What is your favorite race to play as?


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keeping in mind the abilities, stat adjustment, level adjustment, and how well it leasds itself to your style of roleplaying, what is your favorite (not necessarily core) race? Please state why.

my favorite race (hands down) is tiefling. They have serious issues that can be roleplayed around in more than one way (evil but hiding it, not evil but mistrusted, good but worships demons, likes animals but s humans...). Their abilities are to me flat out awesome (resistances to often used elements, darkness, darkvision), their stats are highly useful in any class except bard or sorceror.

Their level adjustment is a drawback, but one i dont mind. It makes the early tiefling fragile and cautious. Also, I think the concept visually is quite cool. Human like, but with demonic traces (a sense of wrongness....teh leet!). They seem most able at rogue, but also able to take on ranger, wizard, and monk without too much difficulty.

actually i just like demons

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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
MY current GM allows our group to play antropomorphic characters. I am current playing an anthropomorphic cat (housecat) [Savage Species]. I'm am absolutely loving it. With four levels in rogue so far, the character has proven to be extremely valuable, as no other characters are anthrpomorphs.
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James Heard

I usually play either what everyone else is playing or a race so bizarre and out of the norm that it immediately arouses distrust and suspicion from my fellow gamers. I think it depends on how much effort and how much lack of faith I have in the GM really. If I ever say I want to play a wemic, be certain that I hate you.

Herpes Cineplex

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I mean, you get more skill points and an extra feat, and I love playing highly-skilled characters. I've never even considered any of the other races seriously; in fact, the only nonhuman character I've played was basically done on a dare.

What can I say? I'm a skill addict.

and besides, humans are cooler than everyone else

Shin Okada

I enjoy playing any race appropriate for the world setting. But even if allowed, I usually prefer non LA races as levels always matter, and non-LA races have more customizable part comparing to high LA races.


Nothing quite compares with trying for the (semi) incompetent henchman. And actually, despite having unpleasant stat penalties the 30 foot speed and darkvision make it quite playable too.
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First Post
Astral Deva.

It just rocks. We play it via Savage Species advancement level-by-level. We removed the transform-to-large -thing and added +8 to dex during the 20 levels. Though I'm not even close to 20th yet.
Anyway, the race is quite strong in the first 10 levels. Then the hp/skill loss starts to come into play, but those can be somewhat lessened with the great stats and special abilities.

Out of more 'normal' races, Shades (La+4?) are awesome. As far as your group are dungeon-delving, he is definitely nice.
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