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Whats your shortest lived character?


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Inspired by a thread on RPG.net, I decided to find out what your shortest lived Characters stories are. This doesnt count for CoC d20 characters since we know why they are short lived. I'll go with mine first:

A GM asked us to make a level 5 Character for a homebrew setting of his. I made a level 5 Paladin.

The first session started with 4 of us, a level 5 Sorceror, a 5th level Half-Orc barbarian, a 5th level monk, and my 5th level Paladin.

We were wandering through the forest on a dark and stormy night, and a hurricane was brewing. A fellow traveler told us to head for the nearest shelter because this forest was filled with evil at night.

So we came across an Inn with a bartender, his daughter, a couple of traveling knights, and a two wandering drunkards.

We had a couple drinks until a werewolf busted through the front door, and all of us, with the help of the knights quickly dispatched it.

A halfling who was one of the drunkards said he saw more of them coming out of the woods, so we barricaded the broken door and windows with the tables.

I realised I left my mount outside, and had to go bring him back into the Inn. Nobody would go with me. So i thought well i'll run outside real quick untie him and bring him back in.

I walk outside and everything was fine, no sign of werewolves. I ran to where my Mount was tied up, and as I untied him i heard growling nearby.

I lit my torch in the stables, only to see i was sorrounded by 5 werewolves. I lasted 2 rounds.

Total creation time: 45 minutes
Total play time: 20 minutes

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a friend of mine lost his character at the end of one session, so he made a new one for the next session, it died in the first 15 minutes of the day (real life time). That was an 8 hour game session. For me that is the fastest.

second place was a level two character dieing on the first day of the campain, durring the first fight. on about round 3 or 4. Fortunatly some story was told, and non-combat fun had before the tragic event and the character lived about an hour and a half. The character was raised so it wasnt a total loss, but she was down a level from that point on.


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I wanted to hear more about the characters story in the game, and the events that lead to their tragic demise. Makes it more interesting.

I like reading about things like that, i'm wierd.


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I joined a new group a few years back and was told they had just started an "evil" campaign a few sessions back and every one had just reached second level. I was told to create a first level character (this was still 2nd Edit.) and I chose to create an evil cleric - they get some really great spells later in levels.

So Raef, cleric of the God of Death, comes traipsing around a corner in the wilderness (the reason escapes me) and sees the party a few hundred feet away. One of the characters leans over and whispers to another one, "I bet you five gold you can't hit him with an arrow from here."

One natural 20 and five gold later, I was rolling up a new character. Not even two minutes of real time.
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Back in a 2e game had a Paladin that died before he was even introduced.

3rd level paladin, party rounds to corner to find me in the middle of the road, fighting 3 trolls.

The party was so slow about joining in to help that I died before they got there.

So....I made ranger, and that was the end of that.



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The story i'm about to tell happened to a friend of mine, when we played 2e.

The campaign was already started, and we were around level 5-6. Oh, and we played with the combat and tactics critical hits charts...

So this level 5 fighter gets dispatched by some verbeeg giants in the first 10 minutes of play. While we were continuing play, the guy rolled up a new character.

Level 5 wizard. It took him about an hour to create the PC and to wait for a chance to join the party. (we were still in giant lands, fighting our way to some weird tower of Hack-and-slash and we met a group of reinforcement)

Were marching.
DM says: You see something sparkle in a not-so-far tree
Group: Who sees this? All of us or just the wizard?
DM: hmmm... Just the wizard, at first at least.
Wiz player: Yeah! A treasure's sparkling in the tree, everyone! and my character runs for the tree, so happy!
DM: *rolls a die, than others* Ouch! A heavy crossbow bolt hits you right in the torso for a crit. That's, beside the obvious damage, plus the diyng, severe bleeding and other thing in the like.
Group: Damn! an ambush! The wizard looks ... hmm... dead, right?

Would you believe these were the very first acts on the part of the wizard? Not even 5 minutes! To bad for the background and all...

Well, the player had time to generate yet another character, and, believe it or not, we ended the session upon this character's death...


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My character had just died so I decided to roll up a 5th level dwarven cleric. This was back in the days of 2.5 and the damn thing took an hour, and then I realized the spells were all wrong. So after aprox. Two hours of working on Bowen he was introduced, about 10 min later the party starts fighting some owlbears. First attack on poor Bowen was a crit (2.5 style) and that was the end of that… could have been worse, the last character nearly died at the hands of psionic ewoks…. :D (I wish I was kidding...)



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This happened to a group of players during a Star Wars game i was GMing.

One player was Donovan Frost, a human smuggler, and his albino wookie sidekick nicknamed "Snowball".

Only the Smuggler could call him snowball. This was established the first 5 minutes of the game, when a PC Jedi called him snowball, and almost had his arms ripped off.

They were at a space station, inside a bar with a huge window with a planetside view.

The wookie managed to bring his bowcaster through the security droids, with some good diplomacy rolls made by the smuggler character.

The Jedi who was obviously going to turn darkside, and was pissed at the wookie throwing him against the wall thought it would be funny to get an NPC to shout "Snowball" from across the room.

Well... an NPC shouted "snowball", and the player keeping in Role pulled out the bowcaster, and rolled a 1.

The window with the planetside view was right behind the NPC, and you can pretty much guess that after the enraged wookie shot out the window, the air was pretty much sucked out of that room. (PUN intended).

Game time: 15 minutes.

My first game and introduction to D&D. I rolled my 3d6s six times. Chose where to place them. Then I was told to do a save vs spells. Rolled a natural 1.

Did I fail to mention I was in Ravenloft vs Ghouls?????:p :p :p

Never even got beyond the stats....


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song of death

My shortest lived character was the first one I made as a player (I had only gotten to DM before that). I made a first level wizard and met up with the first other player character in what was to be our party, a cleric. The other player and I sent our two characters into the dungeon near town, where we thought the DM would introduce us to the other player characters or let us get some easy experience points before we met up with the others. Instead, the very first room we enter turns out to contain a harpy. My first level wizard failed his save vs. the harpy's song. The cleric made his save and ran away. End of character. Funny thing is I actually enjoyed that session. It was so great to finally get to play and to be in suspense as to what was going to happen next.

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