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Which Greyhawk?

Which variants of Greyhawk would you buy?


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I will buy anything with the Greyhawk label on it. So I voted for everything (except the "I hate Greyhawk" alternative). Of course, that doesn't mean I will *use* it in my Greyhawk game. But I'm enough of a fan to buy anything published for/about Greyhawk.

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Erik Mona said:
The LGG is the basis for everything in "Paizohawk" and should probably be seen as part of the same category.

Actually, as some posters have noted, it's possible to publish a "modern" Greyhawk that is not anathema to the various "factions" of Greyhawk fandom. A great deal of the Greyhawk adventures published during Paizo's tenure with Dragon and Dungeon, for example, work in all eras of the setting with few difficulties.

The more time that passes, the less and less things like "do you accept From the Ashes" seem to matter, in my view.

Greyhawk fans agree about a lot more than they disagree about, and as long as you focus most heavily on those areas, everyone is reasonably happy.

--Erik (who spells his name with a K!)

adding to the above I voted LGG and Paizo. I use both as a basis for my GH campaign.


First Post
Voted: EGG and Paizo.

edit: I won't DM Greyhawk, its just not my bag. However, if a DM of talent offers to run Greyhawk, I don't really care which version of Greyhawk he decides to use.

Nor do I care how close to "canon" he runs, as long as its fun, I'm in.
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Dice4Hire said:
Considering Paizo basically ignored FTA while setting good adventures in Greyhawk it should not be surprising at all. Expedition is the same, basically ignoring it ever happened, except for a couple of references, and getting on with the adventure.

I fail to see why every campaign setting feels the need to explode it with a world-changing event (or yearly ones in FR). It is just incomprehensible to me.

So Greyhawk with lip service(or just ignoring) of FTA is fine with me.

Nod, I agree. Paizo/Erik Mona did a good job of throwing some props to FtA while mostly going retro to the Gygax feel, IMHO. Robilar returning to his original, cooler nature in "Expedition to the Ruins" is my primary example.
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GVDammerung said:
Could, perhaps, but won't. The result is the same - GHers are shown divided over which version of GH "rules." I will not play that game. Nothing suggests the poll results be read together and a natural reading looks at each response category seperately. The result is the appearence of a fractured GH fanbase. I'm sure that was not the OP's intent but there it is all the same. I would have checked a box - will buy any and all GH - but that option is notably absent. Instead, GHers must choose up sides or chose each option and hope the poll is artifically read as a gestalt rather than naturally as mutually exclusive categories.

But don't let me stop anyone elses fun. I'm speaking solely for me.

Currently, 62% support a Gygax version and 58% support a Paizo/Mona version. I think that means the "silent majority" agree with each other, which is what I suspected.

If you want anything and everything Greyhawk, you could check all the boxes (except the no 'hawk one), as someone already pointed out.

Erik Mona said:
Greyhawk fans agree about a lot more than they disagree about, and as long as you focus most heavily on those areas, everyone is reasonably happy.

That's what I was hoping to "prove" with this poll.

Erik Mona said:
Erik (who spells his name with a K!)

My apologies. I really, really ought to know that by now! :eek:


When 3.0 came out and they said Greyhawk is the core setting for D&D 3e I assumed as did many other people that meant Greyhawk was going to be revived. It was in a way with the Living Greyhawk campaign, but that was pretty limited. I was hoping for a continuation of the late 2e Greyhawk resurgence.
I voted for all the past and present versions, because any Greyhawk is better than none IMO.


GVDammerung said:
Could, perhaps, but won't. The result is the same - GHers are shown divided over which version of GH "rules." I will not play that game. Nothing suggests the poll results be read together and a natural reading looks at each response category seperately. The result is the appearence of a fractured GH fanbase. I'm sure that was not the OP's intent but there it is all the same. I would have checked a box - will buy any and all GH - but that option is notably absent.

I voted for all options, save the "don't play GH" one. What that mimics a "all GH option" in my mind, I do see your point GVD about this playing eras/authors off of one another in the usual fashion....


First Post
I only selected the LGG option, as that book was the one that
helped me "get" Greyhawk as a setting. Up till then, I didn't know
what to make of GH.


haakon1 said:
Currently, 62% support a Gygax version and 58% support a Paizo/Mona version. I think that means the "silent majority" agree with each other, which is what I suspected.

The fallacy within that thinking lies within the probability (however small) that the two only share a collective 20% of voters between them (42% voting for Gygax but not Paizo, 38% voting for Paizo, but not Gygax, and 20% voting for both). Such a distribution would not indicate any form of consensus. I would not find it very surprising if something like that happened. Paizo is after all, the new 'hawk and many who came to the game in 3e know nothing of Gygax 'hawk. Many old grognards refuse to convert. What I am not sure about is whether there are many grognards who use Paizohawk background with Gygaxhawk rules.

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