Pathfinder 1E What the hell, Paizo?


The EN World kitten
Apparently the guy who made these pages has been working on them for over a week now. Furthermore, he's been soliciting feedback, trying to make them balanced for actual play (using Golden's Guide to Race Building), and promising to write more.

This should be interesting.

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This is the kind of thing that should have been made into a real product and used as a fundraiser for some charity.

Please consider finishing this. It could 2011's portable hole full of beer.


First Post
This is the kind of thing that should have been made into a real product and used as a fundraiser for some charity.

Please consider finishing this. It could 2011's portable hole full of beer.
Seconded. Brilliant idea, and given who MLP are marketed towards, might be a way to bring more women into the hobby, even if it did start as a joke. "Get 'em while they're young" works for anything addictive! ;)


Paizo totally needs to get up with Lauren Faust on this. Given her attitude towards her fans on /co/ , it's not out of the realm of possibility as a pdf release I figure. Do this and you will earn my eternal love.

And I would totally want in on such a project.


First Post
Just thought I'd drop this here:

[ame=]YouTube - My Little Pony AMV - To Glory Montage[/ame]

Seriously, these ponies live in a Gygaxian world. I would not be shocked to see a beholder menacing Equestria. Plus, some of them are wizards.


Friendship is Magic is the new MLP cartoon on the hub. It's where characters like Twilight Sparkle or Fluttershy (who is not a tree) are from. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were also featured in the G3 DVD cartoons, but are rather different in FIM.

Alright, I admit it. I was wrong. Having now watched a couple episodes, my girls are free to watch Friendship is Magic.

And by "free to watch", I mean, "with Daddy, possibly while Daddy takes notes".


First Post
Seconded. Brilliant idea, and given who MLP are marketed towards, might be a way to bring more women into the hobby, even if it did start as a joke. "Get 'em while they're young" works for anything addictive! ;)

The scary thing is, the primary demographic of viewers for MLP is now MEN ages 25 to 35. I think that girls 13 to 17 is the second largest group. Men 36 to 45 are third. There's a reason they call it the Brony Army. For whatever reason, which is to say absolutely none that I can fathom, MLP now has a primarily adult male fanbase.

Lauren Faust must have a permanently bemused expression these days, as she reads and very occasionally posts on the chan boards where the brony phenomenon got started.

As to bringing women into it....well, let's say that I am NOT the primary MLP fan in my household, and I'm the only female. We don't have kids. We do have My Little Pony dolls on the shelf along with the models from Alien. I'm thinking of modding at least one of the ponies to look kinda like this as a crossover. Surprise, they interbred! Muahahaha.


Staff member
Perhaps a mashup is in order, to make sure all of the bases are covered.

My Little Glee Ponies of Twilight, perhaps?

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