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What MM monsters DON'T you use?


As far as the Monster Manuals and even other monsters found in the random splat books the biggest problem I have is a lot of weaker creatures (or NPCs) and not a great variety.
More rules on how to make them or variants within the creature is welcome but not when it cramps the book - looking at you MM4. I'd like to see less pre-created creatures and more how to make them. Create a base creature and give loads of options to boost. This is something that has taken years of DMing to learn.

Creatures I have exception with:
Some Dragons - All the extra dragons beyond those in the MM1. I reuse all the coloured ones (sadly yes only the chromatic and not metallic) over and over in different places with different breath weapons or looks than they were written. This comes back to what I said before on giving us a base creature and then giving us options instead of making 12 different variations of the same creature at different levels.
Most Fiends - I love the written variety that exists in DnD myth but I have found many of the stat blocks don't reflect this. How many brute force or smaller summoning friends do we need? The interesting ones are the minor spellcaster with special status effects or big big bad (pit fiends) or special ability. There never seems to be enough of this second group.
Celestials - Same goes for fiends above as MOST celestials. All angels are the same, (L)G creatures who do good and love life and blah blah blah. The interesting ones are the guardinals who actually exist as races and have personality (I love my Leonals and Avoreals) and certain Eladrin - who became too elfy and way too many in later books.
Elementals and Giants - I love using both but they have the same problems as everything else with so many variants. Elementals are excellent but with each new splat book we get six different variants instead of seeing base elementals do everything they are a new type. Giants are slightly different, I get having lesser ones, like the hill, to be used as brutes or random encounters. And having larger ones, like cloud, who rule. It's like having wyverns (or drakes) vs having full dragons.
Most UNDEAD - OMG this is my biggest pet peeve. There are so many different types (and half-types) of undead in the expansions. I understand having a few types but there are just too many. I think there should be only: zombies (reanimated, typically controlled, fleshies, some want brains), skeletons (reanimated, weaker, always controlled), ghosts (pick a name if ghost doesnt work for you, refuse to move on, some have powers, medium types, stronger ones could be higher level creatures. After this give a few unique types; like liches, vampires and banshees but I don't need all the dozens of ghosts/zombies/skeletons that do slightly different things. (UNLESS: they are variants intended to be used on the base creature)

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Interestingly enough, I've played D&D 3.5 so much that I think I have either used or encountered each and every monster in the MM in some form or fashion (i.e. whether out of the book or templated/advanced). There are a few of them that just aren't that memorable, but some classics I just love. I'm a big fan of imps and quasits as intriguing roleplaying opportunities and interesting challenges. I've used ogres and trolls a lot in various ways, adding class levels and such to make things more interesting. I've had lots of fun with sphinxes and their riddles. Howlers also make great pets for any villain. Anyway, I have lots of favorites, but after looking through the list, I can't see any I haven't used in some way.


First Post
Honestly, I've used almost all of them. There are certainly animals I haven't had occasion to use, and I haven't used every single angel/demon/etc., but I've used the vast majority, and I would like to use all of them.

The 3.0 Monster Manual was my first D&D book; I learned the game from it and I consider it to be pretty much the king. There are some silly ones and some mechanical problems, but there isn't one I wouldn't want in my game.


First Post
Here are some more that never see use at my table:

Vargouille - soon, my darlings, soon! No longer will you be hidden from the world! People will revel in your beauty and majesty, my dearies! Soon!

Chaos Beast - see Phasm.

Xill - I expect to see one of these make an appearance right this Saturday, though.

Rast - glass cannon monster, hard to use.

Grell - I actually put one in once, but the players didn't go that way...

Krenshar - so it's a wolf that can scare you. Impressive stuff, if you like wolves, and don't want to use actual wolves, I guess.

Hippogriff - I've used all manner of flying bruisers, but not this. No idea why, actually.

Tendriculous - never found the opportunity to use this ludicrously under-CRed monster.

Phasm - see Chaos Beast.

Dragonne - cool monster, actually. Will probably use one at some point.


Vargouille - soon, my darlings, soon! No longer will you be hidden from the world! People will revel in your beauty and majesty, my dearies! Soon!

Good for you. I used to use these things back when they were scary. Now that they are less scary, there is even less reason not to use them. They still have a high creepy factor.

Chaos Beast

One of my favorites. See 'Slaad' in my signature.

Krenshar - so it's a wolf that can scare you. Impressive stuff, if you like wolves, and don't want to use actual wolves, I guess.

Used one of these for the first time a few sessions ago.

Hippogriff - I've used all manner of flying bruisers, but not this. No idea why, actually.

It's the standard flying beast in the militaries of most nations. Battle trainable, can be bred in captivity (at least in my game), and lower maintanence costs than either Griffins or Pegasi. The desirability of the creature and the relative ease of capture compared to beserker griffins and hyper-shy Pegasi has made it quite rare in the wild.

Tendriculous - never found the opportunity to use this ludicrously under-CRed monster.

Me neither. I'm going to have to fix that problem.

Dragonne - cool monster, actually. Will probably use one at some point.

Come to think of it, never had one encountered in my game. Time to place one on my map.


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This is going to sound like I'm jumping you, but how can you do Tolkien and especially Leiber without wierd?

Tolkien has fell beasts, and says that in the deep places of the earth strange things unknown to even the valar gnaw the bones of the mountains. What is the Watcher in the Water if not wierd? If you do Tolkien 'underdark', then you do 'wierd'. Shelob isn't merely a big spider, she is a monterous spider of nightmares whose webs suck up light and bind up shadows. And Leiber is heavily influenced by HP Lovecraft, to the point that the mentors of the protagonists of his 'Swords' books are robed lovecraftian monsters with faces that are masses of eye stalks.


To me the difference is that Leiber's nonhumans behave like humans. His ice gnomes, rat people, ghouls, invisibles, and devourers are more like people in costumes than species unto themselves. Sheelba and Ningauble may look weird but they behave like the wisemen/women of dozens of fairy tales.

Tolkien also writes very human-centric tales. Even the Elder are very human (I mean concept, not biology). Everything from Morgoth, to Feanor, to Sauron stems from real human feeling like jealousy and a desire for revenge. To me Lovecraftian protoplasm puddles don't have that.

Things like the Watcher and the Fell Beast are more like animals than self-determining enemies. I don't think a squid or pteranadon wants to eat elves out of malice.

I do use things like carrion crawlers. I'm not against using anything, but creatures like darkmantles and rasts weren't created when I started so I don't tend to use them. When I think D&D I don't think about them.

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