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What's the longest running "inside joke" at your table?


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Over 20 years ago, I was the DM running module B3. One of the players got pricked by a poison needle, so he needed to make a saving throw, but I got tongue-tied. I said, "You got stuck by a poison prick."

The table burst into laughter.

That gets brought up in at least 50% of our games.

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Bobo the dancing wench
What about the rings????
I have two more, both from a long defunct group.
In the first I always had trouble with Tavern names, so one night the PC's are coming into a new town and I am frantically thinking up names, a player just chimes in - forget it we just go to Bobo the dancing wench's Inn.
The next town I just stuck them in another Bobo's telling them it was a franchise.
forever afterward they would scour new towns looking for them and insist on staying nowhere else, It even passed on to other campaigns.

The second was when the PC's were jailed for some reason and the wizard asks if they took his gloves (normal gloves worn so his hands would not get covered in dirt/monster blood, as he was a harvester of monster parts )
he then waves both middle fingers at me - "what about the rings ???"
(magical) I answer that they took those, and went on with the adventure,
completely oblivious.
the table burst out laughing - I never managed to live that one down.


What's the longest running "inside joke" at your table? It must be the fistfull of dollars-joke. Whenever a player says or does something incredibly inappropriate someone will bring it up.

A few years ago when D&D3E was new one of the players role-played this naive bard who really, really wanted to be an adventurer. He often did adventurous (or downright unexpected) things for his own excitement and the character even owned "the adventurers handbook", a book he quoted frequenly.

Anyhow, we were in a small inn when the bard decided to steal a few gold coins from the bartender. For some unknown reason he also took some money from the paladin, another PC. The paladin was more cautious than the bartander and he (the paladin) eventuelly noticed what has happened. Being a defender of justice he immediatly questioned the bard.

Before we continue, it can be worth to mention that we used the rule that everything you say, you say in game, unless you explicitly tell everyone you are speaking off game. It can also be worth to mention that we talked quite a bit off game when a PC stole from another PC, whether the bard acted correctly and so on. This went on for a while and then we decided to continue gaming.

The paladin asked the obvious question. However, the bard player was probably unaware that we were in game again so he proudly told the paladin how he "took a several gold pieces from the bartender and a handfull from the paladin".

This player still argues that the DM did the wrong thing to rule this was said in-game. :D


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"It's not a Star Wars game until someone loses a hand."

Two PC's in my current Star Wars/Stargate SG-1 game have lost a hand, and I'm one of them.

"DON'T open the box!"

Whenever the GM describes the presence of a box, or the involvement of a box, someone has to declare "DON'T open the box!" I believe it has to do with a previous campaign in which somebody opened a box, and bad things happened.


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I was playing in a Dragon Lance campaign many moons ago, and when ever we'd encounter a wyrm, my fighter would scream out, "I'm gonna send you to Takhisis!" before charging head long into the fray.
Of course at the climax of the campaign, the party encountered the diety in question...
I'm still rather amused by the image of my very confused DM doing a double take.


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Long ago, I played a low wisdom fighter in one campaign, and whenever the party would ask for suggestions on how to combat our foe, I ould shout out "Full frontal assault" jokingly. The sad thing was that if no one else offered another option, we would default to a full frontal assault. This almost killed the entire party on several occasions. So, now whenever our party is out of ideas or ends up in a bad position, we shout "full frontal assault".


Oh man, lots and lots, some even suitable for grandma-friendly conversation!

* High-level group (I'm a player): When one of us is agonizing over our next move during a challenging battle, and the DM is waiting, often one of us will say, "I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i ..... crap my pants."

* Same group: we often tell the DM that we want surrender and join the bad guys, as they seem a lot smarter than we are.

* Same group: our party's monk started leaving our home during the night, resigned from the Queen's Guard, stuff like that. Now we constantly remind the DM that this monk is "evil" and so a lot of stuff doesn't affect him. Of course he's not really evil (as far as we know!).

* Same game: You can almost guarantee a quote from the Dead Alewives ("Maaaagic Miiiissile"), Young Frankenstein ("Put ... ze kendle ... beck"), the Simpsons or Monty Python. Also, it's hard for me not to break into song periodically throughout the game; I have one of *those* brains where every little phrase reminds me of song lyrics. All someone has to do is mention 3 of the four D&D elements (say Earth, Wind and Fire) and I'm crooning "After the Love is Gone" in a high falsetto. Needless to say, I'm a pleasure to game with!

* My AU Game: we use a lot of herbal medicines in this game, and one of them has the unfortunate name "Anise Extract." You can guess how that's pronounced by most of the players most of the time.

* Any game: When any one of my dice betrays me, I point at it and yell "You're retired!" I'm thinking about trademarking that phrase for my reality TV show.


DarkSoldier said:
"DON'T open the box!"

Whenever the GM describes the presence of a box, or the involvement of a box, someone has to declare "DON'T open the box!" I believe it has to do with a previous campaign in which somebody opened a box, and bad things happened.

Oh my players know that feeling. They've got a similar in joke about "...and this goes into the box with the label that says, 'Don't F'ing open this!!!'"


First Post
Here's your torch

"Here's your torch"

Wasn't me, but it's the longest running joke in our group. The campaign, in question, was basically constructed of characters abandoned from other games that ended. It was a modified 1st edition game. A fighter and a thief ended up together in a city planeshifted from their previous worlds. Neither had met each other previously.

So, they're searching through the city, trying to figure out what's going on, when they get a note handed to them to meet someone under the bridge.

They head to the bridge where they find (yeah, I know) a Troll. The fighter jumps to the front and yells at the thief "Quick, light a torch!" and begins attacking the Troll. So, the thief shrugs and begins digging out a torch, digging out some flint and steel, etc. Meanwhile the fighter is getting his butt handed to him by the Troll. When the fighter had nearly had it, the Troll suddenly looks startled as a sword sticking out of his chest appears, and the Troll drops. The thief (after having x4 backstabbed the troll) says to the fighter "Here's your torch."

The fighter says "you're a lot more experienced at this than I thought".

So, whenever something happens that one character shows up another, the response is always "here's your torch."

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