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What kinds of things could you find on a lost continent?


Nice to see people keep bumping this thread for me. Great ideas, all.

(if by some fluke, you are playing in Curtis Bennett's campaign this fall, avert your eyes!) (none of my players read ENWorld, but better safe than sorry)

What I have thus far (from my own brainstorming):

(first, some background) - the world was plunged into an ice age like 200k years ago, and all civilizations that weren't killed fled to a central equatorial location and fortified it, making their way there. After the ice receded, man has started venturing out to explore those areas that were lost. Hence, the lost continent.

The campaign centers around the PCs and their voyage aboard an expedition to this continent to explore and learn as much as they can. Previously, a brash explorer set out to the open sea, and found it, and mapped a great deal of the coastline - though he never landed, knowing that he was ill-equipped for such a thing. He returned with his prized coastline map and was much lauded. A second explorer used the first's map and has yet to return - some 15 years have past now. A third expedition (enter our Heroes!) sets forth to explore the island, gather as much info as they can, possibly find out what happened to the second explorer, and return.

Once they reach the continent, the explorer and the PCs find the wrecked remains of the previous explorers ship in a harboer near the beach. He and the PCs board a skiff and head to the beach to investigate it. While they are there, a huge dragon flies overhead and attacks their galley, killed many of the crew, and destroys the ship. The PCs, their employer, and whatever crew weren't killed are now stranded. Inside the hull of the previous ship's remains, dire warnings about foul and evil things existing on the continent are scrawled. Too late for our heroes.

Anyway, some of what I have to populate the island with is:
The tomb of the lizardman king - this is the first dungeon I've drawn up, and is a highly complex tomb which has at the bottom the lizardman king and his queen in a temporal stasis.

Where the wild horses roam - a herd of wild horses has made a large grassy field their home where they graze and roam. They are led by a Horse of Legend named Equinox. Taming some horses would be a great boon to the PCs to help explore the island. Will Equinox allow the PCs to tame some of her herd?

The Grippli village - a village of Grippli's (Tome of Horrors) invites the PCs to stay for some rest, and maybe some minor bartering. The first friendly village the PCs come to, it's a welcome relief to the hostile environs that abound here. The Grippli's can offer some clues to the previous explorers whereabouts, because he left some of his journal entries here...

The cave of the colossal scorpion - Amidst a rocky plain, giant scorpions roam, viciously attacking anything they come near. A large cave houses the greatest of them all, a colossal scorpion. What is it protecting in that cave?

The valley of frogs - like the unusual scorpions, the frogs here are monstrously huge. The valley leads into a dismal swamp, where few animals dare wander. What lies at the heart of the swamp is anyone's guess.

The mushroom marsh - Giant walking mushrooms have made their home in this shadowy marsh. A natural limestone cave houses the greatest of these mushrooms.

(The three above locations I've tied together with a chaos sphere - a remnant of some ancient chaotic artifact that has instilled chaos into an otherwise ordinary environment (creating huge mushrooms, frogs, and scorpions in the process). I intend to tie the chaos spheres (the PCs eventually will have to collect all three) as some sort of plot device which I haven't fully realized yet)

The field of gears - These huge gears are out of place in this field. Gears, pulleys, rods, and pistons, all lying about. Automatons appear out of nowhere and attack all living things. Here, a great formian settlement thrives in the heart of it. Where have they come from, and what are their goals?

Black Ice Well - this is a module from MonkeyGod. It's designed for 6-8 13th-14th level characters. The basic premise is that it is a temple to some outcast demons who were responsible for destroying an ultra-powerful vampire dragon. I was going to try to tie the formians, and the chaos spheres into this somehow.

The previous explorer - The previous explorer encountered many tragedies, but the final was an encounter by a powerful vampire lord, who used a form of a magic jar spell to permanently take over his body. In this non-vampire form, the vampire was free to move about the countryside, and now seeks to tap into the power of the black ice well for himself.

Well, that's what I have thus far. Thoughts, opinions?

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You've got a good mix of module types in there, Curtis. Might I suggest sprinkling in some foreshadowing elements once you have a main bad guy. For example, let's use the destroyed vampire-dragon mentioned in Black Ice Well. I know nothing about the adventure, but the overarcing plot on the continent could be that a clan of dragons (or dragon-men or cultists, etc) are trying to reassemble key body parts that will return the dragon to undeath.

