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What will Vista do for me?


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I'll be avoiding Vista for the DRM, I like my Linux. I also like my gaming too so unless there is a really good games for Vista I won't buy the newest Windows.

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Neverwinter Nights

NWN1 and Vista don't play nice with each other. Lots of posts on Bioware about NWN and Vista problems. Apparently there is a compatability mode that doesn't solve the issue either.

But then this is a 5 year old game. And I don't use Etools, I use a modified version of the Character Generator Demo from the 3.0 Ed Players Handbook.


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Tharkun said:
I'll be avoiding Vista for the DRM, I like my Linux. I also like my gaming too so unless there is a really good games for Vista I won't buy the newest Windows.

Keep in mind that it was either DRM + ability to play Hi Def formats or no DRM and inability to play Hi Def formats. Any OS that legally allows you to watch HD-DVD or Blu-Ray in full resolution will have to have this DRM protection embedded. You aren't going to be able to watch these formats legally on Linux, probably, ever.

Bought a new Gateway laptop with Vista a week and a half ago. Took it with me on a week-long visit out of state to start playing with it and quickly concluded that it would require extensive "re-learning" to know where MS moved options and tweaks for EVERYTHING, on top of which it fought everything I started to load on it. I have no time or use for that. New drivers for hardware are not available/not adequate. New software is BARELY available and old software, I.E. games, are problematic at BEST and required immediate time and effort spent tweaking things just to GET them working, etc. I mean - who NEEDS that kind of CRAP?

Worse problem is, I then bought a copy of XP to load on it but it can't come up with drivers to even get the nic card working. Spent most of Saturday searching for drivers and trying to simply find HOW to change things that I know instinctively where to find in XP to beat the thing into submission. Needless to say I'm frustrated and HIGHLY disappointed. And yet try buying a NEW computer WITHOUT Vista on it right now.


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ThirdWizard said:
In Vista if you click to rename something, it only highlights the area before the extension. So if you click to rename "GreatWhiteShark.jpg", it will only highlight the "GreatWhiteShark" area and leave the ".jpg" unhighlighted for change.

Great. Sounds like some nice progress.

I am in no hurry for Vista, but if it's pre-installed on a new computer, I may not remove it.


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He did say it was for a free Upgrade the key word there is FREE, I would use it. However which upgrade will you recieve, You get Visto Home edition if you use XP home edition, and so on. What I want to know is how Vista is overall compared to XP, is it easier to get things accomplished etc.

I will however second, Office 2007 (which you can get a free trial of with a registration) I own Professional and love every minute of its user friendly setup.


First Post
I got a new laptop that had vista on it. Anyone else have a heck of atime setting up a network. I started at 8 p.m. saturday and it took me until 4 a.m. to configure it to pick up my workgroups in my home.


I am more of a mac user, so you have to understand I may be biased. However, if your system is running fine with XP, I would wait till Microsoft release the Vista service pack to clear out the most obvious bugs and tuning the drivers.


DonTadow said:
I got a new laptop that had vista on it. Anyone else have a heck of atime setting up a network. I started at 8 p.m. saturday and it took me until 4 a.m. to configure it to pick up my workgroups in my home.

Actually, I found joining my network to be incredibly easy and greatly improved. This is coming from the point of view of someone who has added numerous XP machines to my network. Including adding the wireless card to my brand new computer, I would say that the time to add both my Vista machines to the network was about the same as adding a single XP machine.

Networking in Vista gets a huge thumbs up from me. My only gripe is that I can't remote desktop into my Home Premium machine, but that's listed on the big freaking checklist of features on the "Compare Vista" page on the MS site.

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