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What would an all psionic world look like?


You can kiss privacy pretty much goodbye. At the same time, unless you're doing something really outrageous (strangling your partner for example) people are going to ignore you. (Naked elf babes lose a lot of their appeal when you see them grocery shopping all the time.)

Though small kids will still be confused about a lot of things. Small kids are easily confused.

Architecture will be open, clothes will be more for decoration and protection from the elements than privacy. Pre-teens will run blogs dedicated to critiqueing their parents' technique.

You can kiss the porn industry goodbye. Sexual predators will have a very short wait before execution.

In short, the place would be very NSFW. :p

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mythusmage said:
Architecture will be open, clothes will be more for decoration and protection from the elements than privacy.

That's worth noting. Between wanting to show off Psionic tattoes and flaunting immunity from the elements I would expect the psionically powerful to be barely dressed. The lower classes would need real clothing, but the upper classes should be somewhere between roman styles and naked. Even adventuring I would expect Psionic bracers of armour and the ectoplasmic armour power to be the in thing.

... On looking at the book I seem to have been remembering 3.0 psionics. Ectoplasmic Armour is gone, but Inertial armour works now in its' stead. Adapt Body is a 5th level power and thus would not be common save in a society of immortals. OTOH Elans are immortal. That could be interesting a Psiocracy with the Elans at the head of it. In fact, I would think it would be an inevitable long term development of a world with Elans in it if they managed to build up a decent number of powerful psions. At least the races natural introversion will keep the baccanalias at least a little under control.

So the true elite are semi-naked everywhere. The merely wealthy follow suit where climate and magic items allow. As a collorary I would expect psionic items to be extremely ornate to function as jewlery.

mythusmage said:
In short, the place would be very NSFW.

Okay, I give, what does that acronym expand to?

fnork de sporg

First Post
Andor said:
Err.. Why would it be random? That's completely campaign dependant. Just like magical aptitude. And whether or not the gods listen when you pray. And if you can talk to the animals.

And why do people associate psionics with sparse populations? I'm missing that one completely. Even if you do have a psionic elite the image that springs immediately to my mind is Byzantium or India. Teeming hordes, with stratified societies, lots of plots and fearsome secret police.

Well, I'm just assuming that everything in the XPH is true. So where it says that psions or psionic warriors tend to congregate in small communes, or that maeneds live in coastal communities of 300 or less, I just extrapolate off that. So xephs have cities, thri-kreen are nomadic, dromites have underground hives, and wilders roam the wilderness alone. It's just what I'm using as a base, but there's no reason other people have to.


Danjin Masutaa
NSFW = Not Suitable For Work (Used to denote areas of websites you shouldn't vist from work).


I really like what has been said about tarots and the like. The mind / soul would be much more valued than external things. (poorly restated, it's late).

I live in Tokyo, so I can understand the lack of privacy and the idealistic conformity. I might take those, but my players also live here, and nobody wants to game in a world like Tokyo if you also have to live here!

This is great, really getting my mind going! Thanks


Jackelope King

First Post
DreamChaser said:
What does it look like instead?
Rituals to call forth the favor of powerful spirits and to bind their servants to your body. Most of the time, it simply "looks" like odd and somewhat unsettling coincidences which follow in your wake (stealing a little from ta'varen in the Wheel of Time, I know). Half-seen faces peering out of darkness (ala The Exorcist). People taking unlucky spills. The presence of vermin (with high-level rituals literally causing centipedes to spring into being in your wake). Food spoiling spontaneously. Voices only barely heard whispering on the wind. Flashes of nightmarish memories welling up in your mind. And that's when the ritual (soulmeld) isn't actively being used.

When it is actively being used, masses of writhing, transparent neon tentacles can be seen sprouting from the location of the meld (looking sort of like the phantoms in Final Fantasy: Spirits Within), which grasp futiley (and harmlessly, in most cases) at creatures in the area.

Other rituals dedicated to specific spirits might be different. A ritual to call the favor of the Roaring Volcano, Chantico of Fire, might make you appear to catch fire over the appropriate chakra, and it would cause open flames to flicker or roar violently when you pass. Or a ritual to beg the aid of the Dawning Sun, Patecatll of Life, would probably be visually represented by radiant gold sunlight of dawn glowing from the bound chakra, which might cause the clouds overhead to part on a cloudy day for an instant, or an intense feeling of deja vu as if everyone in the area was reliving the morning's dawn. And a ritual dedicated to the Befeathered Cat, Tonantzin of the Veil might cause chromatic feathers to fall from your chakra as you act, fading as they hit the ground. The basic flavor change is just one to reflect the system as seizing spirits and binding them to your will, with the visuals changing to, "Cool, somewhat creepy, otherworldly affects, yes; glowing neon armor, no."

fnork de sporg

First Post
Tatsukun said:
NSFW = Not Suitable For Work (Used to denote areas of websites you shouldn't vist from work).


