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Which modules you really wanted to run, but didn't get to finish ?


Front Range Warlock
Shackled City, Return to the Tomb of Horrors, Night Below, and In Search of Adventure. I now own all of these in print or PDF format. I will run them all from start to finish, someday.
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First Post
Lost opportunities...

I unfortunately read all the Age of Worms modules (as they ran in Dungeon). I wish I hadn't, then I could have played them. I think the first three mods are all classic, and I've heard of other groups really enjoying them.

We're currently slogging through Shackled City (14 months and counting...), and I'm enjoying it, but our DM keeps telling us how awesome Rise of the Runelords is. I'm keeping my nose out of it in case I play them one day...


First Post
Curse of the Azure Bonds... which I could have SWORN was in an EN conversion library at some point in the distant haze-filled past. I want to run my 3e kids thru a conversion of it as a last great send off, since the chars happen to be of the right level and I have given them JUST ENOUGH equipment to make pulling it all at the beginning a shock worth seeing.


Andre said:
I wanted to run Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, but I knew I'd never talk my group into going through it a second time. The first GM ran it mostly as is (the most interesting encounters tended to be the ones he made up himself). The CRM was such a slog, it turned us off the whole thing. Add in real life issues eating up our time, and there was never a real chance to make it happen.
I never ended up with the CRM slog. We ended in the middle because of scheduling issues with the group.

In fact, that experience was why I swore off long "adventure path" series. I knew that it would be unlikely that I would finish such a thing before the real-life issues would end the series.


First Post
Every module I've ever attempted to run has been cut short by the plans of the pcs. They never seem to want to follow the plotline set infront of them but decide to make thier own.

From now on I tend to use published campaign worlds for backround but allow the pcs to make the plot and story themselfs. Its alot more work but I feal they will like that better.

That being said I've tried to run: Tomb of Horrors (three times), Red Hand of Doom, Barrow of the Forgotten King, The Kobold King, The Forge of Fury, The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde, and Expedition to the Demonweb Pits.

I did not get to finish The Tomb of Abysthor, The Sunless Citadel, Shackled City, or City of the Spider Queen.

I played through Sunless Citadel but the one time I ran it as a PbP, I burned out and regretfully ended up informing my players that I no longer had time for PbP. The Tomb of Abysthor and Shackled City were melds into my homebrew world but, sadly, we never finished either due to military rotations. City of the Spider Queen, I deemed way above my ability and desire to run. 14th-level characters (think there were eight of them, and all the players were uber bright) were too much for my nut-sized noggin to effectively run.

Shackled City... twice.... But I will give it a third whack sometimes in the future (maybe a few years down the road)... probably after moving to a new city.

Dr Simon

-The original Dragonlance modules.

The problem with that was that we started back when everyone was in college, and then never quite got the end (DL12) before everyone went off to University. In fact I don't think TSR had quite finished producing the modules. Plus in the original game we used the pre-gen characters and nobody really cared about them.

I've tried twice more to run all the way to some sort of conclusion. Once as a PBeM, but being a PBeM it took years to get anywhere and then fell apart. Once using RQ rules instead. The problem being with both these attempts is that I'd stripped away as much of the pre-gen and railroading stuff as I could and ended up with something that was too much work for me!

-The Enemy Within campaign (Warhammer FRP)

Same as above (we must have run them consecutively or something, I can't recall!). Once again, everyone had moved on to different lives before the games company had finished producing the adventures. As I recall we got to Power Behind the Throne but didn't finish that book. The next two installments were quite disappointing anyway.

I've also had several stabs at running a Shadowrun campaign (using the pre-bought adventures) but came to the conclusions that (a) the pre-bought adventures are largely full of holes and/or railroading, (b) the game system* is a pain and (c) some people like very wierd and disturbing character concepts in Shadowrun!

(*) 1st and 2nd Ed. Owned 3rd, never played it, so haven't bothered with 4th.

I've had loads of games/adventures that I've wanted to run but couldn't because I couldn't find players interested. Horror on the Orient Express was a biggy. I'm still hoping to run my Arcana Unearthed game one day, too :(


Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil - Started it, planned to run it as a marathon gaming weekend, ended at the start of the CRM. Several in the group were from out of town, so never picked it back up.

Greyhawk Ruins - Started it a few times, even converted parts of it for side treks in a 3e campaign. It didn't really have a plot, but I liked it as an interesting place to explore.

DA Series (Adventures in Blackmoor/Temple of the Frog/City of the Gods/Duchy of Ten) - I have all four, they look interesting, I just haven't bothered to go through the process of converting them or trying to put together a BECMI D&D game.

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