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What kind of gamer are you?


No surprises for me - and i also had to answer a tie breaker question

You Scored as Butt-Kicker

You like a streightforward combat character. After a long day at the office, you want to clobber foes and once more prove your superiority over all who would challenge you.

Tactician 83%
Power Gamer 83%
Butt-Kicker 83%
Specialist 58%
Storyteller 42%
Method Actor 25%
Casual Gamer 17%

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You Scored as Method Actor
You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.
That's only half true. Definitely, I see gaming as a creative expression and enjoy situations that test my character's personality.

But I also really like rules. I like rules that support themes of the game, rules that make the important traits of my character a significant factor in resolution. Beliefs and instincts in Mouse Guard, traits in Dogs in the Vineyard, motivations and intimacies in Exalted, destiny and tragedy in Mistborn. Rules that help playing interesting characters in emotionally intense situations are much better than no rules at all.


Cute but dangerous
You Scored as StorytellerYou're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Storyteller 100%
Method Actor
Tactician 83%
Power Gamer
Butt-Kicker 25%
Casual Gamer

Sounds about right.

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
Storyteller 92%
Tactician 75%
Method Actor
Power Gamer 58%
Specialist 58%
Butt-Kicker 42%
Casual Gamer

I'd say that's pretty accurate. I expected Specialist to be higher and Power Gamer to be lower because I love having a character with a particular niche but that doesn't mean I build particularly effective characters.


see my sig. ;)

keep in mind that i love many aspects of the game (acting, storytelling, exploration), but according to this test, being powerful is most important to me. i'm not sure i agree.

Storyteller 92%
Specialist 67%
Method Actor 58%
Butt-kicker 50%
Tactician 25%
Casual gamer 8%
Power gamer 8%

I don't see myself much as a specialist, though. I think the quiz is a bit flawed in that regard--when it asked if I want the system to support the character I want to play, that didn't imply to me that I want to play the same character every time regardless of setting or system.

And although I agree that I approach the game from a novelist or screenwriter like perspective, Robin Laws assumes that that means drama. I'm talking about an action novel, movie or TV show, and if there's not a combat or other action scene in every single session, I consider the game a failure.

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
I don't see myself much as a specialist, though. I think the quiz is a bit flawed in that regard--when it asked if I want the system to support the character I want to play, that didn't imply to me that I want to play the same character every time regardless of setting or system.

Good point. I interpreted it the same way that you did. And after reading what they mean by specialist, that doesn't describe me much at all. I always want to try new characters, not rehash old ones.

Greg K

I'd say that's pretty accurate. I expected Specialist to be higher and Power Gamer to be lower because I love having a character with a particular niche but that doesn't mean I build particularly effective characters.

Powergamer, in the test is not just about building the most effective character. It also includes liking to add new abilities/improvements to your character over time. It doesn't differentiate the motivation (e.g., whether you to do it for Char Op/Min Max effectiveness in you niche or to represent how your character broadened by picking up news skills relative to where you are and what you have been doing even if it is not the most optimal choice). From the perspective of the test, adding new bonuses, improving old bonuses, and gaining new abilities all add some power/effectiveness to the character and, therefore, liking to see such improvements will gain you some points on the powergamer axis (how much depends on how important your rated it).

I had a similar reaction to method actor until I realized that I, basically, do see dice as a necessary evil. I approach things as I think my character would, but I don't want the GM just basing success on handwaving or their interpretation and mood at the moment. I like the dice, because they are impartial and the bonuses reflect my view of the character (ability and skills) and the things he has acquired (e.g., magic items).

The above also ties into my rating has Tactician. I have no interest in puzzles or mysteries that test me as a player. I like to have such things test my character's and its abilities (back to Method Actor). However, everything else fits. I like the sim and representing what is going on in the setting, because it helps place me mentally in the environment and keeps me there. It helps me gauge the odds of what my character can do in a given situation. Therefore, I can make weigh motivation vs. odds and decide which my character would value more. So, despite not wanting to be tested as a player, I do have a higher tactician rating, based on the test criteria, than I had, initially, thought.


Well, this was my result. I'm not really surprised by this result.

Storyteller 100%
Tactician 83%
Specialist 50%
Power Gamer 50%
Method Actor 33%
Butt-Kicker 17%
Casual Gamer 0%

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