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Where do YOU steal your names from?


EricNoah said:
The appendices of GRRM's Song of Ice & Fire books.

We used to use the Silmarrillion and LotR appendices.

They worked for a while. Nowadays, they're too recognizable in some circles.

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pogre said:
Check you bulk mail or junk mail folders - there are some great names on those.

In the first EN World Cooperative Dungeon from CMG, that's where the NPC Definite D. Multifarious got his name from :)

Huw said:
Well, the Iliad had a character called Paris...

Man, Homer was such a hack ;)



First Post
Generally, I come up with a basic theme for an area or race and match old historical names to them. For example, in a recent campaign, humans were Arthurian influences, Dwarves used Tolkien, Hobgoblins were Hungarian names, Celestial was Ancient Greek, etc.

Then I used various historical or fantasy oriented sites for list of the types of names I'm looking for.

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
For my Firefly game, I actually went onto IMDB and made a name list from the cast and characters of Deadwood, to start. I mix and match to get some nice variation, but they all have that nice western feel. I've also gone and snagged names from Western movies using the same method.

I also do a lot of searches for name lists from specific regions, if I want the name to have meaning. I steal from mythology and religion a lot.

First, I collect them. I steal them from anywhere and everywhere, randomly generate them, whatever - but they all get written down. Every once in a great while I compile a "hotlist" of names to use.

Second, I have about 6 pages, single-spaced, no formatting, of printout that came from a name generator about 10 years ago or more. I immediately forgot/lost the link of where it came from but I have kept that list and use it extensively. The settings wound up giving it large sections of Italian-ish names/words. Nonetheless, it is PRICELESS as a resource and I jealously hoard it.

Third, I make them up. Some times it's easier than others but I honestly don't have the great difficulty that many people seem to have of just pulling names out of thin air. Not saying it's always a snap but it's never a major frustration for me if I don't have access to my personal lists.


First Post
I often write down names from scientific publications and articles (as a "professional" scientific researcher you have to keep up to date with other people's research as well). Some have a very nice ring to it!
I also have made other lists from various sources (names from books, films, etc.)

Now, if only I could remember to take the lists to the gaming table... Then I wouldn't have to improvise (usually quite poorly) when I have to come up with a name for an unimportant NPC in an instant...



A lot of times, I just make 'em up! I'm on my third PC in my current campaign. My first two names I just invented, Rinzari (gnome), and Elmuentheryn (or Elm for short) the elf druid.

Other times I modify and intentionally misspell actuall Real World names. My current character, Jerrel, is just a really-mucked-up version of "Gerald".

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