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D&D 5E What's your Master Villain like?


The last game I ran with my group was lots of fun. My players enjoyed it, but the characters was devastated at what I did to them, for they had gained the attention of Axar the Merciless, a drow sorceress who has been leading the drow that have been forced to the surface over the last few hundred years.

The party had to fight an elite group of mercenaries, afterwards freeing a possessed spellcaster who they healed, thanked and passed on the co-ordinates for a teleportation circle amongst the primary elven kingdom. They interrogated one of the enemy elites and continued on.

They fought against a group of drow, only to discover that Axar was not amongst them. The party never questioned the spellcaster they let free! It was Axar magically disguised. The players stopped the drow group and with it, one of Axar's plans, but they gave her what she needed to launch a surprise attack on the elves. When the party arrived back, Axar's forces had already done their damage. The players HATE Axar for what she has done to them and her deception.

Just curious about hearing about some of your villains guys. How evil and cunning have they been?

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First Post
I had a rival band consisting of at least 1 lvl bard and various classes 2 levels higher than the PCs. Even though only one guy was a bard the whole group hated them because they too were adventurers, had the adoration of the city and always just a little better at everything than they were.

I had Mezzaro the Leigon. A man with the souls of a thousand Demons inside him. In turn he possessed a thousand Hp. His gimmick was using his hp to use various abilities like a soul fireball that did more damage depending on how much hp he spent, or fusing his souls into standard demons depending on how many hit die those demons have. (A Vrock has 104 so it costs him 104 hp to create a Vrock.)


In the Eberron setting, I have a villain the group has never even met yet! He is a Prof. Moriarty kind of character - a puppet-master, pulling the strings of the other bad guys the group has come across but so far they have not come face-to-face. He is very high up in The Aurum. By political power and monetary influence he has managed to frame them and get various other organizations (certain Dragonmarked houses, for example) to hunt them down. In most cases, he has managed to convince people that the group are murderers, while in a few cases, they simply do his bidding because they rationalize in the end it is all for the greater good (and he pays well). Fun stuff.

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Full Moon Storyteller
Mine's a group of scholars that have full access to magic, but have closed off magic for the whole continent. These Scholars are essentially a secret society, but some are benevolent (they think they're helping the world be less violent) and others are jerks (they want power) and at least one went rogue and is the reason magic and legend are seeping into the known world.


I currently have four villains. They are not totally original, so you may recognize them, sort of.

1. Vanifer is a traveling entertainer who is good friends with the party. She helps them fight off pirates. They don't know she's also leader of a fire cult.

2. Aerisi Kalinoth is the cousin of a PC, who is trying to "rescue" her from the "brainwashing" of the air cult. Aerisi thinks she's a super-hero, flying around saving people, when she is not in her secret identity of Dara Algwynnen. She rescued the a PC from a shipwreck, for example, and in return the party rescued her from being petrification. They refused to go along with the air cult's human sacrifice, though, and it remains to be seen what they will do about Aerisi's involvement.

3. Dr. Primeval is a traveling merchant who runs a magic-item shop out of an enclosed wagon. A mysterious figure who always wears a hood and a mask, he's always trying to make deals with the PCs, and has recently given them the generous gift of a cursed crossbow. He is secretly Marlos Urnrayle, the leader of the earth cult.

4. Gar Shatterkeel is a ruthless pirate who the party hasn't met yet but who is rumored to be sailing up and down the Dessarin river in a three-masted warship. The PCs very much want to meet him because he has information vital to two of the characters. It's unclear how they expect to persuade him to share the information.

All four villains are searching for the magical lore needed to open a portal large enough for an elemental prince of evil to step through. Right now, Dr. Primeval is closest, since his earth cult captured a dwarven delegation with some of the info, an the party sold him some books containing more. The PCs have also shared some of their books on elemental magic with their good friend Vanifer.


