Whats your shortest lived character?


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Mechwarrior, 2nd ed. The GM started us out in the middle of a mission gone wrong. 2 turns into the game, i get shot in the head, for max damage. 3/4ths of my head went bye-bye. This was my FIRST rpg experience.

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My first session of 3e, we were playing Theives in the Forest. My paladin had already been knocked unconscious by bugbears, and now we were going into the temple. At the urging of the Bard, I ran up the stairs chasing one of the theives. Unfortunately, two of his buddies were waiting on either side of the doorway with longspears. It was a very graphic demonstration of the power of a flanking rogue.

Recently, I had another paladin die fighting a wraith (my paladins have short lifespans in general), but I had another character prepared, a third level samurai (from OA).

First combat, up against kobolds. DM rolls a 20. Then another. Then a third. I played that samurai for about 20 minutes, and he was taken out in one blow by a kobold.

Shortest ever was at the hands of a true jerk of a DM. I'm still not sure why my friends and I put up with him for so long, but alas...

I was creating a wizard in his home brew game, and rolled very well. Not just stats, but on the spells he knew. In this game, all wizards were specialist, knowing one colour "Art" of magic, and then had X spells randomly from the others. I rolled one from each, meaning that I had all "Yellow" spells, and one spell from each other list. The way the game worked, you could only resist spells from an art you could cast, and knowing one spell from an art meant that you could cast all the others with very high rolls. This brings me back to my stats and skills, which, when totaled, I didn't need to roll. :D For some inexplicable reason, my charachter sheet disapeared from the game room before our next game. Didn't even have a chance to buy equiptment.

Baring DM interferance, my FIVE shortest lived charachters, and two dozen others between my friends, came from "The Knight of Newts". We had charachters lasting minutes to maybe half an hour, but we refused to give up. Levels 1-3 my arse.
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I now have an ongoing "sort lived" character in on campaign I play in...

MUK the dwarf Barabrian, of very littel brain, forgotten past and violetn mood swings if he doesn't get a fight quick enough along with a penchant for smashing doors down whenver left alone all this coupled with the wish to die in a glorious battle against the biggest foe he can find....

Need less to say MUK is dropping behind in teh levels against the rest fo teh part as he dies most adventures...... but he has proved soooo much fun to play...

Mind you the fact he keeps getting reserected doesn't help much... as no he beleives himself immortal too... hehehehe


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My shortest-lived character was a wild mage. This was back in 2e, not too terribly long after the Tome of Magic came out.

We were starting a fairly standard 1st level FR game. I decided to try a wild mage, as they looked interesting. He ended up pretty nice - a gold elf wild mage with nice stats and an interesting background.

The adventure was a standard "Oh, no! Orcs!" type of thing. The party encountered a band of them on the road, and we started to fight. I cast my Magic Missile at the leader... and surged.

Gnar. First spell, and I roll a wild surge. Not a promising beginning. We roll it, and the result is "Caster polymorphs randomly." Not good. The DM rolled on a chart - I believe it was the old reincarnation chart, and I polymorphed into a chipmunk. In 2e, you had to make a system shock roll when polymorphed, to see if you survive. I made that, but then the DM ruled that it was an involuntary polymorph, like a Polymorph Other, so I had to roll a save to keep my intelligence.

One natural one later, my character runs off into the forest, never to be seen again.

I like to think that he lived a happy and productive life... for a chipmunk.


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Pretty Good stories, here's another one:

It was a Tribe 8 Game, and My character joined halfway through the campaign, I was an Ex-Agnite turned Herite, more of the sneaky two-faced type.

I was in Junks, having Ale and started to hit on this Ex-Magdalite tribal, and the Other PC who played a Lesbian Joanite warrior (common in Tribe 8) got jealous.

It was a while ago, i cant remember what happened, but I think she spilled her drink on me, so I used animate while she was walking away to make this chair walk in front of her and trip her.

She tripped and fell and was the laughing stock of Junks. She gets pissed and run's towards me with her sword Drawn and I used animate again with another chair.

Well once again she failed her dodge roll and fell flat on her face, and the crowd was in an uproar of laughter, my NPC henchmen were making jokes and giving me 5.

I was on a roll in Junks and everyone loved it. Then she stood up crying, and used the eminence of Force.

The PC had a superb roll and threw my character into the bar at such a speed that I took a deep wound, and the bar collopsed on me causing an instant death.

Nobody was laughing anymore at that point.

Total Creation Time: 20 minutes
Total Play Time: 10 minutes


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Ok, this wasn't me but was a close friend.

We were going to be playing 2nd Ed Tomb of Horrors. The GM was rolling up random items for us. He rolled up one that allows a character to re-gen one of their stats.

After some argument the theif got it. Since his prime req wasn't that good, he decided to re-roll it. Got a 4.

At this point the party leader (who was evil, but we didn't care) lead him out into the back alley. The rest of us heard a yelp and the leader walked back in and told us we needed to find another theif.


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Warning: Spoilers for The Burning Plague

I had a rogue named Laucious Valnor. We ran the free Wotc adventure the burning plague, and after getting infected, he dropped to one hit point. Then he went scouting ahead to find the big boss, about the third fight of the dungeon, maybe an hour into the session, an Orc Clr 3. An invisible Orc Clr 3. With a charged inflict critical wounds. Well, Lauc got zapped good. Death, death, death.

Silver Moon

Shortest lived character?

That would have to be Floyd, a half-orc fighter. I had started a gnome assassin in the campaign who the party's employer had hired to spy on the party, and he joined claiming to be a thief. Two games into the module the DM made a Freudian slip, and totally blew his cover. To make up for his error the DM allowed the character an opportunity to escape, and then asked if I had a back-up character. I then pulled out my only back-up, a well-developed half-orc fighter who I had orignally rolled up and played at a gaming con.

The party found him in the next room. The half-orc managed to talk the party out of killing him, but they decided that he should take point, and I was in no position to argue. The next room had a pair of trolls, who the half-orc began to attack. Rather than joining in, the party just sat back and watched as the trolls killed the guy (total role playing time, about half-an-hour). The party then attacked and defeated the already weakened trolls. I was given a generic gnome fighter NPC for the remainder of the module. I was a bit miffed, as I had DM'ed the group for the prior 14 months, and really wanted a chance to play one of my own characters for a change.

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