and lakes that were very cold], how far does sound travel in various sized caves/caverns/tunnels, etc).

Basically, I think UA needs to switch off every other month from player-stuff focus to DM-stuff focus. We have stopped playing 5th edition...and a LARGE part of it is because I got too burnt out trying to come up with base line guidelines for all these things. I was using rules from other game systems (1e, Dark Dungeons, Rolemaster, Masterbook System, 2e, etc). Trying to convert those rules into 5e-style ones just got to be too much.

Remember the Dungeoneers Survival Guide, Wilderness Survival Guide, Manual of the Planes, and all the 'blue book' DM supplements for 2e (Campaign/Catacomb Guide, Monster Mythology, etc) and the Battle System rules? That. That's the stuff that is SEVERELY lacking for 5e. Stuff that will help a DM run an actual long-term (as in years long) campaign. Not a new dozen classes/subclasses, or another bunch of Feats; those are all incidental and character-specific and do absolutely nothing to foster long-term play (and this, long term investment in 5e).

That's my 2¢ anyway. :)


Paul L. Ming

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I would go with demon lord. In general, I liked the 4e gods (mostly the cream of the crop of various settings), but "God of torture" is just trying too hard. Plus in 4e, he was basically just the Underdark Tarrasque. No grand plans to foil, just a big problem if you run into him.

The quick poll [MENTION=697]mearls[/MENTION] put up went with Demon Lord, about 70-30 among ~700 voters

@Xeviat has some good ideas.

Channel Divinity: abillity to be guided by their faith to a place where they are needed, or to a person, etc. if you've read the Dresden books, Michael does this.
CD: Some manner of Rebuke abillity against supernatural evil that isn't a smite. I gave my "Hunter of necromancers" warlock the ability to deal damage to the person controlling a summoner or animated enemy, thus forcing concentration checks for a lot of them, and proficiency with the ability check associated with any spell, such as dispel magic.

A holy artifact of some kind. Create a short list, and have each have upgrade benefits as you level up. Like a holy sword or shield or maille shirt, etc.

a leadery abillity or two. Lead the charge kind of stuff, and/or symbol of hope type deal.

Im sure if we started a thread we could fill pages with ideas and discussion of how to execute them.

An oath of stewardship (hopefully with a better name) focused around a relic would be really cool. I don't see them creating a spell-less paladin, but I have to admit the usual WotC plan for a spell-less version of something ("it's a fighter subclass") doesn't really fit supernatural abilities but not spells. That seems more like a monk or a barbarian chassis then a fighter. Thematically it seems a good monk fit given how many kung fu movies involve a monk trying to get back the Magguffin that was stolen from his/her monastery (although SKT had makes a good case for barbarians). Alternatively, they could give a paladin subclass something else (like channel divinity) that the paladin could feed spell slots into.....

I was also thinking of the patron-less warlock you mentioned earlier. I could see an Unknown Patron warlock (or maybe Mystery Patron) that the warlock doesn't know the nature of. It might be a little tricky to come up with pact features for that (although I could see a table the DM and player pick features from).


I really hope this is true, since non-FR settings are so neglected in this edition that it is the one with the less worlds diversity of all the D&D editions. Mearls once replied to me on Twitter that an Unearthed Arcana Rogue archetype entitled Inquisitive was drafted with Eberron in mind. One can hope...

Looking that up, he said that it was "100% designed with Eberron in mind..."

So, it seems the "BBoC" will be a sort of DMG2/PHB2 combo; but I think that alternate setting materials, and advise on how to customize your own setting, are looking to be a huge part of that.


Looking that up, he said that it was "100% designed with Eberron in mind..."

So, it seems the "BBoC" will be a sort of DMG2/PHB2 combo; but I think that alternate setting materials, and advise on how to customize your own setting, are looking to be a huge part of that.
I apologize if the answer is an obvious one, but could you please tell me what BBoC stands for? Has it somehow been announced or hinted to by WotC? Thanks so much!


Thanks. Has it been announced yet, or are there any clues as to its release?

Nope, just hints; we do not know that they are planning a book, but [MENTION=697]mearls[/MENTION] has talked in the monthly survey overviews about 2017 seeing a "major expansion," and UA has just gone into overdrive. In the Gameholecon podcast, they joked that "this probably has nothing to do with any future releases or products, we just felt like doing some random work," while laughing. So, they are working on...something. Player options, DM rules and setting related stuff, based on their hints and the UA playtest material. No promises yet, but in principle they are feeling us out to see what we will give them money for...

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