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What's Up With D&D? for Monday, 23 July 2012

Gaming Tonic

[news]Sorry about the lack of What's Up With D&D last week but I failed a Dex check and had a bit of an accident. This week the descent into the Underdark continues and the monster design for the next edition is explained in much greater detail. Epic level fans also get some new challenges, swordwings. Look for my upcoming interview with R.A. Salvatore where I ask him what the future of the Forgotten Realms and no specific time means for everybody's favorite drow ranger. If you have a question about D&D Next and need an answer leave a comment and I will see if I can get Rodney Thompson, Mike Mearls, Chris Perkins, or someone else from the D&D team to answer them for us before Gencon. Go vote for the Ennies now![/news]

  • If you were curious about Monster Creation in D&D Next, Mike Mearls lays it all out for you in Legends and Lore this week. This is a clear breakdown of just how the monster math is calculated, and how you can figure out how to build a monster yourself. I found the most interesting line of the entire article was that XP was all you had to consider in encounter design. I will ask more about this in my next interview with Mike, which should be coming up soon. Jump in on the discussion about monster creation at EN World here.

    [*]Ecology of the Swordwing by Tim Eagon will make your epic level characters think twice about going to deep into the realms of the Underdark. There are a handful of lists that define the collections of swordwings that are great material to use in any game. The swordwing queen will challenge the highest level party.

    [*]What’s My Motivation in The Dungeon Master Experience by Chris Perkins is a very important look at connecting the character to the campaign. This sort of thought isn’t necessary for every game or even every player, but if you don’t give it some thought you can ruin games and having some players a little detached from their characters. The correct answer to the poll question is Raistlin.

    [*]Rodney Thompson clarifies what he said last week in Rule of Three, as well as answers questions about Dungeon Command. I have enjoyed the game and since I can always use more miniatures it has extra value to me. Rodney takes the time to clarify his statement in question three last week. Taking that kind of time to make sure that we are all on the same page in the open playtest and D&D Next is a positive thing for all the fans.

    [*]Appendix d12: Mind Flayers by Jason Sholtis is a comical look at mind flayers and their leisure time. I was hoping that this was a real look at what one of the most terrifying monsters in D&D does when it isn’t busy sucking the brains out of my rogue. It was entertaining at least.

    [*]Jon Schindehette asks What Did You Expect? in Dragon’s Eye View this week. Many of the questions that need to be asked by the design team are discussed. I would make a suggestion that you make the book tough and durable so that way it holds up to being used all the time and toted from place to place. After you get that out of the way I am satisfied and you can work on making everybody else happy.

    [*]Thanks to Bart Carroll we get Menzoberranzan Excerpts: Campaign of Intrigue. This supplement looks like it will be covering a lot of territory and doing it in style. Menzoberranzan has always been a cool setting and the city of drow getting an update is welcomed. The artwork on the second page of the excerpt is worth a thousand words at least.

    [*]The +5 Crossword of Slaying—Part 15 by Chris Perkins will give your brain a little teasing. I knocked out the whole puzzle without looking a single thing up, so this is my proud moment.


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