What race is the Wizard in your group? (take II)

What race is the wizard (not sorcerer or other variant) in your group?

  • Human

    Votes: 169 44.8%
  • Dwarf (phb)

    Votes: 43 11.4%
  • Elf (high/phb)

    Votes: 50 13.3%
  • Elf (gray, sun)

    Votes: 44 11.7%
  • Elf (other)

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • Gnome (phb)

    Votes: 37 9.8%
  • Gnome (other)

    Votes: 12 3.2%
  • Halfling (phb)

    Votes: 27 7.2%
  • Halfling (other)

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Half-Elf (phb)

    Votes: 17 4.5%
  • Half-Orc (phb)

    Votes: 6 1.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 7.4%
  • No wizard in group

    Votes: 59 15.6%


Eternal Optimist
Further to the discussion on the Elf Generalist Wizard subsitution level...

Andy Collins said that he hadn't seen a elf wizard in 5 years of playing 3e. Hmm.

It got me wondering: what race is the wizard(s) in your group?

Please answer this poll for a wizard, not a sorcerer, warmage or other variant.

Notes: (phb) indicates "Player Handbook" standard race.
Elf (gray, sun) indicates an Elf race with a +2 Int.

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First Post
I voted for the campaign I'm GM of where there is not a wizard in the party, in the campaign where I'm a player there is an elven spellcaster, but I'm not sure which class or elf race.


First Post
In the two games I currently GM, one group has a halfling rogue/wizard/arcane trickster, well he was until he was reincarnated as a human, and the other has a human fighter/wizard/spellsword.

Tho, to be fair the guy who runs the arcane trickster did have an elf wizard in a previous campaign.


First Post
I voted for the campaign in which I'm a player, where my PC is a gnome wizard.

I've been playing her for a month and I'm quickly coming to the conclusion gnomes rock as wizards. The con bonus means I'm close on HP with the party fighters and fort is my second highest save. With a Heward's Handy Haversack the strength penalty hasn't come into play at all yet. Also I'm small and light enough for our goliath fighter to pick me up and carry me around while still in a light load if speed becomes important, or if we need to climb or swim anywhere :lol:

In the campaign I DM we have two characters with wizard levels- one human, one PHB elf (although he is more a fighter-wizard, the human character is straight caster.)



First Post
My post, take II.

There's more than one campaign in our group, so I answered PHB Gnome, Grey/Sun Elf, and no wizard.

► First campaign (in the Realms): rock gnome wizard, half-moon elf bard, half-dark elf monk, lightfoot hin rogue.
► Second campaign (Northern Journey, for those who know): no wizard.
► Third campaign (in my homebrew): grey elf wizard, wood elf paladin, high elf cleric (aka Ogre Lunch), mountain dwarf fighter. (This is the campaign I DM. The players know I don't like elves that much, so, of course, they nearly all created elves using twinky subraces. Grrr.)
► Fourth campaign (in another homebrew): no wizard, all humans. A "family" campaign (all the characters being in the same family, restricting the choice of race).
► Fifth campaign (in the same homebrew as the fourth): no wizard, all humans. (The prequel "ancestor" campaign to the fourth, so the choice of race was also limited.)


I voted for the campaign I DM, where the wizards is a Human. Then again, ONLY humans have WIZARDS in this homebrew. Elves have Sorcerers, Dwarves have Warmages, Drakkar have Sha'irs, Lianer have Battle Sorcerers. So, not much choice for the player :).

Were I to manage to PLAY (as versus DM) a 3.5 campaign, I'd play a Human Necromancer, anyway. In a world where you can study magic to be the most charming man in the world, to be almost invulnerable, or to command fire and lightning, a man who CHOOSES a magic forcing him to spend time in dank crypts and consort with the dead SURE has something interesting to him.


all three magic-users are human in the campaign.

in the 3.11ed for Workgroups campaign i play in.. we don't have a wizard. just sorc.


I'm currently playing a human wizard.

I initially wanted to run an elf, but I just couldn't justify the Con penalty of the elf in addition to the bonus skill points and extra feat of the human.

It does seem odd to me that the elf is not as well suited to its favored class as some of the other demihumans. (Dwarf fighter I'm looking at you... ;) )

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