I'm creating a region of the campaign world that was blasted (think nuked) by an evil wizard/priest 400 years earlier, in a failed attempt to destroy the world. He's still alive, now a lich, and has tried, repeatedly over the last 30-40 years, to conquer the Kingdom most of my campaigns are set near/in. Umade is completely evil and insane - he just wants to rule the world, and sees dominating Greenvale as the necessary first step. Recently, he managed to magic jar himself into the body of the heir to the throne, and is happily planning to conquer from within. The Prince's brother is the only one who could stop him, possibly, but he's trapped in the body of a parrot (by the lich, of course) and can't really function properly. Certainly, he can't RULE Greenvale that way. So the future of Greenvale looks kind of grim.

The blasted region still exists, and there's an artifact at the core of it; in fact, the reason the blasted region actually exists is different than most people believe; the evil lich didn't create it - HIS ritual was designed to create a zombie apocalypse via disease - he created a spell that would spread a horrible disease that turned folks into zombies, and they would then further spread the "virus" by touch. So St. Iylyria cast a huge ritual of her own using her artifact-staff (and her own soul) to blast anything and everything that had already been infected. SHE created the blasted region known as the Barrens, sacrificing her life to do so, and killed hundreds of thousands of people, but saved the world from zombification. Now, an evil wizard named Jiacopo el Estucia de Guadabraz from the far-off Pirate Isles, has come to the region to steal the artifact-staff that Iylyria left planted at the heart of the Barrens. His goal is immortality. If/when he succeeds, he will tear a hole in the fabric of the Prime Material plane; where that hole leads, I haven't decided yet. But he'd either better be stopped, or someone had better learn how to heal tears in reality PDQ!


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
My current campaign doesn't really have a single "big bad" yet. It's rather sandboxy and finally looks like it's firming up where it's going. Though among the bad guys are lots of old dragons, and some powerful folks who see themselves as good guys.

My last campaign the "Master Villain" was someone who was trying to focus worship and responsibility on himself to ascend to godhood. There were Genius Loci sort of like the Fisher King - the king is the land and the land is the king. So people who were venerated and given power by the people who also took it the other way and lived up to their responsibilities gained divine power along the steps to ascension. However, a soulless doppleganger-like thing left over from Creation attempted to do this to gain what it saw as it's birthright - what the gods had gotten. That would have been Bad(tm). Part of what it did was end a long succession war of a split empire as a supposed heir and was working on tying it together with the other main kingdom in the area plus a receding feywild-esqe elven court (there were many in this cosmology) to gain enough power to start the ascension path. Took good care of his subjects, but that was calculating because their veneration was needed.

The party ended up accidentally supercharging him with "god water" - water from a river that sprung from the corpse of a dead god, later brought to that elven court and then passing through the elven Well of Souls (holds all elven souls ever) picking up a LOT of divine energy to then come back to the prime. That put his plans into fast forward before he was otherwise prepared, and revealed himself. The final session was a huge set-piece with nobles (hostages) and innocent forces of the emperor (who didn't know his actual nature) in the Emperor's Hall, with it constantly bringing up souls it had consumed to take on other forms - much like 5e Wild Shape but will no HD/CR limits, all abilities (such as fully prepared spellcasters), and the form had to have a divine soul (so most humanoids and giants were okay, but many other things were not like dragons were not - they had unchanging spirits in this mythology). But they learned how to make it waste it's action to assume a form, and were able to eventually deal with enough else (and turn the elite minotaur guards to their side) such that they were killing each form before it got to act and getting to damage itself between the forms. In the end they were able to defeat it.


I have a ruthless army of uncompromising druidic zealots called The Pride. They emulate savage pack animals. Their leaders are a group of class-based "alphas" called The Glorious. The Pride also uses "ripped from the headlines" terrorist tactics like magically broadcasted public beheadings and Necklace of Fireballs suicide bombers.


