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Which Grammar book to get?


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C. Edward Good

Son_of_Thunder said:
Hello all,
A Grammar Book for You and I (Oops, Me): All the Grammar You Need to Succeed in Life ISBN 1892123231

I had a real problem with grammar. The way English was taught to me in school just did not sink in. I'm one of those who has to know "why?". I cannot be taught a rule "just because", I have to know the logic behind it.

C. Edward Good (A Grammar Book for You and I (Oops, Me)) is articulate, concise and most importantly explains clearly the reasons behind how and why grammar works. I'm thoroughly impressed with his grammar books and give them my highest recommendation. I recently read one of his books, and it has already dramatically helped my understanding of grammar.

Strunk & White's is indeed a classic, and is the ultimate shorthand to grammar book. I recommend keeping it on hand after reading C. Edward Good.


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Axegrrl said:
First pick: Strunk and White. It has the advantage of being short compared to most other books of the type: you're much more likely to actually read the whole thing. It has the additional advantage of being cheaper than most of the bigger books, and you're more likely to find a copy of it in a used bookstore.

Second pick: Chicago Manual of Style.

Actually, You are also much more likely to find Strunk & White's Elements of Style in a new bookstore as well! (105 pages in a paperback sized book - very pocket friendly


First Post
I had a teacher who went to school with Mr. White. I myself had the opportunity to meet him in the 1970s at a book show in Boston. (Though born in New York E.B. White was a longtime New Englander and died in Maine in the 1980s. )The 'little book' is extremely useful, and very concise - obeying its own rule of 'A sentence should have no unnecessary words, and a paragraph no unnecessary sentences'.

The Auld Grump
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Son_of_Thunder said:
Hello all,

I will be editing my brother's first foray into pdf adventure design and was wondering which of the following books to get. My needs are that I want a book to give clear explanations and help to better writing skills. The choices are as follows:

The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors and Publishers (15th Edition) ISBN 0226103897

The Complete Idiots Guide to Grammar and Style
ISBN 0028619560

English Grammar for Dummies
ISBN 0764553224

A Grammar Book for You and I (Oops, Me): All the Grammar You Need to Succeed in Life ISBN 1892123231

From my looking on the web these seem to be the best. If there are others that are readily available and you would recommend please let me know.


Son of Thunder

First, style and grammar are two different things. Chicago is a manual of one, with a little bit of the other. Strunk and White is an excuse not to look too deeply into either.

Unless you have a genuine interest in learning more about English grammar, I'd recommend you avoid all books on the subject and simply buy a very good dictionary--look up anything that strikes you as suspicious.

If you don't trust your ability to suspect or if you really do want grammar on your mind, pick up a copy of the Fowler that somebody else mentioned at a used book store. Follow the threads of its bibliography and references on Amazon. Pick up whatever interests you.

The issue really resolves to one of consistency: there is no truly authouritative manual of style or grammar. When you come to the fine points, you'll run into disagreements. Basically, you have to choose a camp--and stay there. That's the big secret of style; it's almost sad.

Keeper of Secrets

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Not to beat a dead horse but Chicago Manual and Strunk are two books you can't go wrong with.

Though the 'Idiots/Dummies' books may help you get a basic understanding of some basic grammar and editing (if you do not feel confident). But I suspect the other two are in every editor's office in the United States.

Voidrunner's Codex

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