I really like what has been said about tarots and the like. The mind / soul would be much more valued than external things. (poorly restated, it's late).

I live in Tokyo, so I can understand the lack of privacy and the idealistic conformity. I might take those, but my players also live here, and nobody wants to game in a world like Tokyo if you also have to live here!

This is great, really getting my mind going! Thanks


Glad to have helped.

Jackelope King

First Post
Another (somewhat long) thought on the matter:

Relative to magic, the primary strength of psionics is the gathering and relaying of information. The impact this has on a society depends on how widely-available this ability is. For the purpose of this little thought-experiment, we will first assume that the only psionic people will be those with class levels in the PC psionic classes. We will then assume that there is a psionic equivalent of the adept (the psychic).

We will probably see two distinct courses of development, directly related to the natures (i.e. alignments) of the earliest psionic characters. Evil psionic characters would likely abuse their power to attract followers and to make claims to godhood to abuse the gullibility of the masses, their own egos being spurred by their percieved power over others. Good characters, on the other hand, would likely experience even more empathy for others, and they would likely attempt to organize and better society as a whole in the ways they saw best. This early phase would likely mirror the "ancient mage-king" phenomenon, where someone who wields powerful magic would come to power and shape society magically (or in this case, psionically).

So we have now arrived at a society goverened (in one way or another) by a psionic character (or psionic characters). It is here that the distinction as to how much of the society can "tap" the resource of psionic powers comes to matter. If it remains the tool of a few, then psionics runs the risk of becoming the deciding factor for political or social character, as has already been predicted. Assuming rarity assumes a psionic elite would arise.

Assuming randomness goes against this, since the society would have difficulty "controlling" who gains psionic abilities. Naturally, a society could take measures against this (the mutant society ruled by Apocalypse in the distant future of the X-Men universe answers this by having children tested at birth for an X-factor mutation, and even Xavier's Cerebro machine could be said to have this function)... in this situation, a psionic power or device designed to seek out or identify psionic ability from a young age could help to overcome randomness. Regardless of this, truly random psionic potential would lead to societies being governed by oligarchies, since there would be no garuntee that one leader's offspring would inherit the necessary psionic power to maintain his position. These societies would probably be similar overall to how the Greek city-states developed.

Having psionic ability being heritable could lead to bloodlines of powerful psions, which would in turn encourage monarchies to develop. This would lead to a society more akin to what we would consider a classic fantasy world, with noble families, royalty, etc.

Regardless of its heritability, "psionics is rare" would lead to the consolidation of power over information in a few small enclaves of power, and a significant erosion of individual freedoms. The proliteriate would enjoy less power than in equivalent societies.

The opposite scenario would be one where psionics are more common (at least as common as magic as magic in 3.X D&D, with an NPC psychic class). In this situation, psionics would democratize information. It would be much more difficult for a society to control the flow of information if a sizeable minority of the population could manifest psionic abilities. Further, it would also include regulations on how these powers can be used, since a central power would no longer have a monopoly over psionic talent: since they would be just as harmed by abuse of this power, they would attempt to curb its potency through legislation. In this situation (the one my own setting assumes), society would differ primarily from traditional magical medievial societies in that information would flow more freely and more quickly. Information would likely flow about as quickly as it did after the advent of the telegraph.

Clairsentience and telepathy are the two big factors here, since both of them are likely more potent means of divining information than traditional magical divinations (many of which are subject to the whims of fickle creatures of the outer planes). It would be very easy for NPC psychics to link to one another in a small communication network (expanded knowledge: mindlink and craft universal item can allow a psychic to very easily and cheaply create an item to maintain instant communication between two people). Such a communication method would probably be maintained among small group of psionic characters, and made open to the public (likely at a fee as a sort of messenger system).

The other issue here is the ability for psionic characters to know precisely what others are thinking. With a significant psionic population, as suggested above, it would either be illegal or at least taboo for psionic characters to go picking through the minds of others. However, some things probably would be acceptable: reading or altering emotions and the like.


That turned out to be a bit more rambling than I would've liked. Ah well.


First Post
Some interesting stuff there. In the 'psi is common' world I would expect guilds or castes or simply jobs to crop up to help control and regulate the flow of information. A combination of post office, telegraph, and newspaper would be the most commonplace guild, and it would (or should) be strictly regulated to prevent abuses. For one of the newsies guild Lying about a message would be a serious crime, probably a capital one. Other jobs would be oracles, lie detectors, doctors, secret police...

Errmmm... Looking through the book, what happened to all the telepathy powers? There's missive and mindlink and that seems to be about it for mental communication. *sigh* Did WOTC do it again? Are mages better telepaths than the psis are with Message, Telepathic Bond and Sending?

Voidrunner's Codex

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