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What Game Did You Leave D&D For?

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For me, it was Champions, 2nd edition. We played Gamma World, Aftermath, Star Trek (FASA), and Villains and Vigilantes concurrently with my D&D campaign, but when I started running Champions, D&D was set aside for quite a while. A bunch of other games got played concurrently.

The next time it was Ars Magica again with a bunch of other concurrent games.

The last time it was Conspiracy-X.


I love 5E. But I’m not monogamous. I’m really getting into call of Cthulhu 7E and that has got me back into runequest ast well. Forgot how exciting those games can be. I’m kind of liking the fear of death with any attack at the moment.


Myself and two co-GMs have a rotation of campaigns. One GM runs DnD. The other GM runs older Dnd. I offered the table a choice of what they wanted me to run....DnD or Torg (my favorite game).

They picked a third DnD campaign :(


I left during 4e for pathfinder and then for my own NWoD mod. I like that the system is very simple for on the fly rulings and creation and I can teach a new player in 5 minutes just by showing them the character sheet.

After getting older and having kids and job taking up more and more of my time I just dont have the time for a rules heavy, intricate system like D&D. I just want to tell fun stories with a few friends to relax after work so a system where we can all just sit down and I can run a game where the prep work was more daydreaming on my breaks then sitting in the middle of a pile of books doing math for 2 hours i my speed for now.

Maybe sometime down the road I'll take a good look at 6e, whatever that looks like. But 5e is still just too time heavy for me.


Never give them a choice! Unless you are genuinely indifferent. :)
When 5e first came out I ran a three year long Homebrew campaign that had a nice wrap up ending. The new campaign I offered for DnD was a chance to revisit that world 30 years later with a fresh set of characters. I get the appeal for the choice, so they can see how their actions changed the landscape.

Still , though, it is more of the same. Maybe I will eventually use my previously established backdoor link to the Torg world and send their DnD characters into a different system if I get burned out of HP and murder hoboing???? How artsy!


I left D&D for Pathfinder. 5E is the only edition of D&D that I haven't played. Listening to the first Critical Role campaign encouraged me to pick up the core rulebooks and 3 other Hardcovers but I haven't played. My last game was a 10-year Pathfinder campaign that ended 2 years ago. I want to play Mutants and Masterminds or Champions


I don't know that we'll ever truly leave D&D behind, but in the roughly 20 years my group has been gaming together we've dabbled in a whole slew of other games. Some lasted, most didn't.

The only game that's come close to straining our loyalty is Blades in the Dark. I've been running a Blades campaign for nearly a year now and it just seems to get better and deeper the longer it goes.

Blades is such a philosophical leap forward that I'm loathe to go back to D&D (I'm our group's primary GM). Our group of jaded gamers seems to have rediscovered actual ROLE playing. That, and the fact that the game will more or less run itself, thereby freeing me from hours of prep time, puts it firmly in my #1 spot.

That said, there are drawbacks. The setting is pretty constrained and I don't know how much replay value we're going to get out of it. Also, there are inherent issues with having the players play bad guys.

So, I'm looking forward to more Forged in the Dark hacks that will expand into larger settings and more heroic player options.


The first RPG I owned was Traveller (1977 version), though I played much more D&D than Traveller through the 80s. In 1990 I started GMing Rolemaster and it was my main system until the end of 2008. I then started a 4e D&D campaign. That has been largely on hiatus for the last few years, but since 2013 our group has also played a fair bit of Marvel Heroic RP/Cortex+ Heroic Fantasy Hack, Burning Wheel, and more recently Classic Traveller and Prince Valiant. And a few other systems as well in one-shots.

Systems on my to-play-within-the-next-year-or-so list are Wuthering Heights and Apocalypse World.

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