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What should guard this bad guy's lair?


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Vascant said:
While I do like the old school suggestion I think I would tend to go with something a bit more flavor, perhaps create a wood golem thats been crafted of wood taken from sunken ships.

GM Rule #67 Never be afraid to create the perfect monster for a situation.

keeps the pirate theme, which I like. thanks!

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You could always place a couple of Otyughs down there. They can be trained as gaurdian monsters and they're very easy to feed..(the ruler can just dump all the refuse down there)


Staff member
The wooden golem could also be an animated ship's figurehead.

Not only does that keep with the theme of the environment, it will give some of your players flashbacks to the Sinbad movies.

Neil Bishop

First Post
What about a living wall? The 3.5E version is in one of the final Creature Catalogue features in the print version of Dragon.

The living wall could be comprised of various pirates and even aquatic humanoids. Perhaps the dominant "inhabitant" is a sea hag?


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Piratecat said:
Non sequitur: the title of this thread is very funny when you misread "lair" as "hair."

Now that I'm in my 40s, I do things like that a lot. About half the time, I do a double-take because I think I just saw something "R" rated, but then when I read it again, it's pretty innocent.


First Post
Cyberhawk said:
You could always place a couple of Otyughs down there. They can be trained as gaurdian monsters and they're very easy to feed..(the ruler can just dump all the refuse down there)

Not a bad idea, either.


Registered User
I put some devils down there. Tied in nicely with the year long campaign that developped.

Right now in the middle of a starship battle of the players vs the big bad ones stargate/starwars mixed fleet.

The players use a flying ghost ship ... and they are winning!

Yay, pirates!


First Post
Theme is definately key here. I like the ship wreck golem especially if he's got a spiked chain anchor flail. Have the golem smash through a wall of pipe that starts draining a cistern into the labrynth. the creates a sence or urgency through the impendig doom while at the same time forces the pcs to fight on the golem's terms. the golem's tactics should be those of a ship. Hook 'em with the anchor, then ram them with its prow. A balista or canon makes a nice secondary attack. Have a jar of greek fire in the middle for whomever strikes the killing blow.


First Post
Oh wow, the wood golem figurehead with a swinging anchor is genius. I'm using that :)

You could go with the Davey Jones Locker theme from PotC, Davey Jones as a zombified pirate captain, all seaweed, tentacles and 'haaarharhahar!'s. Stick an annoying but apparently inconsequential lich parrot on his shoulder and make *that* the indestructible guardian of the labyrinth :)

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