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what would you be in the dungeons and Dragons world?

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There's a distinction I think between what we would be and what we'd like to be. If people are honest with themselves then we'd pretty much all be human experts with various levels, stats and skills.

If we're free to pick what we'd most want to be race and class-wise then I'd go for gold dragon of course. ;)


Based on my real world occupation/experiance: I am a multiclassed Cleric/Bard. I have a BA in religion/sociology, Master of Divinity, 2 years "questing" overseas, 5 years after than in religious vocation here. In addition to other stuff all of that has led max ranks in Perform (oratory) [and I think the Bardic Music ability applies in certain situations], Kn(relgion), and Kn(Arcana). I grew up on a farm, so although my Str and Con have probablly declined they are still slightly better than average, Con more so than Str.

As for Stats:

Str: 11
Dex: 12 (but poor reflex saves)
Con: 14 (but good fortitude saves, or maybe I have a feat. I got sick a lot as a child, now hardly ever.)
Int: 16
Wis: 15 (decent Will save)
Cha: 15

I'm probablly a bit of a half-elf too.

EDIT: Either NG or CG


S - 11
D - 12
C - 10
I - 16
W - 13
Ch - 6

I'm right, you're wrong - so I must be a grey elf.
Rogue/sorcerer cuz I loves the magic and I loves being sneaky (no stealing though).

Rafael Ceurdepyr

First Post
Stormborn said:
Int: 16
Wis: 15 (decent Will save)

Nah, I'm correcting you on that. Let's say Int: 17, Wis: 16

Dunno about half-elf. Half-dryad?

My stats (OUCH, can I reroll these??):
Str 9
Dex 9 (REALLY bad Reflex saves)
Con 12(I say allergies don't count, but someone else says they do)
Int 16 (I deserve at least this for editing a thematic catalogue of Pachelbel's works, and my professional library publications)
Wis 9 (but HIGH Will saves)
Cha 10 (comes and goes)

I'm probably a multiclass Wizard/Bard, more in Wizard, mainly from my days as a librarian. Masters in Library science, BA in Art.
Last edited:


First Post
What a great thread. Pity we couldn't form actual groups outta this. Sure would make rp'ing a little easier eh? :)

The best part is the "brutal honesty" posts. Wonderful stuff. Keep it coming!

According to the test:

STR 13 (Dang, I'm pretty fit)
DEX 11 (With above-average reflexes)
CON 12 (Except I can't hold my breath at all)
INT 13 (About what I expected)
WIS 9 (Should probably be a little lower)
CHA 14 (I can be a nice guy when I feel like it)

I'd probably be one of those guys who tags along with adventurers looking for excitement and gold, but not helping out very much because I kinda suck at adventuring.

Edit: Probably just human, and true neutral. I'm boring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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