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What happened to Karsus and Wulgreth? And other questions about FR-history.

Rudar Dimble

First Post
1. What happened to Karsus after he casted his Karsus Avatar-spell in -339 DR?
My guess is he turned into stone, because I founded a Forgotten Realms Timeline which recorded Wulgreth (the wizard who was accidentaly turned into a lich by Karsus) destroying a city built near Karsus' stone dead form in -326 DR.

2. And what happened to Wulgreth after that? I found no record of him dying or something like that...

3. Who exactly was Jassin Aunglor? The guy who was buried alive, when (in an attempt of Jassin to kill the green wyrm Venom in -206 DR), the lair of the wyrm collapsed. And what has happened to his moonblade? Was is ever founded?

4. Is their any clue what happened to the lost Nether Scrolls after they were brought to the city of Karsus (-664 DR ) and what was written on them? The search for the stolen Nether Scrolls ended in -657 DR, but records I found don't tell that was because they were founded or people just gave up looking for them.

5. Is there any informations about the Creator Races? (stats, shape, goals they had, etc)

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Rudar Dimble said:
1. What happened to Karsus after he casted his Karsus Avatar-spell in -339 DR?
My guess is he turned into stone, because I founded a Forgotten Realms Timeline which recorded Wulgreth (the wizard who was accidentaly turned into a lich by Karsus) destroying a city built near Karsus' stone dead form in -326 DR.

His body swelled and petrified, eventually landing in what is now known as the Dire Wood. It takes the form of a vaguely human, red stone butte.

2. And what happened to Wulgreth after that? I found no record of him dying or something like that...

There's two Wulgreths in the former city of Karse, there at the base of the butte. Wulgreth of Netheril, and Wulgreth of Ascalhorn. Karsus's Wulgreth eventually became a demilich and was finally killed in the past year or so of FR history (see the Return of the Archwizard's novels). Wulgreth of Ascalhorn (of Hellgate Keep fame) used the Karsestone/Heart of Karsus as his phylactery, and while he was recently killed by one of the Princes of Shade (again, see the Return of the Archwizards novels) his phylactery is still present (and in the possession of Shar) so he'll presumably return at some point.

3. Who exactly was Jassin Aunglor? The guy who was buried alive, when (in an attempt of Jassin to kill the green wyrm Venom in -206 DR), the lair of the wyrm collapsed. And what has happened to his moonblade? Was is ever founded?

Can't help on this one.

4. Is their any clue what happened to the lost Nether Scrolls after they were brought to the city of Karsus (-664 DR ) and what was written on them? The search for the stolen Nether Scrolls ended in -657 DR, but records I found don't tell that was because they were founded or people just gave up looking for them.

They never got to Karse enclave. They were stolen en route and never recovered. I don't recall how much of that complete set was still extant at the time or had already been previously lost/stolen over the years. The other complete set that the Netherese originally had was stolen by the elves of Cormanthyr and hoarded within Windsong Tower in Myth Drannor (and turned into a tree w/ golden leaves for some elfy purpose. The elves never managed to unlock quite as much as the Netherese however, and it doesn't appear to have really influenced their magical traditions). The tree is still there, though its guardian(s) have to continually make sure it stays in that form because the scrolls gradually would revert to their original form otherwise.

5. Is there any informations about the Creator Races? (stats, shape, goals they had, etc)[/QUOTE]


Rudar Dimble said:
Anyone anything about 3 and 5?
Well, regarding the five creator races, there is a bit of information in Serpent Kingdoms.

1. Stats and shape of humans are in the PHB :D. And they are obviously still there :).

2. The sarrukh (=sauroids) have their own chapter in Serpent Kingdoms. They created "serpentfolk and scalykind" ;). Some sarrukh are still present in southern jungles, but most of them left for other planes. They are an LA+8 race.

3. The batrachi (=amphibioids) are the creators of bullywugs, doppelgangers, kopru, kuo-toa, locothah, sivs, tako and other shapeshifting, amphibious, or piscine races. Their fate is unrecorded, but they may have moved to limbo and be known as slaadi.

4. The aearee (=avians) are the creators of the aaracokra, kenku, other birdlike humanoids. They flew to Maztica, but there their track got lost. ("Other sages leave out the aearee but include dragons in the list.")

5. The fey (=sylvans) are the creators of korreds, sprites, and pixies. They still rule in Faerie, but their connections to Faerun grow faint.

The fey never ruled Faerun, but all others did at one time of history. Sarrukh, batrachi, and aearee all contributed to the Nether Scrolls, with the sarrukh contribution being the 'Golden Skins of the World Serpent', a collection of their knowledge.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
About Karsus & The Weave:
Karsus casts Karsus' Avatar and atytempts to steal the Weave from Mystryl. Mystryl gives her life and her divine energy flows into Midnight (know known as Mystra). The weave is destroyed and then reformed after the Time of Troubles with Midnights' ascension to godhood.

