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So the teamup at the end kind of felt like Justice league..... throw a bunch of people who barely know each other into the drink and just have a big action piece, but with no heart. At the end of the day this has probably been one of my least favorite marvel properties, it had a few bright spots but again just no substance. It just felt empty all said and done.

Jeez Dr Strange is OP....but I chalk that up to his extra dimensional powers. We could argue that his powers actually come from outside the multiverse and so are a counter to the infinity stones. That said, for all the time Ultron has had with the stones and his supposed great intellect, he really doesn't know how to use them.

Also there goes the Loki theory that infinity stones don't work in other universes, that must have been a TVA special.

My money is that they are going to keep going with a Captain Carter animated series. They definitely highlighted her at the end and I think she is charismatic enough that a version with her could be a lot of fun.


Yeah, the Captain Carter one was interesting because of the switched role, and they successfully sold her as filling that role well. T'Challa as Starlord just didn't convince in the same way - he's too perfect by the time we see him (people fanboying over him on sight, Thanos being persuaded not to Thanos) unlike the version we see in Black Panther, who's still a hero but has some rough edges to work out.

And I'd have liked to see more such switched-around roles, explore some very different takes on the MCU extended cast. But we didn't really get much more of that. Episode 3 was interesting as a murder-mystery, and felt like a very faithful extrapolation of how events could play out differently, but it didn't really introduce anything new. Episode 4 was just depressing, and didn't tell us anything we didn't already know about Strange, plus its approach to closed-loop time paradoxes felt unimaginative. Episode 5... I've never cared for zombies as a fictional trope, and this did nothing to dissuade me of that.

Episode 6 gives us Killmonger... basically being Killmonger, but with better sponsorship, and everyone else being just a little too dense. Episode 7 was frequently funny, but never quite as funny as it thought it was, and utterly lightweight.

And then the concluding episodes? Ultron is impressively (if inconsistently) powerful, but his screen presence is rather lacking, and yeah, as @Stalker0 says, he's rubbish at Infinity Stones. Why is he touring around blowing up individual planets when he could just snap his fingers and wipe out all sentient life in the universe? And then we bring the whole team together for an empty series of beat-'em-up battles against someone who should be able to basically just command reality on a whim. And oh no, the Watcher breaks his sacred vow, what terrible consequences could result from such a- oh, it's over.


A suffusion of yellow
Also am I over thinking Marvel taking jabs at DC with

  • the Eternals trailer has a dis of Superman (Icarus “I don’t wear a cape”)
  • Ultron is very much like the Anti-Monitor
  • they call this episodes team up a Suicide Mission

I liked the way they tied the series together with the double episode at the end.

It looks like the episode that get left out featured Gamora defeating Thanos. Unless it was just cut completely, I did hear that the 10th episode was pushed back to season 2?

Overall I enjoyed the whole series, beautiful animation, great writing, looking forward to (hopefully) more seasons.

The Dr Strange episode was probably still my favourite.

It looks like the episode that get left out featured Gamora defeating Thanos. Unless it was just cut completely, I did hear that the 10th episode was pushed back to season 2?

Yeah, the original leaks said episode 8 was about Tony Stark on Sakaar, the planet from Thor: Ragnarok. We did see a few seconds of that when Gamora got grabbed. Also, when the show was first announced, it was scheduled for 18 episodes, and then later we found out it would be 2 seasons of 9 episodes each, so I am guessing what we got as episode 9 was originally the first episode of season 2, meaning we would have been stuck with a cliffhanger. I am glad they instead skipped the Sakaar episode and moved the 2nd part up to season 1.

Yeah, the original leaks said episode 8 was about Tony Stark on Sakaar, the planet from Thor: Ragnarok. We did see a few seconds of that when Gamora got grabbed.

That rings a bell, for some reason I thought there was talk of one episode based on 'What if the other 50% got snapped instead', so basically End Game but with all the avengers that were gone, but that could have just been someone trying to explain what the series was about, just throwing out random ideas.

so 50/50 a life form based on organic chemistry is right handed, meaning all of our organic molecules are incompatible. They could not eat any of our food for example, there bodies wouldn’t be able to process it
The interesting thing about this is it is a somewhat testable hypothesis. If, as some have suggested, organic molecules in interstellar clouds where related to life, you would expect one "handedness" to be favoured over the other. If they are the product of chemistry, you would expect to see a 50/50 distribution. When I was last working in the field the evidence was for 50/50.

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