The demons, after destroying the vamp dragon, disperse the main body parts across the continent and mutate the animals, and so forth, to protect them from being retrieved. Using the dragon to wreck the boat in the beginning would be a great start for such a plotline. The lost second explorer's journal entries may indicate he was on to this plot by the vamp dragon minions and thus point the PCs in a direction at a crucial stage in the campaign. Heck, the demons that destroyed the vamp dragon may even make an appearance or two to help the party thwart the vamp dragon's cronies (that would be something>PCs working with demons!).

The vamp dragon's bits wouldn't need to be completely inactive either. Your grippli's, for example, may be driven to unspeakable acts once every season due to the close proximity of the bamp dragon's brain or something. Naturally, this would be the same time as the PCs visit. The grippli believe the atrocious day is a natural part of their life cycle, but something tips off the party that it is not.

Anyway, just some thoughts here. Use at your own discretion. ;)


Princess of Florin
It sounds like you have enough ideas to keep your players busy for a very long time. It sounds good! I wish I were playing in your campaign.


First Post
One change I would make is to increase the number of expeditions which have set out for the continent. Once it is "found" many competing countries will try to reach it with at least a small force to stake their claim to any resources they can find. This often becomes a matter of national pride. These will often land in different areas and many or most will eventually fail.

Some will just disappear, leaving mysteries.

Others will try to return home when it becomes obvious they are not doing well. Do they make it, with exciting tales and rumors which draw even more explorers? Do they make it and warn others not to go because of dangers, but keep a secret which draws them all back (think treasure island).

Still others may actually make a go of it, setting up a small colony and doing a brisk trade with ships from the motherland several times a year (think early American colonies).

This will give you more options for interaction.



That's a good idea, Dave, I hadn't considered that angle. I probably won't go for the small settlement, for campaign-specific reasons, but having other failed expeditions does add an element of danger. I'll have to stew on that.

Napftor, wow, that's quite a bit different from the module, but that gives me something to chew on. thanks

Wraith Form

DaveStebbins said:
One change I would make is to increase the number of expeditions which have set out for the continent. Once it is "found" many competing countries will try to reach it with at least a small force to stake their claim to any resources they can find. This often becomes a matter of national pride. These will often land in different areas and many or most will eventually fail.
Quickie reminder--"landing" doesn't necessarily mean just by boat, depending on your campaign's power level. There are some interesting things that can be done with teleport, gate, etc.


Inventor of Super-Toast
Castlin suggested "At the Mountains of Madness". If you don't want to go completly Lovecraft, or just haven't read it, use the basic premise.

The party finds the ruins of a civilization populated by strange, but advanced creatures. Mybe they find some degenerate descendants living in savagery or some of their great heroes in suspended animation. The only problem is that they were destroyed by their out-of-control creations, who are still out there...

Demiurge out.

It could be cool if the PC's discovered this continent was a staging ground of some immense extra planar invasion. You could use either the vampire-dragon or the demons as the invaders, and the other as a force that stalled the invasion. Now the plot has begun again and the PC's must decide if they will aid the other evil side so as to stop the greater threat.
Perhaps all the dino people or lizard folk are soldier agents of the vampire dragon. Once the PC's have figured everything out, they may have to race back to the mainland somehow to warn the great continents of the lurking danger!
So many ideas...
so little time...
Will try to post more later

It could be cool if the PC's discovered this continent was a staging ground of some immense extra planar invasion. You could use either the vampire-dragon or the demons as the invaders, and the other as a force that stalled the invasion. Now the plot has begun again and the PC's must decide if they will aid the other evil side so as to stop the greater threat.
Perhaps all the dino people or lizard folk are soldier agents of the vampire dragon. Once the PC's have figured everything out, they may have to race back to the mainland somehow to warn the great continents of the lurking danger!
So many ideas...
so little time...
Will try to post more later


First Post
A fun twist on supplies could be a random chart the PCs roll on. Crates drift in on the tide after the ship is wrecked. They probably didn't bring too much with them to check out the ship and any food or tools that wash ashore would be well received. Fish nets, roping, candles etc.

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