Moments after the fall, spellcasting was changed forever. First, Mystra (Mystryl’s replacement) changes the Weave, banning arcanists from accessing 11th- and 12th-level
magic. Arcanists also had to start spending a great deal of time memorizing spells each morning‚ and they were limited to memorizing spells be level. From this point forward‚ arcanists memorize spells as detailed in the Player’s Handbook. She restricts magic use to only those with the aptitude for it‚ essentially stripping cantras from the common people. Mystra also opened up magic so that an arcanist didn’t have to be a specialist in a certain field of study‚ creating generalist arcanists in the process. This‚ Mystra hoped‚ would
convince spellcasters to use magic for the betterment of humankind instead of experimenting to see how much power they could attain for themselves. Within a few years after the fall‚ arcanists became known as wizards.

Priests were not spared the fury of the gods’ wrath either, as their spells became more time consuming to cast. They, likewise, were required to pray for spells each morning and memorize only a certain number of spells for each level. From the fall forward, priests advance and cast spells as detailed in the Player’s Handbook. Quest spells were placed above their reach as well, except under the most special of circumstances.

About the Nether Scrolls:
This set of 50 scrolls was the foundation for magic use by the Netherese, perhaps by all of the sentient races that developed on Faerûn. Some races, like the elves, brought their own magic with them when they migrated to Toril‚ and it’s doubtful that their style of magic use was influenced much by the nether scrolls. But for the Netherese, their ability to use magic and the wisdom contained within the nether scrolls were forever entwined.

It’s unknown who created the nether scrolls. Some believed that they were gifts left by the Creator Races to the humans ofToril. Others believe that they were a gift from Mystryl, the goddess of magic. Other beliefs hold that the nether scrolls are of unworldly origin, perhaps from the outer planes or from some crystal sphere beyond Realmspace.

What was known about the nether scrolls was that they appeared as sheets of gold and platinum. They were covered with magical runes and sigils that shimmered upon their surface, Anyone who saw them immediately knew that they contained magical power and wisdom.

The small size of each scroll belied its content: Magic weaved its way across the surface, turning a quick-reading page of text into a tome that would take months to finish. In addition, there never seemed to be an end to the amount of informationcontained on a single scroll. As one developed in the mystical arts and re-read the scrolls, new passages and spells appeared.

The nether scrolls were immune to all magical effects, including disintegration spells and ther harmful magic. They could be hammered into an unrecognizable mass, however, as was demonstrated a few times in Netheril’s long history. Eventually, the magic of the nether scrolls would recombine lost pieces of itself, but the time required for such a rebirth was long (it’s unknown if it has reformed currently, but the Netherese never saw the scrolls reform themselves).

The nether scrolls were unlike normal scrolls in that their magic wasn’t just sitting there to be read like a normal scroll. Instead, they were to be studied and pored over, the reader searching for new pieces of magical lore. They were unable to be duplicated by any means, and the Netherese kept them asThe scrolls appeared to be divided into five sections of 10 scrolls each. Just like the scrolls themselves, however, this fivepart organization could have disappeared after enough study.

The scrolls appeared to be divided into five sections of 10 scrolls each. Just like the scrolls themselves, however, this fivepart organization could have disappeared after enough study.

Arcanus Fundare
These first scrolls provided the basics of spellcasting, including the use of cantras, spell components, and the various magical schools (such as alteration and invocation, among many others). These schools were the very foundation on which magic use was built, though the Netherese chose to combine them into three categories (Inventive, Mentalism, and Variation).

Magicus Creare
These scrolls detailed the creation of magical items yet hinted at a wide range of possibilities beyond the basic construction of such items. Magical items that became a part of the creator were hinted at, as was the creation of sentient magical items for specific purposes. Most of the scrolls were stolen or destroyed before much work could be done in this area, however.

Maior Creare
The Creation Scrolls, as arcanists quickly referred to them, detailed the process of creating magical constructs, such as golems. More than that, they also taught the elements of creating living wards (artificial items designed to augment an arcanist—a weak example would be something akin to eyes of minute seeing) and sentient wards (items that actually thought for themselves and had the ability to perform actions, such as an extra hand that
would activate a staff to protect itself).

Finally, these scrolls detailed the properties of antimagic as projected by creatures like beholders. It also discussed ways to both create and destroy dead-magic areas.

Planus Mechanicus
Not only did these scrolls detail planar mechanics, explaining how the different planes of existence were related to one another and how magic worked in each plane, they also detailed the process by which to create pocket planes. These scrolls were the ones that Shadow studied over the course of his life, and he was the foremost expert on planes in all of Netheril.

