makes me think of WarHammer 1st Ed ...
Not really - WFRP doesn't do what you're attempting - the damage reduction stat (T) doesn't (normally) drop from damage, the damage production stat (S) doesn't drop from damage, and the damage capacity stat (W) does nothing else. Crits can reduce S or T, but at that point, the character's already pretty close to dead. All the games I know that use a damage reduction from attributes don't use stat based damage reduction.
Traveller doesn't modify damage done for stats, only the to hit. Current is used for to hit mods (STR for melee, DEX for Ranged.) The actual score for mods varied by weapon. Many GM's ignored this due to simplification.
YZE doesn't reduce damage directly by stats; melee is opposed rolls, so there is indirect effect, since the dice pool is sized by current attribute. Note tho', Alien and T2K4 are HP derived from stats, and not damage to stats; Mutant Year Zero is 1 stat per damage type; melee is opposed rolls, so damage to Str for melee damage does increase opponent damage slightly. Given that atts run 2-5, slight changes aren't actually minor...
Tunnels and Trolls normally marks damage against Con, but bases damage upon
Dexterity, and
Luck. Damage is opposed rolls. Damage resistance is entirely worn armor. I'm using the 5E rules, since I know them best, and the PDF is available. Oversized weapons and spell casting do damage Strength, and current is used for allowed weapons and for combat adds... Note that T&T does not roll to hit in melee - straight to rolling damage. The higher damage total does the difference to the lower. Monsters often use "
Rating" (MR). Damage total is (MR/10)d6+MR/2; the example in page 1.7.2 makes it clear current MR is used. This makes MR critters who lose round 1 rapidly start dropping, with later turns lacking any real threat. I'll note that many GMs don't reduce monsters for MR damage and don't reduce ST for combat adds for fatigue on ST from spells. Note that allowed weapons have Str, Dex, and hands requirements; sum them to figure out if you can use them. Armor has Str requirements; these are separate from the weapon requirements. Encumbrance limit is based upon ST as well... Many GMs don't modify for current on allowed weapons, allowed armor, and allowed encumbrance; this is often for simplicity.
The Fantasy Trip has 3 stats:
IQ. Damage is marked against Str. Damage delivered is modified by Str, but damage taken is only reduced by armor. It was explicit in Melee 1E (The combat rules & boardgame) that weapon damage does NOT reduce for ST damage. (Melee, p. 4)
Many early games use a damage capacity equal to a stat, but do not reduce said stat for game purposes. This includes Starships & Spacemen (1978), RuneQuest (HP=Size+Con),