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D&D 5E Whats your Favorite Unpublished Setting?

B. Chaos

First Post
Fall from Heaven for me. It's a mod for Civ4 based on a 17 year D&D campaign. The lore is just so fascinating I can't stop running all my campaigns there. In fact I started a blog about my current game there and how to run it as a sandbox. What's your favorite unpublished setting? I'd like to hear about other hidden gems.

If you're interested in my blog it's called Off the Rails (www.railsoff.com).

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What an interesting idea and blog. If by "unpublished settings" you mean unpublished as a D&D setting, then my favourite would have to be the Dying Earth. Pelgrane Press publishes a Dying Earth RPG (which I love and think is the best-written RPG I have ever read*) but it has not, to my knowledge, ever been officially adapted to D&D.

Welcome to the boards.

* In the way it successfully echoes Vance's predilection for highly Latinate prose as a vehicle for comedy.


Official unpublished? Uh... eberron right now I guess. It flips back and forth to Dragonlance. As far as UNPUBLISHED by ANYONE, I gotta plug myself. My world of Equinox takes the favorite elements of my child hood gaming and mashed them all together. Lots of Final Fantasy (both old and recent) tropes, 6 Crystals, A planet completely in perpetual night (with Negative Crystal )which is very magitech based. The terminator has the 4 elements Earth, FIre, Wind and Water. Each corresponding to Nordic, Egyptian, East Asia, and Classical Greco/roman myths. Materia is used in my game. There are mana storms which are deadly if you wander un protected. Theres a ring system running vertically and a moon that orbits to the ring at a right angle. The moon passes through the ring and knocks down materia on the planet. My planet's side that is always facing the sun is fairly far away orbiting a blue giant. At the center of the planet is a beast who is only known as genesis. The planet is actually a huge cage for it. There's also a HUGE pillar that goes directly through the planet which is actually a supermassive planetary spear weapon. Dwarves and all the underground people make residents there. The farther down you go into the pillar nearing the Genesis wild magic begins, and doors start popping up to all kind of dimentions

Ah, there' so much more I could type for hours, Thanks for your time reading this, and I'll throw out here that I'm kind of looking for artists , preferably one that can draw similar to a Chibi (not god awfully big head though). Or some sketches of of all of this. Both would be mu point all. With the sketches would ideally un finished.. Sort of subliminal messaging to the GM to go and take the party to see whats going on. I'm very serious about putting this up on kickstarted so some money could be made. though that's not a promise.Just messageme or email

B. Chaos

First Post
What an interesting idea and blog. If by "unpublished settings" you mean unpublished as a D&D setting, then my favourite would have to be the Dying Earth. Pelgrane Press publishes a Dying Earth RPG (which I love and think is the best-written RPG I have ever read*) but it has not, to my knowledge, ever been officially adapted to D&D.

Welcome to the boards.

* In the way it successfully echoes Vance's predilection for highly Latinate prose as a vehicle for comedy.

Thanks! I'll have to add Dying Earth to my reading list. Also: Latinate prose as a vehicle for comedy? I always had an interest in the classics so I'm curious how Dying Earth accomplished that.



I'm gonna go with "Dungeon World"... one of my best friends had this campaign going for a couple of years waaaay back in late '80s and early '90s. It was for 1e with a smattering of 2e. The premise of the world was that the surface had been devastated somehow; magic nuke-war, astrological impact, something...we never found out exactly. Anyway, all of the surface dwellers had moved underground as best they could. Now, folks with no infravision or ultravision (re: 'darkvision') had it pretty rough...going from high man on the totem pole, to low.

Anyway...it was all underground. The whole campaign. Some classes were re-worked to fit better with a purely underground setting (like druids only being found near spectacular natural elemental nodes or in vast mushroom/fungus forest with their own ecosystem, that kind of thing). A lot of really fun and interesting locations.

And before anyone mentions it... no, this was not the "Dungeon World" supplement/setting that came out for 3e by Fast Forward Entertainment. My buddies Dungeon World was, what, a decade or so earlier? Still, my friend did pick it up simply because there were quite a few ideas that seemed to imply that his house was under surveillance by FFE... some right down to the name and description (re: "The Bone Way"...FFE's was virtually identical to ours, but ours was still better. :) ).

But...if we are talking "video game, movie or book" setting. I'm going to have to go with...

(1) Legend of the Seeker (TV Series: semi-typical overall, but for some reason the world just kinda felt "real but fantastical" to me).

(2) DOOM (Video Game Series: ok, so it's sci-fi/horror... but I just LOVE the whole idea behind DOOM [DOOM 1 and DOOM 2; not DOOM 3]; I'd love to see this done up proper in a good RPG boxed set [and yes, I'm aware of a homebrew DOOM rpg as well as board game and some other side-DOOM stuff]).

(3) The Fifth Element (Movie: Sci-fi...but man o' man! Tell me the potential for campaign play in that movie setting isn't off the freakin' charts! Shady underworld stuff from 'below the fog' up to CEO's of major corporations, government's, military space, exploration, ancient aliens, ruins, mystical alien artifacts...the list goes on and on! Pure *awesome* is what that setting would be. Period!)

(4) Morrowind (Video Game: Daggerfall, Morrowind, even some Oblivion and Skyrim tossed in... solid history and good racial intrigue, clans, country loyalists, dragons, undead, all tied together in a believable, cohesive whole, just...wow! Of course, it would be VERY hard to do in a good RPG campaign boxed set...and it would have to be a box set, with a big cloth-based world map kinda like how the DarkSun box had one [the 'second' one; not the first printing, pre-fall-of-whatshispickle...that god-guy trying to go from mortal'ish to full-on dragon]. Yeah, a nice, well-done boxed campaign set of "Morrowrim" :) ).


Paul L. Ming
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Scrivener of Doom

Blizzard's Starcraft. I know it got a half-hearted Alternity adaptation but it deserves far more than that. I wish I had the time to do a decent job of it.


I always like the deathgate cycle and figure it would make a great campaign setting. The world was split into 4 worlds of earth, air, fire, water so each world could in fact be the setting for a campaign. I've left a link in case people want to read about it, it's been a while since I've read them so my recollection might not be the best.


I had forgotten about this series.

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