Ars Factum
This final set of the nether scrolls provided the foundation for the actual creation of artifacts from scratch. It was the most difficult to fathom and required extensive knowledge of all other nether scrolls before one could unlock its power. A few arcanists tried anyway, however, and ended up creating the Crown of Horns and the Scepter of the Sorcerer-Kings.

Rudar Dimble

First Post
All great information! I've just started brainstorming on a quest that should take my player's characters from 1st to 25th or even 30th level, with the Forgotten Realms falling into a new era, a bit familiar to the Time of Troubles. :D

Any additions to the information already given is greatly appreciated.


The location of a few of the scattered scrolls from the 2nd complete set of Nether scrolls is known:

A few (2?) are within the tomb of a Sarrukh lich in the depths of the Anaurach.

Several (3?) were until recently contained within the Hall of Mists deep under the Grandfather Tree in the High Forest. The Hall of Mists was, incidentally, built by the organization of members of various creator races that created the Nether Scrolls.

1 of the scrolls is held in trust either on or off Toril by a female Avoral Guardinal sorceress named 'Lady Mantis' that was strongly hinted at having worked for the unique avoral lord Duke Windheir. This same scroll was formerly held by the Alhoon in the mines of Dekanter known as The Beastlord.

Laman Stahros

First Post
Frukathka said:
About Karsus & The Weave:
Karsus casts Karsus' Avatar and atytempts to steal the Weave from Mystryl. Mystryl gives her life and her divine energy flows into Midnight (know known as Mystra). The weave is destroyed and then reformed after the Time of Troubles with Midnights' ascension to godhood.

Just a clarification, Mystryl died and her power flowed into Mystra. Many years later the Time of Troubles happens, and Mystra died and her power flowed into Midnight. Also, the weave was never destroyed, when Mystryl died, magic was cut off until Mystra could learn to control the weave. When Mystra died, Elminster, and the other Chosen, anchored the weave, thus allowing Midnight time to gain control.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
The Dire Woods

The Dire Wood is a small portion of The High Forest, don't try to find it on a map it'll drive you crazy. I have been looking over my books and can find no reference to the destruction of the red stone butte that is known as Karsus' petrified body.

The following information was gleaned from the DnD 2nde Edition Forgotten Realms boxed set known as The North, which you can download for free from the Wotc old edition downloads site here. Also you can find more info about The North & The High Forest on pages 165 & 166 of the Forgotten Realms 3.0 Campaign Setting Book.

The North Boxed Set (about the Dire Wood) said:
This strange, hilly land within the eastern High Forest is named the Dire Woods because of a legendary massacre of humans that caused the soil to redden. This epic predates even the hoary tales of Netheril, though folk today have other reasons to label this place as dire. Once a frenzied and ever-expanding area of unexplained magic, the chaos has stabilized and remained stable since the Time of Troubles.

During its expansions, the Dire Wood's oundaries were marked by black, petrified trees; now, its outer boundaries are delineated by the same black trees surrounded by an outer ring of albino oaks—ancient oak trees bleached white in bark, wood, and leaves by some bizarre magic. While its outer ring can be paced out to measure a four-mile circumference of ivory trees, its interior dimensions are far more expansive and appear to measure 100-150 miles within the perimeter.

Whether inside or out, the terrain of the Dire Wood consists of uneven hills and undergrowth. The terrain changes only once, with a single, towering, red stone butte jutting out from the forest floor; this simply marks the location of the now-abandoned ruins of Karse, a former outpost dating from the latter days of ancient Netheril.

Weather here bears no resemblance to the outer world and is highly magical (see Deeper Secrets below for wizard weather). Creatures long extinct elsewhere are found here in abundance, though they die if forced out beyond the Dire Woods' boundaries. Wild magic sites are almost commonplace herein, appearing at random then disappearing without a trace. A few druids report the natural existence of deepspawn within one part of the Dire Wood, and rangers have documented proof of giant forest animals emerging from the wood and remaining altered. One particular displacer beast was doubled in size and its tentacles were felling small trees before the creature was brought low.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Okay, you are right Laman Stahros. Midnight is the third incarnation of Mystra.

A little backstory on Mystra if you want it:
Mystra is the third deity to hold the position of Lady of Mysteries and Mother of All Magic since the rise of Netheril, The first was Mystryl who died saving the Weave from the arrogance of the Netherese archwizard Karsus. The second Lady of Mysteries was the first to create the Chosen of Mystra, including Elminster, Khelben, and the Seven Sisters. She died at the hands of Helm during the Time of Troubles while trying to return to the planes. At the end of the Avatar Crisis, a mortal wizard named Midnight assumed the name of her predecessor upon ascension to divinity. Like Cyric and Kelemvor, it took the new Mystra some time to grow into the role as a deity. For a decade, she battled her old enemy Cryric on many occassions, and for a time, witheld the use of magics from deities and mortals alike. However, since then she seems to have learned her role as guardian of the Balance and impartial arbiter of the Weave.

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