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Where is the National Guard?

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You poor mistreated souls just tell me how much of my hard earned money as a donation would ease the massive pain and suffering you're obviously in thanks to the man holding you down... *insert eyeroll*

This is sarcasm by the way... Please don't ask me for money, go for work it, thanks.
Who are you addressing here? Everyone in this thread who is non-white? Everyone with politics to the left of yours?

Speaking as someone who qualifies on both counts, all I can say is: keep your money! I don't need it. My family's doing pretty well (and not because of government handouts). So no worries!

However, seeing as you're in Texas, I do have a favor to ask. Could you do something about the elected officials responsible for choosing those awful public school textbooks? You know, the history books that refer to the African slaves as "guest workers". And the science texts with Moses riding around on a dinosaur. These have have an influence on the national level. A bad one, if you're a fan of history & science.

(this might a little sarcastic, but, unfortunately, not entirely inaccurate)

Also, feel free to ask for some FEMA money if you need it. Say the next time a large swath of Texas catches on fire. I don't mind if my tax money goes to help you guys out. We're all Americans. I'm happy to help.

(sarcasm, too, but also sincere)

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Also, feel free to ask for some FEMA money if you need it. Say the next time a large swath of Texas catches on fire. I don't mind if my tax money goes to help you guys out. We're all Americans. I'm happy to help.

(sarcasm, too, but also sincere)

I'm being overly pedantic, but it would be floods, not fires. Which has already hit Texas hard, and will really bad in a couple months with the worst La Nina in recorded history.

But yeah, it struck me pretty odd to see Texas politicans say, "Jade Helm! Get the feds out of our state!" while literally at the same time saying, "Where is our FEMA support!"


I'm being overly pedantic, but it would be floods, not fires. Which has already hit Texas hard, and will really bad in a couple months with the worst La Nina in recorded history.

But yeah, it struck me pretty odd to see Texas politicans say, "Jade Helm! Get the feds out of our state!" while literally at the same time saying, "Where is our FEMA support!"

it varies. it was fires before, due to the several years of drought. this year, TX seems to have caught back up and now has an excess of water (aka flooding). Always with extremes, Texas is.


Yeah, and allowing Obama's fine for no health insurance was one of them. With that ruling, the government literally has the power to tell me that I have to buy 10 pairs of fruit of the loom underwear a month or face a tax.

Folks pay for a lot of stuff at the government's insistence. Build a house, pay for inspections and smoke detectors. Drive a car, and pay for insurance. Buy a blank CD, pay the recording industry piracy surcharge.

There are differences which are worth considering. Health insurance costs a lot more than smoke detectors. If I live in a tent I can probably avoid getting a smoke detector for it. I can't avoid paying something for health insurance, either to buy it, or to pay the fine. Although, I do have a choice of how much to get.

An alternative would be regional surcharges: Live in a city, and be forced to pay a surcharge to pay for emergency care insurance.




Gun control is a broad term that popularly gets applied to any regulation of firearms, including common-sense measures like background checks and age restrictions. Some of the proposed regulations are good ideas, some are not. And, as mentioned previously, the right to own a firearm is a right that is potentially physically harmful to others. You can shout insults at the top of your lungs, but your free speech is never going to be the direct cause of a person's death.

Freedom in general is potentially physically harmful to others. Even free speech - surely you've heard of ye olde "shouting fire in a crowded theatre," one man passing a kill order on to another via spoken word, stirring up a lynch mob, etc.

So then we don't have free speech. We have free speech with limitations. Thank you for making my point for me.

Doesn't amount to the camel's nose in the tent that you'd prefer, though. Legitimate curbs on free speech amount to charging people with crimes of speech (see preceding), which is equivalent to charging people for murder when they unlawfully use a firearm to kill someone. "Common sense gun control" amounts to muzzling people before they've had a chance to commit a crime via speech.

Furthermore, the right to free speech is intended to promote the debate of ideas. It is not intended to encourage the dehumanization of people, which is the point of racial slurs and hate speech.

And thank Heaven, here are the lefties to define the differences for us. I feel safer already.

Also, republicans stand in the way of preventing housing, employment, wage, and marriage discrimination.

No, they don't. E.g:

republicans passed the civil rights act

"Marriage discrimination" is a misnomer. Homosexuals have always had equal marriage rights. They never wanted equal marriage rights, they wanted to redefine marriage to suit them. America as a whole rejected "homosexual marriage" over and over, until the leftists managed to go over their heads and cheat it in via the courts.

