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What does your ENWorld name mean?


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Minotaurs = awesome. Baphomet = awesomer. One of my favorite demon princes, not much story to go with it yet but soon to be a major villian in my campaign.

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The EN World kitten
"Alzrius" is an Abyssal Lord (that is, a demon prince) whose name gets dropped in several Second Edition products (mostly Planescape), and even in the odd Third Edition book (I think Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss) but generally only when listing various Abyssal notables - he's never really gotten much press.

Alzrius is the lord of Conflagratum, the 601st layer of the Abyss. His body is a gigantic flowing flame, and he'll give a piece of himself to his servants to carry forth as a torch when his army marches. Presumably, he's also the one who lights the torch for the Abyssal Olympics too. ;)


My enworld name is my main online nickname.

I originally chose it because I wanted a unique yahoo/aim name, something that I liked but did not have an "X" or "123" after it because someone had already chosen that name. I'm tall and thin (not as thin as I used to be... it's all the Coke & Mountain Dew going right to my stomach), and I love dwarves. Talldwarf was already taken, so I went with Skinnydwarf. I've googled it every so often, and most of the results are me, so it has remained relatively unique.


It happens to be the name of the character (dwarf fighter/cleric, 3.0E) I was playing when I wrote my first Story Hour and accumulated enough posts that I started to be more of a regular (I was "Shylock" before 2002).

I would have changed, since it isn't an ID I use anywhere else, but since folks here are familiar with it I've kept it the same, even after doing subsequent story hours. Plus it's a nod to Angelsboi, who was the DM for the Story Hour -- so at this point it's sort of my tribute to keeping him alive around here, though only the old-timers will get the reference.

The Little Raven

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My original ENWorld handle, Mourn, was the name of a Vampire: The Dark Ages character I played in high school.

My current one, TLR, is because my first name (Brendan) is Gaelic for "little raven."

Once, uncounted eons ago, when wizards were called "magic-users" and adventures were called "modules", there was a dungeon module called B1: In Search of the Unknown. This module describes Quasqueton, the legendary home of Rogann (a mighty warrior) and Zelligar (an equally powerful wizard). This module also happened to come in every box of the D&D Basic Set by J. Eric Holmes (the "blue box" edition, the one before the more famous "red box"). That was the very first D&D set I ever owned.

Thus it was that I learned my first lessons on how to play and run D&D from that set, and (in a way) from the mighty wizard Zeilligar. When it came time to pick a name, it just seemed right to honor my gaming roots in that way.


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I use the username "Meek" wherever I subscribe to a forum where I don't intend to actually post much. In RPG forums I tended to get into flame wars whenever I post so I just stopped posting. I take up the handle Meek whenever I intend to lurk in a forum.

My normal handle, Wyatt Salazar, was my first D&D character. In D&D 3.5, he was a Half-Elf and ended up being a Wizard5/Cleric3/Mystic Theurge10/ and I don't recall what I did the rest of the levels, I think I went back to Wizard. He was kind of frenetic and goofy, but always a kill-shot stored up.


Sammael (usually spelled "Samael," but I greatly prefer the double M spelling variant) is one of the archdevils in Talmudic and other Judeo-Christian lore, sometimes mistaken for Lucifer the Satan (though the two are separate entities). Various sources conflict on whether Sammael is a fallen angel or remains an angel in good standing (more specifically, an angel of death) - or somehow manages to be both an angel and a devil.

Sammael is the Archdevil of Venom, the Serpent (who tempted Eve, among other things), and Lilith is sometimes named as his consort.

Dicefreaks Gates of Hell (Volume 8) provides a nice (if not totally accurate, IMO :D) D&D version of Sammael, as one of the original Hellspawn (like Dispater, Mephistopheles, Lilith, etc), and former Lord of the Seventh who was deceived and betrayed by Beelzebub. GoH Sammael escaped from Baator by shifting his Venal Fortress to the Gray Waste, and he is now supposedly closer to NE than LE. I think we can safely disregard that particular notion. ;)


I had already been using "Turjan" on other messageboards before EN World. It's the name of a character in the first fantasy novel I ever read* (Jack Vance's "Dying Earth", 1950), a sword fighting mage who tries to grow people in vats and goes on a quest to perfect this. This was high fantasy as I liked it, and I still tend to use the name on fantasy-related sites.

I guess you could say that the influence on my life was even more profound. I nowadays grow stuff in vats for a living, though no people.

*by accident; I thought it was SF
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