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D&D 5E What sorts of things are you working on? (3PP or personal use homebrew)?


Just curious to see what folks are working on. I've got a wild hair, and have been going through all of the Dragon magazines and converting all of the classes there into 5e. Yeah, it's gonna be a long process lol (there were A LOT). Trying to keep as close to how the class appears in the magazine as much as possible. Naturally this means they aren't balanced at all, and some things may seem a bit wonky, and a lot of the abilities are NOT my idea ;) But a fun project nonetheless if you're the type of person who finds that interesting.

For example, the very first class to appear (in Dragon, not counting Strategic Review yet) was in issue #2, the Alchemist

Appearance: Dragon #2, page 28

Students of the elements, chemistry, and biology, alchemists use their secretive knowledge to create powerful and rare potions, poisons, and salves. The ultimate goal for alchemists is to be able to transform lead into gold, a secret to date that has not been unlocked.
That does not mean that the alchemist is a failure, however. They hold the knowledge and recipes to some of the most powerful concoctions known to man. These secrets are closely guarded, and are only taught to trusted pupils.

Creating An Alchemist
When creating an alchemist, consider the knowledge and equipment needed in order for the alchemist to thrive. Every alchemist must have a knowledge source, which most commonly includes a teacher or a discovered tomb containing recipes. In addition, an alchemist needs the appropriate supplies, materials, and area in which to create their potions, poisons, and salves. While an alchemist might be able to craft common potions on the road, some potions require a very stable environment in a laboratory for days on end.
Next, determine your motivation for becoming an adventurer. Are you searching for rare items? Lost books?

Quick Build
To quickly build an alchemist, select wisdom as your highest attribute score, followed by intelligence. Then choose the sage background.

Class Features
As an alchemist, you gain the following features:

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per alchemist level
Hit Points At First Level: 5 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier

Armor: light
Weapons: one-handed simple and martial weapons
Tools: alchemist’s supplies, poisoner’s kit

Saving Throws: Wisdom and Intelligence

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment of your background:
• Dagger or hand axe
• Long sword
• Alchemist’s tools
• Explorer’s pack
• 2d4 jars
• Component pouch

Many of your created items will force a target(s) to make a saving throw. Whenever this happens, your Saving Throw DC is:

Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier

Prepare Potions
At first level, you are able to craft common potions, poison, and oils. If you are attempting to extract poison from a creature, double your proficiency bonus on the check.

Detect/Neutralize Poison
At first level, you have the ability to detect and neutralize poisoned creatures. By spending an action, you can attempt a DC 12 Intelligence check to identify the nature and features of the poison.
In order to neutralize the poison, you may spend an action to apply the proper anti-venom. By successfully passing a DC 15 intelligence check, the effects of the poison will end at the start of the poisoned creature’s next turn.

Read Languages
Your skill at deciphering ancient text and symbols gives you an affinity for translating language. By making a DC 10 Intelligence check, for every minute you spend reading, you can decipher and translate up to five words per level.

Prepare Acids
Upon reaching 3rd level, your skill at alchemy expands to that of dangerous acids. You can create vials of acid as detailed in the Player’s Handbook (pg 148). By making a successful Nature check (DM determines DC rating depending on area), you can find enough material to create one acid flask per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Identify Potion
Upon reaching 3rd level, you can identify potions as to their content and function. By spending a minute studying the potion or oil, and passing a DC 10 Intelligence check, you can accurately identify the item.

ASI or Feat
Upon reaching 4th level, you may choose to allocate 2 points to any of your ability scores, or select a feat. You gain an additional ASI or Feat at levels 8, 14, and 18.

Blade Venom
At 5th level, you gain the ability to coat your melee weapon with dangerous toxin. At the end of a short or long rest, choose which type of toxin from the list below you will apply. This toxin will last for one hour, and does not wipe off after a successful or unsuccessful attack.
• Poison (target must made a successful Constitution save against your DC or suffer an additional 2d6 points of poison damage. This damage increases to 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level).
• Paralysis (target must make a successful Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the start of its next turn).
• Vesicant (target must make a successful Constitution saving throw or be wracked with pain, suffering disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for the duration. This toxin will last for one minute, or until a successful saving throw is made, which can be attempted at the start of the target’s next round).

Upon reaching 19th level, you may apply two toxins at once to your blade, but not two of the same type.

Prepare Alchemist Fire
This ability allows you to craft alchemist fire as it appears in the Player’s Handbook. Along with additional materials that can be found fairly easily, each vial consumes one flask of oil in the construction. Up to one vial per Wisdom modifier score can be carried at any given time. Any more than that, and the alchemist risks disaster from them colliding during transport.

Upon reaching 6th level, the alchemist gains resistance to all poison damage, or all damage from chemical weapons (like flasks of acid and alchemists fire).

