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What to do with a captured PC...

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I don't know why they are killing druids but there could be a few hints in that. If that does not help then you need to consider your options, and does are very simple, do I wish to interfere ?

If you say yes to this answer I would do Wicht sugestion.

If I say no I would kill him.

I'm in favor of No but could think of reasons to say yes. But don't forget one thing, an eagle will drop very fast to the ground if it can not correct its course so a CtG in flight is unlikly and if the hold person is gone when they reach the ground he still got a chance to get away.



I concur with the chorus of "He knew the risks. Kill 'im!" replies. I've saved PCs from their own stupidity before, and regretted it thereafter. You make it sound like it is not terribly difficult to procure death-reversing magic, so killing the druid is not likely to be a permanant setback. Besdies, adventuring is dangerous enough that only the terminally crazy would do it, and this point needs to periodically be reinforced by PC death. Not arbitrary Tomb of Horrors-type death, though that can be fun too :), but death brought about by the PC's actions (or lack thereof).



First Post
Ask the player.

No one has suggested this yet. Tell him that if he wants to carry on with the same character the party has to play through the whole torture/confession/rescue thing. Or, if he's happy to accept that his character was captured and killed fair and square, tell him to roll up a new character.

My DM did this to me. I had a PC captured, a rolled up a new PC to replace him but told my DM I didn't want to go back to the old PC, so when we rescued him he had been replaced with a doppleganger and went off to spy on someone. We got on with the game.


First Post
I agree with Tallarn's idea about asking the player. If the Player has his heart set on a new charcater, then your attitude may change a bit.

Personally, I would have the orcs rip out one of his eyeball (with permanent con damage) the same day as a symbolic gesture to Gruumsh. The next day, a sacrifice ritual takes place with all the whole porcish clan there. If the party comes in for the rescue during the sacrfice ceremony, it'll be a story to remember. Yes, DURING the ceremony. Very dramatic.
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First Post
It sounded to me that at the point you left off he wasnt captured yet. He was floating down to the ground and not necessarily anywhere near the orcs. I'd let him land somewhere in the forest and continue the chase. The hold person should only last a few rounds and unless the orcs are right on top of him he may have some time in the woods before they show up. If the tree cover is thick enough the flying Wyverns will not be able to come down at him without a serious risk of knocking of their riders. I would assume the riders will stay in the air while ground troops close on his position.

This leaves the druid in a tough position but not necessarily one he cant get out of. He should take some damage from falling from the sky, and will likely be disoriented, but he is in a natural setting and may be able to use that to his advantage. Tell him he hears sounds of approaching orcs crashing through the woods as well as the screech of the hippogriffs as they continue to patrol above. If he can find a way to survive without being captured then let him live, if the orcs catch him then as you've already spelled out death is certain.

Kal Torak

First Post
I agree with Falcmir. Let the chase go on until the druid is actually phsycally captured. Then have him tortured and mutilated and crusifixed (still alive) in a big orc camp. If the other Pcs whant to rescue the poor bugger let them!


First Post
I've noticed a difference between how players react when I run the games.

I have always been wearing kidgloves until recently and I noticed that when players realize that they have to strive for the things that they need, the challenge of it makes the game much more worth it.

I say take the kid gloves off. If this druid has repeatedly done this action, then don't be handling it with kid gloves.

you have several alternatives
1) He falls, suffers falling damage + the Wyvern/sorcerer coming to look for him.
2) He gets captured, fingers completely broken/cut off, can't exactly cast somatic gestures with no fingers you know. Gets interrogated, and depends on his action here, events unfold.
3) Have the Wyvern and Sorcerer have some fun, grab him by the legs and whack him across the tree tops repeatedly until he goes to 0 hp. After that, have them bring the druid to a Telepath for a mindwipe and have him get reintroduced to the players as an enemy.
4) OR The telepath hides instructions inside his head until the time is right for him to react. (It could be very well be killing the whole party when he cooks for them the next meal) your choice.

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