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Which PS3 games to get?


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

I bought my PS3 just to have these games! (Played the first on my friend's PS3)

Must Haves based on your criteria (PS3 or XBOX)
Dragon Age: Origins (fantasy)
Assassin's Creed I & II (fantasy/sci-fi - you have to play it to get how it's both)
Batman: Arkham Asylum - yeah it's a comic book adaptation but it's a must have. It leans into the sci-fi realm a bit anyhow (as many comics do)
Dead Space (sci-fi/survival horror)

And my latest favorite: Killzone 2. Haven't played far into the single-player campaign yet, but I'm loving the multiplayer. As addicting as Call of Duty but with larger maps, larger teams, and in a sci-fi setting. What's not to love?

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I was wondering if there were any PS3 games that has arishps in them that you can pilot, upgrade and do battles? Also are there any that you has adventures with airships other than FF series?


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I had a blast playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. The combat is based on timed presses to counter or attack. But Batman punches so hard and the counters are so brutal it really makes the combat visceral and fun. My only complaint is the button mashing needed to pry open the vents.
Personally, I would note that games like Batman and Assassin's Creed 2 share a lot of similarities in gameplay (puzzle-solving using special senses, combat based on timed responses, stealth attacks, lots of climbing around and of course lots of wonderful toys). They offer an amazing gameplay experience, but that experience only lasts maybe twenty hours, even with hunting for feathers and Riddler trophies and what-not. If renting's an option, I'd go for that.

My big complaint against both of them is that they don't teach you everything you're capable of doing. In Batman, there are ways to perform takedowns they don't tell you about, and in AC2 I didn't know it was possible to turn a combatant into a human shield until I watched an IGN strategize video--after I finished the game.

Borderlands is FPS action rpg (how about that for a mashup?) with a post-apoc setting and twisted humor. I'm waiting for some friends to pick it up so we can play coop.
Borderlands is a blast in co-op. Best gaming experience I had last year.

Mirror's Edge is a first person-free running game. It is one of the games that you need to play through multiple times, the first time on easy. The game is more like a racing game that FPS, in that you need to learn new skills through trial and error and watching the ghosts of the best times to refine your skills.
I played the demo and it didn't click for me. It quickly became apparent that any sense of freedom was an illusion, with the game firmly fixed onto rails, but the comparison to racing a car on a track helps it gel.


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My friend has had a PS3 for years and I'm invited over to play when he gets a new game. ;) In all this time, the only games that have really held my interest are Valkyrie Chronicles (as mentioned by another poster) and now Modern Warfare 2 (in Team Deathmatch mode).

I'm considering buying a PS3 just to get those two games. (Depending on how my finances go in the short- and middle-term.)


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Well the games i like to play on console are RPG, Action, Action-RPG, Adventure and some puzzle and for the types are sci-fi, fantasy, horror, science fantasy, modern-fantasy. I do not like war games, FPS (better on PC) or games you control a party (sometimes if its in combat mode like the FF series).

The games I have downloaded for demo and like so far are:
Dark Sector

I noticed that most RPG console games don't really let you create the type of of character you want to play from scratch like traditional pnp rpgs and no playable races, mostly humanoids which I really dislike.
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The Uncharted series and the Ratchet & Clank Future series are phenomenal. Since they both had sequels released recently, you should be able to find the originals discounted.

One thing to keep in mind about the R&CF series is Quest for Booty which is a download only, but stand alone, second entry in the Future trilogy.
tecnowraith, judging by your comment on FPS', I'll assume you have a gaming quality PC. That being the case, get your RPG fix there with games by Bioware (Dragon Age, Mass Effect 1&2) and Bethesda (Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls), to name a couple of the big companies.

You didn't mention whether you have a 360 or not so I'll mention multi platform games just in case, anyway here are the games I've played and really liked.

LittleBigPlanet, basically an old school platformer, with level creation tools and a stupid number of user created stages to go with them. More pure fun than any other game I've played since it came out.

inFamous, it's an open world game similar to GTA, but instead of a criminal protagonist you play as someone with electricity based superpowers. One of the best games of the year.

Batman Arkham Asylum, has already been discussed so I'll just say this, it perfectly captures the essence of Batman in a great game.

Heavenly Sword is a good action game similar to God of War. It is really, really short (sub ten hours, and not very close at that), which makes it hard to recommend buying for more than twenty dollars.

Assassin's Creed 1&2, I liked and enjoyed the first game, but I acknowledge the criticisms of it (the mission structure is repetitive). The second game is just about an across the board improvement upon it making it an all around excellent action adventure game.

Prince of Persia is a good fantasy adventure game.

Tomb Raider Underworld is another good adventure game.

If you ever played and enjoyed a Metal Gear Solid Game MGS4 is must play. One of the two reasons I chose the PS3 over the 360.

And Finally you have Uncharted 1&2, third person shooter action adventure games. Gears of War is frequently reference for the gunplay (haven't played that myself, so I can't say), throw in some Tomb Raider style exploration and helping of Indiana Jones and you have an idea of to expect from the well polished games.

Oh, the other reason I picked the PS3 is coming out a month from now: God of War 3.

Personally, I would note that games like Batman and Assassin's Creed 2 share a lot of similarities in gameplay (puzzle-solving using special senses, combat based on timed responses, stealth attacks, lots of climbing around and of course lots of wonderful toys). They offer an amazing gameplay experience, but that experience only lasts maybe twenty hours, even with hunting for feathers and Riddler trophies and what-not. If renting's an option, I'd go for that.

Batman yes, AC2 no. I spent over thirty-seven hours on AC2 and didn't even try to get all of the feathers, I did collect everything else however. I'm sure I'd still be well over twenty hours without all of the collecting.

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