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What would you like to see in elemental magic?


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Some good ideas here, guys!

Right, to go through everyone's posts in order:

Crothian: The closest I can get to your idea of shapeable effects is to have some elemental spells which have a broad number of effects. The thing is, I tried to put together a base 'elementalist' class in the way that Master of Monkey's suggests - even called the casting effect 'channeling' like he did - but it's very, very hard to put together the entire thing from scratch *and* balance it for all levels.

Chun-Tzu: I've already taken into accouny the idea of elemental variants on spells (ie a Fire element haste or whatever) through a feat (which will probably yet undergo significant alterations).

As far as I know genasi are *not* OGC, however I have some other ideas for elemental creatures I can develop. Herein lies a considerable irritance for me; none of the elemental templates in the MotP are OGC so I cannot make use of any of them, even though they'd be a great tool. I wonder if I'd be allowed to just make reference to them?

On the subject of PrC's so far, I've got a fair number in the works, from the Elemental Mystic (who metamorphs into a semi-elemental being) to the Windsinger (Air-themed bard), and lots of others.

Your point is taken on water. I'll see about rebalancing that.

Soltares: Nice descriptions! As I said, I've already put together a feat for altering elemental composition (and in more of a way than just Energy Substitution).

MaverickWierdo: Intriguing idea - that might be worth including as a little 'sidebar' type thing, especially for Earth elementals (form them into some greek-style sculpture or something :) ).

Dark Psion: Thanks for the reference; I'll give it a look!

Penguinking: I'm thinking about giving each element particular schools of magic they excel in, but I'm not yet sure how to implement this one fully.

Loric: The problem with putting together a universal elemental spell list is that it's both huge, and also possibly unnecessary if some basic parameters for what constitutes an elemental spell of a particular element are laid down. There will be a number of generic elemental spells along the lines you suggest, but the problem with the elemental summoning one is that I'm not sure I'm allowed to even reference the elemental templates in the MotP, and even if I did it would be of no use to anyone without the Manual. On the other hand, I may see what I can do about simply putting together my own set of templates for each element.

In total I am covering 10 elements in the book, in three different set-ups:

The Classic Four: Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Elemental Energies: Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic
Oriental: Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal

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i dont know if this has been posted- but i will post it and then read what other people read- before i lose my idears... :D

*elemental constructs- how to build them and maintain them (heal/ fix/ gain lvl)- not just summons

*elemental as PrC (not just elemental savant- but like Dragon discple)

*elemental magic- more than just instantaneous spells like burnign hands, or cone of cold, but things that are more substantial. Something like Pyro from X-Men- how he can conjure up a fireball, and shape it like an eagle and have it fly around and chase people...

*degrees of summons- not just large fire elemental, but you can summon a large red fire elemental which is weaker than a large blue fire elemental, which is weaker than a large white fire elemental (cause white is hotter than blue which is hotter than red...)

and same for other elements- earth elemental can have degrees of sand, rock, marble, granite....

*metaconcert- similar to psionics- but with a captain planet twist- if you can combine 4 wiz, or 4 sorc (seeing as how they dislike each other they prolly wont work with each other) each specializing in a specific element, they can combine their magic to summon a great elemental that has properties of, and immuntiy to all 4 elements...


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The Elemental Companion for Rolemaster had a concept based on elemental poisoning (I don't have this book any more so I'm working from memory). In this system, if you were exposed to the raw essence of an element, that essence could overwhelm you and kill you. One way to resist this contamination was to counteract the poisoning with the essence of the opposite element.

I remember an example where two characters attacked a dragon (whose blood ran with the elemental essence of fire). The fighter-type was infected with fire and his wizard-type companion had to blast him with an offensive cold spell to save his life.

I've always thought this was cool, but like many very cool Rolemaster options, it never came up in a game.


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Chaldfont :
I remember an example where two characters attacked a dragon (whose blood ran with the elemental essence of fire). The fighter-type was infected with fire and his wizard-type companion had to blast him with an offensive cold spell to save his life.

that is such an awesome image. Elemental essence- kinda reminds me of old Chinese movies where the best (and usually only) way to cure a poisonous attack, is to take in more poison to counteract the effects of the first one, or to have them kill each other inside of you-

I would love to have this in my game... especially when NWN comes out...

I heard it comes out june 28 for the PC, anything about the mac yet?


First Post
It would be interesting to add a 'channeling' ability, similar to the channeling of positive or negative energy that a cleric performs. In this case the elementalist would channel the appropriate elemental energy / matter instead, so that an Elementalist would be able to create a wave of channeled fire, water, wind or a spray of earth and stone, with some sort of 'turning' mechanic for how many dice of energy / matter come through.

The energy would also allow the Earth / Air / Fire / Water Domain powers, turning or rebuking the appropriate elemental creatures.

Barring making it an ability, it could be a low-level spell.

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