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What to do with this character down the road?


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This is my character after a long run in the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. That campaign was on hiatus, but now we are thinking about returning to it, as we left some unfinished business with the Temple. Anyway, my reason for posting here is that I leveled up after our last session many months ago, and i have not entirely decided what to do with him. This is how I have him at the moment, but i am not sure what to do with him in the future, if he survives his trials and tribulations. I do plan on taking as many more levels of Radiant Servant Of Pelor as I can, but I dont know what else to do with the other 2 before I could possibly go epic.

FYI, this was our first major campaign after learning 3rd Edition, and we didnt quite have a grasp on how ability scores had changed since the old days of 1st and 2nd Editions. So alot of scores in our party were unbalanced. We have since reigned things in quite a bit in subsequent campaigns.

Anarion Suntoucher , Male Human Ftr1/Clr6/Radiant Servant of Pelor7/Contemplative1: CR 15; Medium-size Humanoid (6 ft. tall); HD 1d10+2, 6d8+12, 8d6+12; hp 110; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 28 (touch 13, flat-footed 27); Atk: Thundering Mallet +18/+13 melee (1d8+7) or Mighty Composite Longbow +12/+7 (1d8+4); Reach 5 ft.; AL NG; SV Fort +24, Ref +15, Will +33, Str 16(18), Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 22(28), Cha 18(28).
Special Abilities: Divine Spells, Turn or Destroy Undead 14/day, Spontaneous Casting, Radiance, Extra Greater Turning, Divine Health, Aura of Warding, Maximize Healing, Extra Domain, Prestige Domain.
Skills(includes +1 on all Skill and Ability checks due to Luckstone): Concentration +21, Diplomacy +17, Heal +25, Knowledge(religion) +17, Listen +12, Spot +10, Spellcraft +20, Craft (blacksmithing) +4, Knowledge(undead) +7, Scry +9. Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Celestial. Feats: Combat Casting, Brew Potion, Extra Turning, Leadership, Divine Might, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Blindfighting (granted by Thundering Mallet), Spell Penetration .
Cleric Spells (6/ 8+1/ 7+1/ 6+1/ 6+1/ 5+1/ 4+1/ 3+1, base save DC = 19 + spell level): 0-light (x2), detect magic(x3), resistance; 1st-cure light wounds* (x2), divine favor, shield of faith (x2), detect evil, protection from evil(x2), command; 2nd-cure moderate wounds*, bulls strength(x2), endurance, hold person (x2), silence (x2); 3rd- cure serious wounds*, dispel magic, create food and water, searing light (x2), protection from elements(fire), daylight; 4th-cure critical wounds*, restoration, recitation (x2), summon monster IV, castigate, greater magic weapon; 5th-healing circle*, summon monster V , righteous might, dispel evil, flame strike (x2); 6th-stoneskin*, heal, word of recall, blade barrier, summon monster VI; 7th-Pelor's Grasping Fist*, Holy Word, Summon Monster VII, Resurrection.
*Domain spells. Domains: Strength (feat of strength 1/ day), Healing (all healing spells are cast at +1 caster level), and Sun (Greater Turning: destroy any undead that he would normally turn, 1/day, 10/day with extra Greater Turning). Prestige Domain: Mysticism (Add your Charisma modifier is positive to all your saving throws).
Possessions: The Thundering Mallet (+3 heavy mace of thundering, see below**), +3 full plate of command, +2 lg. steel shield, stone of good luck, ring of water elemental command, amulet of turning, staff of healing (49 ch.), +6 cloak of charisma, +6 periapt of wisdom, pearl of power, gauntlets of ogre power, incense of meditation, helmet of protection +2, necklace of prayer beads (karma) (bless x2)(continual flame 40'radius), masterwork mighty composite longbow (+4), lesser key of elemental water (TOEE), various scrolls and potions.
** The Thundering Mallet: a +3 intelligent, NG, heavy mace of thundering; detects undead 3/day; emits light 20' radius; gives wielder +10 on balance checks and Blindfighting feat; speaks common, celestial, and giant; Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8, Ego

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I also want to note that the feat I selected at 15th level was Spell Penetration, but if anyone has any other suggestions, fire away.

FYI, our party definitely MUST go back and clean house at the Temple of Elemental Evil. Anarion made a pact with a Planetar (Summon Planar Ally) to defeat Imix, and we left that unfinished before our hiatus. We DID manage to defeat almost the entire Temple heirarchy, but we still have the one LITTLE loose end to tie up (plus who knows what else our DM will throw at us)

Voidrunner's Codex

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