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Whence Heroes Rise


Hector Weiss - Interlude with Adriane

As Hector heads off to find the elf, he cannot help his thoughts drifting back to Adriane's comment.

[sblock=OOC]So - Hector's focus is currently on the Wardens task. But he likes Adriane which makes her significant in a narrative sense. So is the possibility of something lurking around the village. His Hunting 2 seems appropriate here - he would have more than the ordinary level of experience of things that lurk and prowl. So I would bid 1 token, with the pay-off for success is that Hector gets an insight into how serious this report is, allowing him to act in a timely manner if necessary.[/sblock]

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Once A Fool
Unfortunately for Hector, his quarry (if it exists at all) is so elusive as to be naught but legend in these parts. Sifting truth from myth will be difficult.

I am going to counter your bid with a bid of 2, representing an abundance of information, but with none of it being trustworthy.


Unfortunately for Hector, his quarry (if it exists at all) is so elusive as to be naught but legend in these parts. Sifting truth from myth will be difficult.

Hector shakes his head in frustration. Its nothing but old wives tales and stories to scare children. If there is any truth in there, it needs a wiser head than his to sort it out. And for now, he has more important things to be getting on with, like trying to find out what the Warden is talking about.

Later, he will look into it later.

OOC: Not going to counter bid at this time. Which means Hector fails in his action but gains two tokens, yes?


Once A Fool
Hector has too much myth to sort through and certainly not enough time to do anything about it now.

You spend the one token that you bid, but collect the two that I bid, for a net gain of one.

Doghead = 5 tokens

Sehmerus = 4 tokens

Bloody Feather = 4 tokens

Rune = 3 tokens


Hector Weiss, the Bleeding Heart Tavern

... before turning to the elf "Hello. My name is Hector. Welcome to Hengistbury. What brings you to these parts?"

Gavin enters the establishment, careful to only sit in the clean seat . (if no seat is clean he will pull a handkerchief from his side pouch and drape it over the seat before sitting.) He then puts 2 gold pieces on the table, and raises his hand for a server. When the server arrives He will toss one of the gold to the server with a comment about "this is for you" and then flips then pushes the other coin sliding it to the other side of the table. "and this is for my drink. Elven Wine Please... and I DO prefer the Blue kind!" when the server leaves he will tip his hat over his head and kick his feet up on the opposite chair and begin to pretend to be sleeping while waiting for chadsworth.

Already keyed up by the Warden's cryptic message and Adriane's strange sighting, Hector finds his attention immediately drawn by the arrival of another stranger at the tavern. Hector gets the distinct feeling that the 'quiet day' he was hoping for is rapidly slipping away from him. Hector struggles to keep his expression neutral as the new arrival fusses with his chair before taking a seat. When the man starts throwing around gold coins and demanding this and that, Hector sighs inwardly. Bloody city folk ...

With a mental effort, Hector returns his attention to the elf and the task at hand.

Bloody Feather

First Post

Pancyfants greets Hector and invites him to sit down.

"Hello, I could not help but over hear your conversation with the young lady regarding the appearance of a lizard like creature.I do not mean to intrude, but if you feel like investigating the matter I would be glad to be of assistance. I have knack for the investigation of curious matters."


Hector Weiss, the Bleeding Heart Tavern

"That's a mighty fine offer," responds Hector after a moment's thought. And it is, allowing him to kill two birds with one stone as it does.

"But before we go skinning any rabbits, we should start at the beginning like. Why don't we start with names, and what brings you to these parts?

"I'm Hector, a deputy for Warden Torek."

Bloody Feather

First Post

"Well hello then Deputy, my name is Pancyfants, I am a student of lore from the village of Silver Thicket. I am seeking out new knowledge and experiences on my journey to become a master of lore. As to what brings me here? Well to be honest, I couldn't really say, something just drew me to the place...seems interesting, I feel like I need to be here, but I am not yet sure why. Regardless, my presence seems to have irritated some of the locals, I tried to buy Hunchback Roland a drink and appeared to have scared him away! I hear he works for someone who claims to be a wizard."


Hector Weiss, The Bleeding Heart Tavern

Hector is silent for a moment before responding.

"Its mighty nice to meet you Slim. Welcome to Hengistbury."

Hector scrubs his face, he hasn't had much sleep in that last few days, and it is starting to tell. But Adriane's story has pricked his interest, and this seems like as good an opportunity as any to look into it. It also allows him to keep an eye on the newcomer, Mr Pancyfants. There is no way Hector is going to call him that out loud.

"I guess I might take you up on your offer. You being and student of lore and all that might come in handy. If you don't have anything else to do today, then we can set off once you have finished breaking your fast."

Voidrunner's Codex

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