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What is the best computer game you have ever played?


First Post
Did anyone ever play Descent or Descent 2?

That was crazy awesome and it was the only "first-person" game that felt truly 3-d. You flew and spun and climbed and dove through tunnels and rooms, rotating at any angle.

Talk about working on your spacial awareness.... Sometimes you had no idea you were flying around upside-down or sideways.

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First Post
I don't usually get motion sickness from anything, but both of those made me severely ill. Apart from that I didn't really have anything negative to say about them.

Yea, Descent 1 and 2 can seriously make you dizzy. But its good for working on your spatial awareness in a zero-g environment. :)


First Post
Did anyone ever play Descent or Descent 2?

That was crazy awesome and it was the only "first-person" game that felt truly 3-d. You flew and spun and climbed and dove through tunnels and rooms, rotating at any angle.

Talk about working on your spacial awareness.... Sometimes you had no idea you were flying around upside-down or sideways.
Yup, excellent games. Very difficult to control your ship and orient yourself while fending off the pretty clever bots, lots of secrets, etc.

There were also some pretty cool user-created levels, including my first contact with a hypercube.

I also loved that they eventually released the source-code. Very interesting stuff.


First Post
Civilization - I've played it on and off for decades, hows that for playability.

Also of note:

Halo, Knights of the old republic, Diablo.


I didn't read the whole thread, only pages 1, 2, and 7, but so far no one's mentioned the true King of all PC Gaming:

Deus Ex.

Not the sequel, Deus Ex: Invisible War, which was a multi-platform yawner, but the original, PC-only Deus Ex.

Those of you that have played it, and loved it, know what I'm talking about.

In some ways, it's kind of the 1e D&D of games--people have tried to improve upon it, there's "shinier," more up-to-date graphics engines, but in its purest essence, Deus Ex is the pinnacle of PC gaming.

Seriously, pick up a copy on Steam for $5. You can thank me later.

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