What will you be doing with the new World of Darkness?


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I'm giving serious thought to running a game for two of my players in the new WoD. I'm basically planning on handing them blank character sheets, and having them wake up in a crashed car, or some such... perhaps even a crashed train, as the only survivors. They'll both be important people, and tied together for some reason, but will have to put their lives back together in a modern Lovecraftian world, all the while, trying to figure out why lots of people seem to be out to get them.

They'll gradually discover their abilities and be able to write them down as they do so. Hopefully they'll put the pieces together and be able to come up with the story... that's where a confrontation (or, perhaps, union) with the supernatural may begin.

In the end, I may draw it into a Vampire game, having the whole thing orchestrated by leeches that are either testing, or playing with them.

Now... if only I can come up with a story to put some meat on these bones.......

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