Read Magic
Upon reaching 7th level, the alchemist can also read arcane magical scrolls (wizard spells), and cast the spells as if he or she was an eligible class three levels lower than his or her alchemist level. I.e., a 7th level alchemist can use wizard spell scrolls as if he or she were a 4th level wizard.

Split Potions
When reaching 9th level, you have learned to take a partial potion and add ingredients to allow it to act as a full potion. In effect, you can double the number of potions you may have. This dilution can only be done once per potion; you cannot keep diluting further.
This process is time consuming, and you can only split one potion per short or long rest.

Enhanced Bombs
When reaching 10th level, your vials of acid and alchemist fire become more potent. Each vial of acid has its damage increased to 3d6, and the base damage of the alchemist fire is increased to 1d8 per round.
At 17th level, this damage is further increased to 5d6 and 2d8, respectively.

Spell Replication
At 11th level, you have a limited ability to create potions that replicate some wizard spells. Only one potion can be created per short or long rest, and each retains its potency for one week. The total spell levels of all your potions cannot exceed your alchemist level.
For example, if you are a 13th level alchemist, you can create 13 potions of level 1 spells each, 2 potions of level 5 spells and one potion of a 3rd level spell, etc.
When opened (or broken), the spell takes effect with the center of affect being where the potion was opened/broken.
Spells that can be replicated:
• Burning hands
• Fog cloud
• Grease
• Silent image
• Thunderwave
• Cloud of daggers
• Continual flame
• Darkness
• Gust of wind
• Hold person
• Magic mouth
• Shatter
• Web
• Dispel magic
• Fireball
• Major image
• Remove curse
• Stinking cloud
• Evard’s black tentacles
• Ice storm
• Wall of fire
• Cloudkill
• Wall of force
• Wall of stone
• Chain lightning
• Otiluke’s freezing sphere
• Wall of ice
• Reverse gravity
• Incendiary cloud
• Meteor swarm

Enhance Potion
Upon reaching 12th level, you have the ability to increase the effectiveness of all potions you create. All effects of the potion are doubled, if applicable. A potion of climbing would last 2 hours instead of 1, a potion of healing would heal 4d4+4 hit points, etc. However, a potion of storm giant strength wouldn’t give you a strength of 48; you would still have a strength of 29.

Mass Production
By the time you reach 13th level, you are so skilled at producing potions, poisons, and oils, that you can create them twice as fast as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 129).

Master Crafting
When you reach 15th level, you no longer need to know the spell or ability in order to craft a magic item (see Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 128).

Frugal Creation
When you reach 16th level, the costs associated with crafting magic items, potions, and poisons are all reduced in half. See Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 129).

At 17th level, you have learned the ability to upscale your alchemist fire to be extremely potent. The range increases to 60ft, and any creature within 5ft of your target creature takes half damage as well each round until they make a successful Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.

Philosopher’s Stone
The pinnacle of alchemy, this ability allows you change lead into gold. Once per long rest, you can change up to 50 coin weight of lead into an equal coin weight of gold per wisdom modifier.
That is, if your wisdom modifier is +4, you can change 200 lead coins into gold coins. This process takes an entire day to complete.
While there is no mechanical drawback of this power, be warned of the in game impact. If some powerful enemy hears of your ability to do such a thing, they very well may come looking for you…

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I am currently converting to 5e several rather large campaigns previously published by Frog God Games and Necromancer Games...it's a lot of work, but I love this setting.


Lost in Dark Sun
I'm not a DM, but I am currently working on a "player's handout" filled with a few homebrew sub-classes.
It will be intended for hypothetical use in a homebrew setting of my own invention influenced by both Dragonlance and Dark Sun.
How that isn't self-contradictory I haven't a clue.


I was going to introduce a sha'ir into my game as an NPC so I developed a warlock subclass to go along with it. I'd created one ages ago but I just ignored that and started again. I even created stats for a gen familiar since it is used by the subclass.

I still revise it when I have a brainwave about how something could be made better. It is based fairly heavily on the 2e sha'ir.

Here is the link to it if anyone is interested: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rybeebdHAl.

Formatting and expanding my campaign setting so I can Print on Demand that bad boy.
Doing some editing for Nord games.
Poking away at a document of Darklords for the DMsGuild.

Considering a few other side projects for the Guild. Maybe some variant humans.


Lots of small irons in the fire (faerie race, universal paths, 3ed-esque Mystic Theurge, etc) but the main one I'm working on is a revision and expansion of the weapons chart. I like most of 5e's "simplification" of systems but the weapon simplification went too far. My main goal is to add more differentiation between the existing weapons and add some new weapons along the way.

However, because of the limited design space in the current weapon system, it has required reworking how criticals work to some regard. It's shaping up to be a hybrid of 3ed and 5ed. I'm liking how it's shaping up so far. I'd also like to pull some of the customization options from Trailblazer.

Long-term I'd like to do a product on variant spellcasting systems, primarily for low-magic settings a la Grim Tales.

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