Really, I think all of the so-called "anti-discrimination" laws need to go. "Anti-freedom laws" or "anti-property-rights laws" would be a more appropriate label. It's not the gov't's business who private citizens hire and fire, rent or sell to, bake cakes for (leftists should be ashamed for breaking this man over what kind of cake he was willing to bake, but the leftist mob has diminished capacity for shame), etc. If people want to forego perfectly good money out of prejudice, that's their business.

People can be legally fired or denied housing for being transgender, and republicans have been the ones to block the statutory acknowledgement of their civil rights, typically painting transgender persons as immoral perverts who want to use ladies' restrooms and women's showers for nefarious reasons.

They can be fired for being Christians, Republicans, Democrats, etc., too. This is what leftists are reduced to, these days: acting as if the sky is falling over an infinitesimally small fraction of the population. It's kind of pathetic.

If the right to bear arms is absolute and no common sense applies then people who are sent to prison for violent crimes have the right to bear arms in prison. Somehow I don't think the founding fathers were that stupid.

Restricting criminals' right to bear arms, at least while in custody, is okay by me. What with due process, and all.

None. Republican candidates have been skewing too far from center in recent years, leaning far more to the extreme right than I'm comfortable with.

Exhibit A that far leftists think of themselves as centrists, or at least, like to claim to be. The Republican party is "extreme right"? Uhm, no.

You sure you want to ask someone from a developed European country about how we do it? We also have adult gun regulations to prevent the proliferation of firearms and flooding of the black market. That's how it's done in a civilized country.

That was my point exactly; American leftists are always going on about how we need gun control because that's how they do it in Europe, but you never hear them champion voter ID, which is how they do it in Europe. Ergo, American leftists don't really care how it's done in Europe.

Back to the original topic...

I notice today that my Google News feed is void of any entries about the Oregon situation.

Mayhap this topic has run its course and the feds will just let them sit there. The media seems to be done with them.

Like I said:

After Ruby Ridge and Waco, authorities keep a low profile in Oregon
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Furthermore, the right to free speech is intended to promote the debate of ideas. It is not intended to encourage the dehumanization of people, which is the point of racial slurs and hate speech.

Like how academia in general, and the social "sciences" in particular, are now pretty much agreed that the white man is the villain of history? That kind of dehumanization? How the establishment blames all of blacks' problems on white "racism"? That kind of dehumanization?

Magic 8 ball says "no."


I'm just gonna say this. If you think republicans are the more civil rights friendly because they passed the Civil Rights Act, then you (you in general) aren't educated enough about politics to really contribute any meaningful discourse. Why? Well....I guess because it shows a complete ignorance of what the Southern Strategy was. TLDR version? The republicans now used to be the democrats when it was passed, and vice versa.


More on how they do it in Europe:

Cologne sex attacks 'require police rethink'
Mr Jaeger also warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.

“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said.

Poster boy for leftism. Criticizing rape-prone groups for being rape-prone is at least as bad as rape.

Leftist circular firing squad, open-borders fanatics vs. feminists edition.

"Cologne Mayor: Women Should Be More Careful After Migrant Mass Rapes, Promises ‘Guidance’ So They Can ‘Prepare’

"Women should be more careful," lol. What's next? "She shouldn't have worn that dress"?


I'm just gonna say this. If you think republicans are the more civil rights friendly because they passed the Civil Rights Act, then you (you in general) aren't educated enough about politics to really contribute any meaningful discourse. Why? Well....I guess because it shows a complete ignorance of what the Southern Strategy was. TLDR version? The republicans now used to be the democrats when it was passed, and vice versa.

Lemme check...yep, "liberal" northeast is still more segregated than the south. Race-relations are great in lily-white Vermont, amirite?
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Race-relations are great in lily-white Vermont, amirite?
They're okay in Philadelphia. Despite the usual ugly stuff at the Mummer's Parade -- which was denounced by almost everyone. Thing's are okay in the diverse neighborhood my wife & I live in (it's amazing what neighborhoods where redlining wasn't a common practice look like). We just elected a White mayor who had strong Black support, replacing a Black mayor with strong White support (who also rapped a pretty mean Rapper's Delight at the 4th of July celebration last year w/The Roots).

Perfect? Of course not. But livable, functional, trying to do better.

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