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D&D 5E Which three topics do you most want to receive official (WotC) treatment?

Which three do you most want to receive official WotC treatment?

  • Dark Sun

    Votes: 61 33.5%
  • Dragonlance

    Votes: 26 14.3%
  • Eberron - More Khorvaire (be it setting stuff and/or story arcs)

    Votes: 4 2.2%
  • Eberron - Beyond Khorvaire (Xendrik, Sarlona, etc)

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • Exandria - more (WotC treatement of Tal'Dorei, other lands, story arcs, etc)

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • Forgotten Realms - Campaign Setting book

    Votes: 17 9.3%
  • FR: Faerun regional book (any - list preference below)

    Votes: 7 3.8%
  • FR: Beyond Faerun - old lands (Maztica, Al-Qadim, Kara-Tur, etc)

    Votes: 10 5.5%
  • FR: Beyond Faerun - new lands (Anchorome, Osse, Katashaka, etc)

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Greyhawk (anything - world, city, castle, etc)

    Votes: 32 17.6%
  • Magic the Gathering settings (any)

    Votes: 11 6.0%
  • Mystara

    Votes: 16 8.8%
  • Nentir Vale (and/or "Nerath World")

    Votes: 21 11.5%
  • Planescape/Manual of the Planes (Sigil and Outlands, Great Wheel, and/or World Tree variant, etc)

    Votes: 59 32.4%
  • Ravenloft

    Votes: 13 7.1%
  • Spelljammer

    Votes: 35 19.2%
  • Lost Settings - any (Birthright, Blackmoor, Jakandor, Coucil of Wyrms, Ghostwalk, etc)

    Votes: 10 5.5%
  • New Settings - any (whether something completely different, licensed settings, etc)

    Votes: 30 16.5%
  • Asian adventures (Rokugan, Kara-Tur, or other)

    Votes: 19 10.4%
  • Deities & Demigods (epic monsters, heroes, demigods, gods, etc)

    Votes: 20 11.0%
  • Epic handbook (be it 16-20th, or 21st and beyond)

    Votes: 22 12.1%
  • Psionics

    Votes: 48 26.4%
  • Other optional rules - any (e.g. Incarnum, kingdom-building, tactical combat modules, etc)

    Votes: 57 31.3%

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Li Shenron

New rules modules would be intriguing, but of course it depends what modules. I think I'm done buying races and subclasses for 5e anyway, so this is probably the only way they can make me buy a whole hardcover again.

Of the settings, I might be interested in a 5e version of Planescape and Birthright, but I feel like they will probably butcher the settings like they always do with Forgotten Realms i.e. change stuff just for the sake of making it different or to promote new character material that is more prominent in the current edition (e.g. Dragonborn). I don't want them to do a disservice to the original settings, so I'd rather have nothing and just use old books, anyway converting stuff to 5e on our own is not that difficult.


I would love to see some revised DL classics, cleaned up, with usable maps, special rules (Kender minotours etc) and the original characters.
Of course as a grognard I want them to stay true to the setting.

And of course I will never get it, and if I will they will put more work into being diverse by shoehorning everybody and his mother into the setting and be it to use a hammer as a screwdriver, like it is common these days, than into thoughtful 5e mods of dragonlances moon magic etc.

Top three: Planescape, Spelljammer, "other optional rules".

Just failed to make the cut: Psionics, Dark Sun, Ravenloft.

Should have been on the list, even though I wouldn't have voted for it: Warlord.

The metaplot of Dark Sund and Ravenloft to be continued. I feel curiosity about the third continent of Krynn.

Psionic powers, but also martial adepts (Tome of Batle: Book of Nine Swords), Vestige pact magic, and a remake of Magic of Incarnum, with a totemist shaman with powers about monster traits, and spending points of essence for metamagic feats effects.

I like the shens, the race from Oriental Adventures, but I would like some more interesting racial traits.

I miss the "Oriental" base classes: samurai, ninja and sohei. These archetypes are too good to be only subclasses. I wonder about an Oriental Adventures with martial adept classes and ki maneuvers.

The concept of chronomancer and time spheres should come back because this allows lots of new crazy ideas for players, for example Dragonlance where the order of the seekers has psionic powers and Silvara and Gilnathas married and were parents of half-dragon children, like Huma and his loved Gwyneth.

I miss the transitional/racial/monster classes, and the racial parangon classes.

* I would like a new Unearthed Arcana book about optional rules, for example using an alternati list of abilities scores, like adding acuity (astuteness + perception) and spirit (courage + willpower + luck/karma/fate/divine blessing), or a "geltast" class without bonus to attack, or save check but knowing more things.
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Victoria Rules
From the list as given:

1. Mystara/Known World

2. Birthright

3. Deities and demigods - for all races

Not from the list:

1. A conversion guide comprehensive enough to facilitate conversion of monsters, characters and adventures from any D&D edition to any other.

2. Rules for non-typical combat: army-v-army mass combat; naval combat; aerial dogfights, etc.

3. Worldbuilding aids, guidelines, and suggestions (though I could probably write this myself I'd rather see someone get paid to do it, and the odds of that someone being me are extremely slim) :)

4. A guide to building and maintaining your [stronghold/castle/laboratory/temple/guildhouse as per your class] including costs, time requirements, people requirements, and other useful details.

5. A guide to genetics, reproduction, etc. that explains what can breed with what out of all those races and why (e.g. can a Half-Elf and a Half-Orc produce a child and if yes, what will its racial game mechanics look like); what the offspring will be; what the odds of pregnancy are in each case; how shapeshifters reproduce, etc., etc.

Ideally each of these would be standalone products; for example if the rules for non-standard combats are stuffed in some setting book that doesn't otherwise interest me, they might as well not exist.


Small God of the Dozens
Planescape and Spelljammer. I'm going to keep beating the drum to roll these two together into one thing, which I have portmanteaued into the wonderfully pithy Planejammer. I'd be ok with a Spelljammer/Manual of the Planes approach too.

My third pick was Dark Sun, because Mul Gladiators. I know, you all thought I was going to say the P word.


Guest 6801328

Actually, I have a top pick that isn't on the list. I would love (at some point) a kind of "5.1" of just classes, races, and feats (and maybe spells?)...not actual rule changes...representing what the WotC team would do based on lessons learned so far. Nothing major (with the possible exception of Ranger), just tweaks to rebalance stuff and address some of the biggest community criticisms.


Nentir Vale never got the book in 4e that it deserved. It would be great to see a Nentir Vale.

It could also include additional rules for Epic Destinies and/or sandbox and West Marches games. I'd like to see WotC present Nentir Vale to its strengths as a DM toolkit setting where DMs can easily fill in the blanks with danger between the various points of light.

There are several locations that could work for a starting point in the Vale: Fallcrest (as per the 4e DMG), Hammerfast, or Harkenwold.

Nentir Vale was created as a sandbox, to allow total freedom to add more things later.

But I like the idea of a "clonic world" as part of a patchwork demiplane in a transitional setting. Maybe a group of chronomancers tried to save a time sphere and they failed, and then to keep some pieces of space-time continium and avoid time paradoxes the "shard" were sent together to a new time sphere, this patchwork what is a true open door for foolest and bizarres crossovers or mash-up.

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