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41st lv DM
I'm happy for you guys that you enjoy that type of play but to be honest with you I think that it's pretty irrelevent to the discussion of the the release schedule. WotC could publish a book a week or no book for a year and it wouldn't really have an impact on your game. That's really what I'm trying to get at in this thread i.e. the release schedule of three setting books in a row with no adventures seems off. In fact if you go through the release schedule like this:

May 2019 Saltmarsh
June 2019 Aquisitions Incorporated
October 2019 Tyranny of Dragons Reprint
September 2019 Descent
November 2019 Eberron
March 2020 Wildemount
June 2020 Theros

one sees that of the last seven books released or about to be release, four are setting books, one is a reprint of an adventure, one is an adventure anthology and one is a brand new shampoo AP. Now I own everything released so far at least twice so I am anything but a disgruntled naysayer but still a ration of 4 setting book to 2 adventure books seems wrong to me.

I will point out that you asked me about my sessions.

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It's dubious for people who admit to not owning or playing the official releases like Descent into Avernus to accuse the OP of 'buzzsawing' or rushing through content. I've read Descent and it is 100% milestone leveling. The milestone from level 10 to 11 consists of a single encounter by the book. There are ample resources in Descent to supplement this session with side quests and encounters but even then it's hard to imagine a group of four players and a DM taking more than six hours to to complete the level 10 to level 11 milestone if that is the goal of the group. I would also add that most of the published adventures contain an imperative/incentive for the party to progress at a decent pace. That curious, interesting thing in the distance detracts from the goals of the PCs which is to save Elturel as quickly as possible.

The Big BZ

I hadn’t noticed it but you are right.

I tend to run things a fair bit slower. When I have run hardback books I have integrated AL stuff & DM’s guild into them but you seem to already do that.

Night Below is very good, and has plenty of room for side quests so good choice.

So you want stuff that fits easily into a homebrewed forgotten realms & preferably is already 5e.

Have you tried Red Hand of Doom or a Paladin in hell? Both pre 5e but both pretty good and able to fit where needed.

Have you thought about having a break from D&D for a 6-12 month campaign of some other system?
Red Hand and PiH are a good shout actually, thanks for that.

"So you want stuff that fits easily into a homebrewed forgotten realms & preferably is already 5e."
This is absolutely spot on to be honest.

With regards to taking a break? No way, we absolutely love D&D, we are committed lifers. At least two of are number have D&D tattoos for instance... Our fortnightly D&D game is our poker night, Men's Shed, R&R, drinks with buddies etc all rolled in to one and we live for it. We just wish that the release schedule provided for a bit better.

We do play a casual, monthly Cthuhlu game aswell for a change of pace.

The Big BZ

I will point out that you asked me about my sessions.
Oh no, I appreciate you taking the time and it's quite interesting for me to see how another group can play the same game as me so differently. It's a tribute the robustness and versatility of 5e really. It's just that as I have said, the release schedule has basically no effect on your group.


41st lv DM
Oh no, I appreciate you taking the time and it's quite interesting for me to see how another group can play the same game as me so differently. It's a tribute the robustness and versatility of 5e really. It's just that as I have said, the release schedule has basically no effect on your group.

You actually have no info to base that idea on.
I am a shameless thief. I will incorporate interesting bits from any & all sources (be those adventures, settings, or monster books). So the more Wizards puts out. :)
Personally I would like much shorter adventures, say 32 pages that cover only a lv or two, & more official monster books. I tell them this on every survey I take.
They aren't listening, & I can't do anything about it. So I don't waste time lamenting about it, I just get on with gaming. A pinch that, some of this, that bit of plot, & a whole lotta Homebrew (I've got more ideas bubbling around in my head than I can ever bring to the table). Takes about 2-3 hours each Wed night prep wise.

The Big BZ

You actually have no info to base that idea on.
I am a shameless thief. I will incorporate interesting bits from any & all sources (be those adventures, settings, or monster books). So the more Wizards puts out. :)
Personally I would like much shorter adventures, say 32 pages that cover only a lv or two, & more official monster books. I tell them this on every survey I take.
They aren't listening, & I can't do anything about it. So I don't waste time lamenting about it, I just get on with gaming. A pinch that, some of this, that bit of plot, & a whole lotta Homebrew (I've got more ideas bubbling around in my head than I can ever bring to the table). Takes about 2-3 hours each Wed night prep wise.
Well, I'm not looking for an argument to be honest but essentially what I mean is that with your pace of play there is enough material out there already to keep you going for years. And certainly the lack of a spring adventure book isn't holding your group back, whereas I guess with my group it is. Hope I explained that better.

Tyler Do'Urden

Soap Maker
So you guys average about 225 xp per character per session? Or about 4.5 goblins each...

Each to their own but that is a bit slow for my liking

We've had several sessions that were pure roleplaying, investigation, not a single combat... we've also had 9 players in and out, and I don't award XP if the player isn't present... and several deaths, which reset the clock to zero... so yeah, our pace is a little slow. But that way I don't burn through content so fast... and everyone keeps coming back wanting more... :)

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