First Post
I have a ruthless army of uncompromising druidic zealots called The Pride. They emulate savage pack animals. Their leaders are a group of class-based "alphas" called The Glorious. The Pride also uses "ripped from the headlines" terrorist tactics like magically broadcasted public beheadings and Necklace of Fireballs suicide bombers.

I love The Pride. That is a fantastic name for a group of religious Zealots.

We are currently playing a huge sandbox campaign with a lot of goings ons but very few villains. My last campaign however had many interwoven, villainess organizations and villains but they were all ultimately unaware of each other or their plans. The party kind of ended up choosing their own group of bg bads from amongst these threads. They chose a group called The Veritas.
Unknown to the party the Veritas were the first ever adventures, who inspired the concept of getting your friends together to kill goblins and save the kingdom. The Veritas had been punished however for a terrible evil they had committed late in their lives, and thus were immortals with horrible punishments to fit their crime. Of the 5 veritas, one had died before the punishment, and three of them were trying to end the world in order to end their own suffering. One veritas (The only one who was truly evil) aided the party, as he felt he deserved hit punishment, and the world shouldn't have to pay for his sins.
The Veritas were as follows:
Zidane (Zolltollinis Brightskies) - As a primeval hero of yore he was a naive high elf wizard/illusionist who only ever wanted love. As Zidane of the Veritas, he is the second in command of Madame Zarnolvia's Traveling Troupe of Troublemakers and Troubadours. The Troupe is a well known vistani traveling circus, known for feats of acrobatics as well as magic. Commoners know it only as such, but most community leaders are more than well aware that the Troupe is in fact a front for traveling assassins. Every time the Troupe has ever stopped in a town someone has died that night. However there has never been proof that it is Madame Zarnolvia's men. Zidane's curse manifested as an inability to feel joy or any degree of happiness. Zidane raised the PC Gnome Bard (A member of the circus and blissfully unaware of their true purpose) and was a mentor to the PC Genasi Swordmage (A member of the circus who was being trained to be one of their assassins). As a result Zidane was a constant throughout the campaign, occasionally helping the party, occasionally causing trouble. He became a flat out villian to the party when the group learned he had kidnapped the Gnome Bard at a young age (she always believed her parents sold her) and that he had killed the Genasi's parents (he always believed that Zidane had saved him from his parents assassins). At the end of the campaign he was sent to Garavond to endlessly float in the void in order to save The Gnome Bard.

Passion (Igwom Furspeighll) - As a primeval hero Passion was one of the first Warlocks, a human made tiefling by having made an infernal pact to save her brothers soul. In the modern era she is a Plump seductress, who runs a notorious brothel in the capital city of the country she calls home. Passions body aches whenever she is not in the throes of pleasure, whether it is sex or food, or other various splendors. Passion enjoys seeing naive would-be heroes corrupted by good intentions. She collects information from her brothel and sells the information to a network called the League of Broken Feathers, a group if blackmailers and information brokers.

The Stepping Skald (Name Unknown) - As a primeval hero The Skald loved Passion, and they were set to live a long and fulfilling life together, before they received their divine punishment. Today he is a mysterious traveling bard that shows up in border towns under certain conditions. He is followed at all time by an army of ghost children, most of whom look as if they were burnt alive. He has various necromantic abilities and seems to be unaware that anything happening around him is real. He shows up, puts on a show, adds the ghosts of those children slain to his growing army, and departs. The PCs saved one town from him, but otherwise when he departs he leaves the place devoid of life. He seems to take orders from a small black dog statuette he carries on him at all times. His punishment was the inability to form new memories, because of this he carries a magic book which he records everything in. If it is in the book it is in his mind.

Nautos (Nautos Silvedge) - As a primeval hero Nautos was only ever in it for the money and the fame. After receiving his divine punishment he and his city were pulled into the land of the dead. They were to become the first Shadar-Kai. He rules as Dread Lord of his domain, and has spent eons trying to shape a warrior that could kill the Veritas.

Voidrunner's Codex

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