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What is your favorite story hour - and Why?


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I do all mine in Word, save each chapter in its own file. Then, after I've made enough edits in here, I end up copying the whole thing and copy it all into word and delete all the separate files on my hard drive keeping one master.

Then I start fresh with the new ones. I taught my brother to do it the way I do, he'd been typing his using Enworld. He's much happier this way!

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Knight Otu

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My favorites would be RangerWicketts Savannah Knights, Piratecats Defenders of Daybreak, and Sepulchavre's Heretic of Wyre, in the order I got into them. Of course, Savannah Knights is complete and Wyre is paused, so I am left with a single story hour where I can expect updates. :(


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I do it in word, but I keep a running master document. That way I'm not out of luck if the boards poof (like that would ever happen :p)

Sometimes other players post to the story, and sometimes I copy it in, and other times not, but generally I try to keep a running master document of everything I posted and the DM might have.

It's only up to 324 pages.


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Interestingly enough, I don't read the reference Story Hours (Piratecat, Sagiro), either because I don't know where to start or because the first few pages didn't grab me when I started.

The first story hour I read (and still read) was Nemmerle's. The first few pages of the early thread were really gripping, and I remember devouring those last summer. Recently, the plot has kind of delved into interesting sidetracks, and I find I'm not as involved as a used to be, but I guess it's temporary. Why do I like it ? Great characters, interesting world, slow character advancement...

I then discovered Lady Despina's Virtue. Quite the opposite. High level, vancian feel, truly epic and, more important, religiously significant ! It really is a great story hour that no one should let go by, even though it's on hiatus right now.

Then recently, Nemmerle's being slow and Sep's on hiatus, I picked up a third one. For some reason, I sampled Force User's Vietnamese, and it hooked me from the start. The narrative is great and it gives you an amazing feel of being there. It's also great, as has been pointed many times in the story hour thread itself, to read about a non japanese non rokugan campaign. Amazing stuff, can't wait for it to go on.

Edit : And there's Horacio's GARS stuff. I'm not too keen on super-hero stuff in general, so I can't say I'm hooked, but what I've read is fun to read and it's Horacio, the compulsive bumber, so I owe him much ;)

And then of course, there's my own modest work, which probably won't interest many of you since it's not written in English... You can always check out the link below... The maps are nice, if I say so myself ;)
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a few of my favorites...

By far my most favorite is The Heretic of Wyre. I love the characters and world and Sep. really is able to convey the epic, high-level scope of his world and campaign.

I also really like Old One's Against the Shadows...Faded Glory. This one more for the pseudo-Roman world.

The funnest characterization and another must read for me is Knights of the Silver Quill by Doc Midnight. Glad it's going to start up again.

I also like Rel's Faded Glory story, Ice, Luck, and Honor, Bloodstone Lands, Aeurndar, anything by Rune I check out and wish he would continue Oriental Adventures in a Dream and Cthulu in a Small Town...most of them because of great narrative descriptions and the world [FR for some].

Ancalagon used to be prolific but alas his stories have faded to page 4+

Loved Black Omega's HERO story also.

Lars Frehse

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I use



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I'm cheating and posting twice! :D

One of my favorites is the Heroes of Haven, but then again, I play Rowena and even though it hasn't been updated recently I have inside information that it's getting a REALLY good update REALLY soon!

What is there is really, really good! paulewaug is pretty funny, not to mention that he really nails the details.

He started out with characters that don't really show up until later, but it adds a whole lot to the story. So, even though I play in the game, I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

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